View Full Version : Macroline antisiphon question for the techs

06-11-2002, 11:13 AM
Recently I bought a shocker, I am gonna run it on a 20oz Co2 set up with ANTI-siphon, I have checked them out online and how they are set up. I noticed that the tubes are made of copper. Being the "see it I can make the equivalent from stuff at the hardware store" type of guy (within a safe means) wanted to know this. Macroline, when heated a little , will hold it's shape when it cools. So I was wondering if I can replace the copper tube with macroline that has been heated to the same shape the copper tube should be when it is in the tank, will this stand up to the liquid Co2 and keep it's shape or am I gonna be lookin at a nightmare? I know there are no pressure tolerences to worry about seeing as the line isn't what is holding pressure, so I found if you heat the line to where it almost melts and then cool it off fast after it has its shape, it makes it really hard and bends very little. Will this have any problems being frozen and being exposed to liquid Co2. I only ask this cuz I already had the fittings and some left over macro, rather than going out to hunt down 4 inches of copper tubing

How about it Tom? any ideas?

06-11-2002, 11:40 AM
I have a feeling that eventually that macro will freeze and get brittle. possibly even break if you were to accidentally jar the gun i.e. slding into bunker. Your best bets just to get the anti-siphon system and have it setup for your marker.