View Full Version : Where are all the fine paintball ladies?

06-11-2002, 12:27 AM
Ive been around a few paintball fields, and i always seem to notice that there are not too many ladies. Why is that? Because, I know if I saw a good looking girl playing paintball I would probably be the first one shot by her.

if you are one of the above mentioned females, please post here to let all of us paintball guys know.

06-11-2002, 01:52 AM
if there happens to be any... pretty ladies on here...

I'm available, you can visit my site at www.wherearemypants.com for details.

I like paintball, rainy days, and driving like a maniac. And driving my VEEETTEEEECCCHHHH HONDAS!!

06-11-2002, 02:10 AM
WTF? tryin to pick up chicks over a forum... HOW LAME! lol... sad...

06-11-2002, 02:38 AM
I thought you were a smart little asian, I guess not.

I was HOPING that you would see that I was JOKING when I said "visit my site at www.wherearemypants.com"

you fool temperature, j00 are the lame one :D

06-11-2002, 05:54 AM

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Joke or no joke.

Now, as for where are all the females playing paintball, or on AO? That has been talked about on here from time to time.


And there are many more.

However the current trend on AO to objectify women might turn a few of them away, and I would not blame them. And I will not even get into what my Wife thinks about all that.. and she HAS played paintball.