View Full Version : My marker wont Re-Cock

Tony H
06-08-2002, 05:33 AM
Hi, hope someone can help...

I have what seems to be a standard mag, except for a Q-tip. The problem is that it wont re-cock for a second shot when shooting paint (it will however dry fire quite happily with no apparent problems), it also seems horribly inconsistent - some shots fall out of the barrel others can fly at normal pace.

It runs on CO2 for now.



06-08-2002, 09:09 AM
Sounds like your bolt is sticking forward. Are you pulling and holding the trigger when you gas it up? If not.. try that. Is it a new mag? You may be getting liquid co2 in the valve. How is the CO2 getting to the gun? Remote/bottomline/vert bottle adapter? Help us out and we can help you out :)

06-08-2002, 09:04 PM
might be half stroking it, that cause the valve to stay forward, but all you have to do is full stroke the trigger again. Also running co2 you need a expansion chamber or SP anti siphon tank.

06-09-2002, 11:47 AM
It could be bolt stick, after it wont fire, take a squeegie and put it down your barrel and push the bolt back, you should hear it click. It could be a powertube spacer problem.

06-09-2002, 03:32 PM
if its brand new, it might need some oil

Tony H
06-10-2002, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by FrAuStY
Sounds like your bolt is sticking forward. Are you pulling and holding the trigger when you gas it up? If not.. try that. Is it a new mag? You may be getting liquid co2 in the valve. How is the CO2 getting to the gun? Remote/bottomline/vert bottle adapter? Help us out and we can help you out :)

Thanks for the reply. Its not a new mag, infact I think its an early level 7, it runs from an anti-syphon bottom line with a 3.5oz fwd expansion chamber so liquid should not be a problem...

I seems like it could be the bolt sticking, when it has fired the trigger stays back and if you listen carefully you can here gas flowing (sound slow!) and then it cocks again. I stripped the marker down and greased the sear pivot, this seems to have helped.

On another note, I would like to upgrade the internals, a venturi bolt and 8 hole mod would be nice but my local shop has stopped stocking mag parts.

Thanks again. :)

06-10-2002, 11:55 AM
Sounds like bolt stick to me, you may want to try a shorter PT spacer. Also, pit a few drops of oil in the ASA, gas it up w/o the barrel, and dry fire about 20-30 shots.

BTW, I wouldnt reccomend those upgrades, often times they are more trouble than they are worth. Just wait, and get Level 10 when it comes out.