View Full Version : Wow, am I ever impressed.

06-07-2002, 02:03 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I went out to play some woods ball, scenario style. Unfortunately, the day was cold and rainy. Oh well, I had my warp hooked up and my mag was ready to go. I ran my CO2tank remote, and chronoed my mag in. 275, +/- 5. Not too shabby. Between bouts of rapid fire action and long periods of doing nothing, along with the weather as it was, my tank got very very cold. I run clear macroline into my valve, and my roomate noticed some liquid going into the valve. I must say that it looks pretty cool, kinda like a nice fog effect...back to the point, even though I was running remote, with a six stage expansion chamber, I still managed to dump quite a bit of liquid into my valve. I knew that wasnt the best thing, so I shot my mag into the ground, and it began venting...I began to think that my day was done, as I forgot to bring my parts kit. Well, I undid my pro-connect, let all the gas escape my gun and tried to get going again. To my surprise, when I hooked my proconnect back up, the gun gassed up perfectly. I shot it, no problems, it wasnt leaking or anything. For the true test, I took it back to the staging area and chronoed in. First shot 280, followed by a string of 273, 275, 275. Words can not describe how amazed I was by this "miracle", after all, mags cant run on CO2 ;)

On a side note, I did have to loose my warp shortly after starting play, the paint swelled up so badly from all the water, that the warp wouldnt slip past it.

More proof that mags work just fine on CO2


06-07-2002, 02:32 PM
actually, mags were made to run on co2, because when they were first made, there werent any Compressed Air/N2 tanks for paintball.

06-07-2002, 02:45 PM
Very true, this wasnt a surprise to me, so much as proof to all the naysayers out there thinking that mags need nitro. I actually am running co2 just cause I am tired of hearing that mags are unable to run on it.


06-07-2002, 02:50 PM
Actually OLD Mags were made to run on Co2, new Mags are not. They WILL work with Co2, but AGD even says NOT to use the new Mags with Co2.

This is what it says on their site about the E-mag (note: nothing specific about Co2 or N2 was in the description)

Comes with the world famous RT valve system which undisputedly is the fastest recharging valve in the world! (26 bps capable)
However…. When you look at what it says for the RT Pro (which is the same “world famous RT valve system”) this is what it says:

The high performance valve only works off compressed air - CO2 is not allowed in this system.

So, as you can see, simply saying that mags were actually made to run on Co2 because when they were first made there was no choice of N2 or Co2, is not quiet accurate in itself. If you have a preRT Valve Mag, YES, you can run it on Co2, and it was made to run on it. But any Mags that have the RT Valve are not the same mags, nor were they designed to run off of anything BUT N2.

Yes, they WILL run off Co2, and many members do so, but even AGD says NOT to. And they clearly were not designed to be.

One might say that running off of Co2 may WORK but since it is not what AGD recommends (in fact they state NOT to), that you may not be doing the best thing for your marker in the long run. You can run your car off of high grade alcohol, but that does not mean it will be good for it (note: Not a direct comparison.).

06-07-2002, 03:04 PM
Actualy Sam AGD only says that about the Retro/rt/emag type valves. I do not believe that applies to the standard AIR valves. Not that they encourage CO2 in any but your references are all markers with Retro/RT/emag Valves. Different beast all together. They still make old style AIR valves and put them in the Automag/Automag Classic and Minimags. And those will run CO2 if you know what your doing. I think Army uses an old style valve with it all the time. Hitmanng used to swear by it. But your right DO NOT use it in the RT/Retro/emag valves

06-07-2002, 03:14 PM
That was my point. Thank you.

My point was that I see all the time here on AO where people just say “mag” (as was the case this time). And then someone else comes in and says “Actually Mags are designed to run on Co2 since that is all there was when they were designed.” And the fact is that depending on what kind of valve you have, it may NOT have been designed to run on Co2 at all.

I was not arguing that NO Mags were designed to run on Co2.. that would be silly. But for someone to make a blanket statement (which is made ALL the time here on AO) that “Mags” are made to run on Co2 is simply wrong in itself. SOME Mags were.. others are clearly not. And most of the time, when someone says “Mags” they don’t mention what generation they are talking about (again, as this thread does not).

I can see some kid getting a “Mag” that is an RT Pro (or E-Mag with RT valve) and running Co2 on it.. then coming back and saying.. “Hey! They kept saying on AO that you can run Co2 with them since that is what they were made for.”

“I” know there is a distinct difference…. But one is seldom to never made when talking about it on AO.
(Added: I went and read my other post again, and it is clear I mentioned OLD and NEW Mags.... just like you just did Phil. ;))

06-07-2002, 03:25 PM
Sorry I jsut didn't think it was as clear as you might have ment it. I knew what you ment though!

06-07-2002, 03:30 PM
NP ;)

06-07-2002, 03:53 PM
Good point Shartley. I, stuipidly, assumed that people understood I was talking about the AIR valve, and not the Retro/RT valve. I have an old minimag valve...made for co2.


06-07-2002, 03:57 PM
Don’t worry about it. No harm done. http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif