View Full Version : Richochet=Goodness.

06-11-2002, 01:45 AM
You guys like customer service?
I e-mailed the Richochet guys yesterday about a broken body and expressed my concerns about the brittleness of thier loaders, and asked if I could buy a new body.
They answered TODAY, asked for my address and said they would ship me a new body from thier improved, tougher material, on Friday, as soon as they recieved them. No Charge. How can you beat that?
For any wanting to know why I use a Rk2k: It is lighter than anything else, smaller, uses one battery, and clears my warp hose perfectly with no modification. It is so low, it actually sits a little lower than the body of my mag.
Posting pics soon.
Brent Jackson, ACE-PFB.

06-11-2002, 07:12 AM
has anyone seen the new richochet AK loaders? I'll probably get one of those, i dont need all the tourney features and it still feeds just as well.

06-11-2002, 08:47 AM
Ya, I have seen the new Ak's there pretty nice. Richochets hoppers totally kick butt. You said everything that needed to be said M-a-s-s-Driver and for that matter everthing I could have said about the richochets.