View Full Version : My Wreck...

Duck Hunt -xi-
06-09-2002, 02:36 PM
yeah i got in a wreck yesterday morning,

started out like this

i got up at 6 am to go take my ACT, on the way there, their is a light called 121 and spring creek, well 121 is a major highway and spring creek is just a crossroad, any ways i was turning off of 121 to go onto spring creek.

the light turned yellow, i waited a bit, it probably was red by now, so i went. bad idea. i guess the other guy ran the red light, i was trapped in the intersection so i had to go, but im pretty sure this guy punched it to try and make the light. anyways i dribe a 2001 toyota tacoma quad cab bout 15500 miles on it. so anyways he t boned me going about 70, totoally ****ed up my truck, im alright. so i call my parents tell em im screwed, then i get outa my car and the other dude is still in his car, so i run over there and hes all histaricall (he got poped with an airbag) so i reach through the back window and pull the lock mechanism, and then i basically rip off his door. Then i help him down to the ground. when i pulled him outa his car he didnt have his seat belt on, im not sure if he took it off before or he just didnt have it on, anyways, i hit a 2nd car, my truck was about to flip, i was on 2 wheels and a laddy sighting at the light saved my ***, i nailed the side of her car causing me to go back on all 4 of my wheels.

anyways it looks like im getting a ticket for not yielding the right of way, im mean maybe i should still get a ticket but doesnt he deserver a part of the blame for ****ing running a red light... anyways im supposed to meet later this week with the cop to get my citation. im pissed, but im hopping the guy i hit is alright. i could only see a scrape on his knee, other than that i couldnt tell if he had internal injuries. probablly a concussion. i have full coverage thank god, but im only 17 so now my rates are ganna sky rocket. about 10 minutes after the wreck my unlce drove mt to go take my ACT, yeah i was shaken up pretty bad, and then i had to go take a test that will get my into a college... i think i actually did good on it but who knows for 4 weeks.

any ways just wanted to share part of my bad day...

Duck Hunt -xi-
06-09-2002, 02:37 PM
i will try to take some pictures later

06-09-2002, 04:01 PM
I feel your pain man, I've been in a ****hole wreck too. And dealt with ******* cops. And taken the ACT 3 times. None of which are much fun... Good luck w/ everything. Glad you're ok!

06-09-2002, 04:06 PM
yea,glad to hear ur ok,ive never been in a wreck(knock on wood)

06-09-2002, 04:10 PM
Hey Duck Hunt,

Sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad you're okay.

Duck Hunt -xi-
06-09-2002, 09:42 PM
thanks guys glad to know ya care

06-10-2002, 12:56 AM
wait a sec so you got out got the guy that t-boned out of the car got back in your car and someone hit you?

from what it sounds like is you got hit twice once t-boned another you almost fliped but hit a laddies car and stoped you from flipping.

but i am glad that your alright just im a bit confused

Duck Hunt -xi-
06-10-2002, 01:02 AM
i was tboned, i pulled out the guy that t boned me

06-10-2002, 01:07 AM
ok just at the end you talk about another crash it seems like :P

Duck Hunt -xi-
06-10-2002, 02:05 AM
ur the crashking u should have understood.. :)

06-10-2002, 03:21 AM
dont you see i had crashing on my mind so it sounded like you crashed twice :)lol

06-10-2002, 07:30 AM
Well, I'm glad to hear that your ok. I remember my first accident (I don't count hitting a deer as my first accident), I was coming home from college, and I hit a patch of black ice. I skidded off the road, and hit a telephone pole. I totalled my car in that accident (1978 Old Cutlass Supreme) and snapped the telephone pole about 10 feet above ground. If I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, I'd have been much worse off. That guy that t-boned you, IMO, was lucky. Yes, he had the airbag, but that's not enough. Hopefully, he wears his seatbelt too. Sorry to hear about your truck and possible ticket. The good news is, you weren't hurt, and you were still able to take the ACT (don't know whether that's good news or bad :) ).

06-10-2002, 10:35 PM
man, thats tough. im also gald ur ok and i hope everyone else is too.