View Full Version : any advice for me???

06-10-2002, 10:55 PM
i had an automag classic in a garage for 4 years. what damage might i have done to my gun??

06-10-2002, 10:58 PM
Take it apart to be sure no critter got in and made a nest, re-assemble. Put a few drops of oil in the ASA or quick disconnect, and dry fire it without the barrel on for 30-40 shots. Put the barrel on, fill the hopper and go play!

06-10-2002, 11:07 PM
do i have to take apart that silver thing on the back of the gun?? and what is a good oil for this thing???

06-11-2002, 01:06 AM
KC Oils are good, as are Gold Cup. You SHOULDN'T have to take the valve apart. Everything is stainless steel (except the rail and grip frame) so rust won't be an issue. Just oil it and gass it. If she leaks, replace the faulty o-ring(s).

Good Luck ~ Jonesie

06-11-2002, 10:31 AM
I would unscrew the velocity undjuster and put some white lithium grease on that. Just take the regulator apart and check to make sure everything looks right and is oiled slightly. You won't need any oil on the bolt, although I usually put a SLIGHT amount to help keep the bolt moving smoothly. Do the oil-in-ASA thing cause that should get everything working good.

Edit: also clean off your regulator seat so no dust is on it. The area around the regulator should be very clean, as with the area by the regulator pin. So check that too.