View Full Version : What to purchase

06-09-2002, 08:58 PM
I am going to buy a mini-mag for $329-319. I'm curious, I have read that you need a warp feed system to stop chopping, is this true? I hope not. I'm on a limited budget and i can barely afford the gun and a revi hopper. Right now my upgrades are on the back burner. I'm curious if I can run a straight hopper or do I need the Warp feed?

06-09-2002, 09:13 PM
seems to me like this will be your first 'mag. if so, i don't think you should worry about the warp feed. you'll have to get acquainted with the trigger first, then you'll have to get a trigger capable of out-shooting the hopper. i still haven't accomplished this, and so i don't think that i need a warp. the warp is for those serious 'mag users with either electro frames or intellifeed, or E-mags. it is useful in removing the hopper from the top of the gun.

if i were you, which i basically am, i would wait until you start out-shooting your hopper. worry about a warp later.

06-10-2002, 09:09 PM
i'd have to say the best thing you can buy for your mag would be a compressed air tank. while you can use co2 it is a must that you keep liquid co2 out of the valve.

06-11-2002, 12:04 AM
no, a warp feed is not essential in not chopping balls. Schnitzel about stated what needs to be said