View Full Version : Mag Machinations....

06-08-2002, 08:22 PM
So wat's been feeling weird lately. For some reason or another, my favorite gun right now is a used minimag i picked up. I've used it almost exclusively over my PGP stroker and Eclipse cocker now for the last 3 months. Actually, that reason is that my ergo inline reg on my cocker suddenly and severly choks flow under 450psi (any ideas?).

Anyways, i have noticed that i'm one of the few mechanical mags out on the field. There are eMags, but no RT, mini's or other mags on the field. In fact, the pro shop at the field didn't carry any mags of any kind or even mag parts or barrels.

I run the minimag mostly stock, including the barrel. The only thing i changed was the plastic nubbins and the parabolic powerfeed plug and an intelliframe. Other than that, i did no work whatsoever other than mounting the drop forward and gasing it up. I have not chopped a single ball in 4 cases now.

Anyways, this kid comes up to me after a game and says "Wow, your gun shoots darts, what did you do to it? how did you make it shoot flat like a cocker?". And my favorite, guy with an angel asks me "where did you get that? Its so old school, its like the first reliable semi they made".

I was saving up for an ReTro valve and lvl10 upgrade. But you know what? I like running a 5 year old stock mag (its a no stars to boot). I love it when someone tells me how i have to upgrade blah and blah to make my gun competitive, to which i respond "well, i did get you the last two games". Hmmm...maybe i'll get a crown point barrel too.

06-09-2002, 12:30 AM
'nuther testament to AGD's excellence.

Creative Mayhem
06-09-2002, 07:48 AM
while I agree that AGD makes the best markers out there, you must take player skill into the equation. A noob with an angel is still a noob. If you were better than the rest of the guys then it doesn't matter about the marker, or what valve you have. I to have a mini with the stock valve, and it works just as good as, if not better than my angel. Just not as fast, obviously.