View Full Version : D-Day stories!

06-09-2002, 11:27 PM
I hope this is the first thread on this i just got back. If u have some post them, here are some of mine.

I just got my tank fixed for the first time and i wanted to go fight. I went off towards the beach just as about 30 allies were landing on the beach. I went out to the germans and just as i got there two Germans were walking to the dead zone. they said "Have fun ur all alone" I was like o great me vs 30. I went out found a bunker and they opened fire. Now lets think about this... 30 people shooting lets say 5 bps. Thats 150 balls flying at me a second. I was like EAT THIS and fanned my trigger .... They finnaly hit my harness after i had gotten like 20 of them.

I got reinerted and i snuck my way thro their lines and into Firebase Beta just up the road from the beach. As i rounded the hill an American tank rolled in front of me and fired a morter. It missed me and i hauled to the Firebase. When i popped up i was between the fighting and didn't know which side to shoot. I finally saw my frined that made the perfect shot and shot at the opisite side. I amde my way inside the acctual Firebase and we were soon surrounded by tanks. We pulled out our bazokas and ..
opened fire. We got both tanks and held of 3 waves of advancing Allies. My fun was cut short after running out of paint.

I am tired or typing. Maybe i'll do more l8r. Everyone needs to buy an issue or APG whent he D-Day artical is out and look in the group photo in the far right above the flag for an RT and Dye Invision. Thats me :)

06-10-2002, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by AssassN

I just got my tank fixed for the first time and i wanted to go fight. I went off towards the beach just as about 30 allies were landing on the beach. I went out to the germans and just as i got there two Germans were walking to the dead zone. they said "Have fun ur all alone" I was like o great me vs 30. I went out found a bunker and they opened fire. Now lets think about this... 30 people shooting lets say 5 bps. Thats 150 balls flying at me a second. I was like EAT THIS and fanned my trigger .... They finnaly hit my harness after i had gotten like 20 of them.

I got reinerted and i snuck my way thro their lines and into Firebase Beta just up the road from the beach. As i rounded the hill an American tank rolled in front of me and fired a morter. It missed me and i hauled to the Firebase. When i popped up i was between the fighting and didn't know which side to shoot. I finally saw my frined that made the perfect shot and shot at the opisite side. I amde my way inside the acctual Firebase and we were soon surrounded by tanks. We pulled out our bazokas and ..
opened fire. We got both tanks and held of 3 waves of advancing Allies. My fun was cut short after running out of paint.

1. I'm sorry Chris but, no...

2. Thats would be Firebase Alpha...Germans had Firebase Bravo. Also Allied had 4 tanks...They couldn't have surrounded Firebase Bravo.

(sorry if it seems like I'm trying to bash on you)

06-10-2002, 11:40 AM
firebase alpha had the fuel in it right? if it did i was in bravo. i wasn't with the fuel. and 2 tanks were circling our firebase what ever it was called. and considering that they could almost always hit us they might as well have had all of their tanks.

06-10-2002, 11:41 AM
yes i know we had bravo but they were trying to take it. the allies had like 3 or 4 waves where they tried to over run us with that stupid tank with like 8 morters

06-10-2002, 11:42 AM
also BTW during the night fight where did u end up?? I lost u after we charged a little. i thought u were right next to me and i was talking to some guy and he is like i don't know who u think i am but i am not Jordan.

Mega Man
06-10-2002, 02:19 PM
Well even though the Allies lost the night game I had a hell of a time, our little group known as Big Bird rushed up and blew the tank for the extra points, it was a blast, was anyone here in Big Bird, I thought I saw a mag and an E-Mag in the unit...

06-10-2002, 05:52 PM
Well guys, I had my poster up on my car and i was right accross from the Allied briefing tent. (I could throw a rock and hit it) The only other AO person I met all weekend was Tack. Nice to meet you and too bad the organization was not better. I did not have a lot of confidence in the 82nd Commander. I tried to find you Sunday but couldn't. Oh, well, maybe i'll see you at the MO AO meet.
Anyone who was there on thursday for the Obsticle course, I was the guy in the BDU pants and black Ranger T-shirt. The course was a little Disorganized, as seemed to be the norm, but fun and a little challenging. Some people had no business attempting the thing, but you have to give them an A+ for even stepping up to the plate! I like to see next years run as an individual event, with special teams being put together from those that complete it.
I ended up playng with the Rangers. The Sun Spiders, Wet Works, and members of the Renegades scenario teams as well as my wife and I and a few others, all made up the Rangers. I think we worked well together and we accomplished the Radar station and bridge missions within the first 2 1/2 hrs of the game.
Regardless of who won, I had a great time!

p.s. I saw lots of mags out there, too!

06-10-2002, 07:34 PM
Anyone here who was in the 82nd at Charlie and got snipped....That was me and 2 of my friends in our ghille suits!!!!!!

Also at the award ceremony that was my friend's Grandpa who won the oldest person there

06-10-2002, 10:06 PM
i wish i could have a story from d-day

06-10-2002, 10:21 PM
is this the one that was at oldriver paintball in florida??:confused:

06-10-2002, 10:32 PM
rikkter: No...Oklahoma.:D

06-10-2002, 10:37 PM
oh, well, i went to a D day one in oldriver paintball, i was the german.. we won too! woot