View Full Version : Classic does not shoot strait or accurate, help!

06-12-2002, 12:19 PM
I am a 68 classic, it has a lapco big shot barrel and all else is stock. During games I break tons of balls when shooting at a faster pace (not short stroking)! Sometimes the balls are curving rapidly (new paint) and just breaking alot. Once one breaks thats it because a million will bra afterwards. Is there a better barrel I should be looking for, which one? Thanx any suggestions would be great.
P.S have 12v also.

[email protected]

06-12-2002, 02:23 PM
Is the paint/barrel match good? Do you squeegee your barrel once you break a ball? Where do the balls break (bolt face, barrel)? Are you sure they aren't ball chops?

06-12-2002, 02:58 PM
also check the nubbin and see if its not to pointy and in the correct place.


06-12-2002, 04:43 PM
Make sure you are getting paint to the gun fast enough, your nubbins are good, you arent short-stroking (you say you arent, but sometimes you just cant tell you are doing it), and your paint is the right size for your barrel. Its getting hotter, and the paint is swelling. It might be too big.

06-12-2002, 05:19 PM
if the paint is old, it is most likely warped, or brittle causing ur probs, otherwise, what the others said

06-12-2002, 08:34 PM
Thanx for the help! The nubbins seem to be fine, i am not short stroking, i do squegie when balls break.. It seems like they break towards the bolt more, they feed in fine cz i have a 12v. Supposidly the Lapco Bigsot can shoot new ball so i been using powerball. I am lookin into a new barrel, any suggestion for accuracy and consistancy, also good with paint?? thanx


06-12-2002, 09:04 PM
What bolt do you have? It could break if you have a foamiebolt without a foamie. For the barrels, all balls are different sizes. I'd say get some sort of barrel set.

06-12-2002, 09:30 PM
Maybe it could be the bolt, it is the stock bolt.. should i look into buying a new bolt for it? if so wut is good?

06-12-2002, 11:43 PM
its not the barrel ive ahd a few of those. chances are you are short stroking. trust me on this one it doesnt feel like a short stroke when it happens but it is. i used to have the same problem. just think harder about ur trigger finger when firing. notice how u said only at high rof...well then it could only be short stroke. to practice find sumthing to shoot at fast...not people...and just focus only on the trigger and no short stroking. make sure every pull is complete beyond a doubt in ur mind. if u still break then i dont know wat to tell ya. but i would put 100$ on short stroke

06-13-2002, 01:22 PM
thanx wicked wayz, i'll try that.. but i do want to upgrade to a better barrel and maybe bolt, i got $150 to spend, what is the best barrel for accuracy and consistancy with the 68? bolt? thanx


06-13-2002, 02:19 PM
get an all american

06-13-2002, 04:29 PM
Dont get a new bolt. The stock bolt is just as good if not better than aftermarket bolts. The lvl 10 will include a improved bolt, so save your money for that, it will also reduce chopping.

If you are going to get a new barrel get some kind of barrel kit(Freak, CP, etc). That will help you the most accuracy wise because accuracy is 99% paint-bore size match.

06-13-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by BenRob6969
I am a 68 classic huh?
well, i think u might have some loose paint in ur hopper that has broken and it is getting on ur balls. therefore making them curve

06-13-2002, 07:12 PM
That reply just doesn't sound good at all lol. Any I think all above statements made could contribute to your problems. Make sure the trigger rod has 1/16" between it and the trigger before pulling. Then pull the trigerr and make sure there is a gap between the trigger and trigger frame. You may want to chack airguns website and see if in the faq they list the tirgger rod length. If this has been changed.. it could cause you to short-stroke even though you're pulling the trigger all the way. You may want to make sure you don't have any feed problems. I know you have a 12v revvy but that just agitates the balls. If theres a hang somewhere in the powerfeed tube of the powerfeed plug then the revvy is useless. Tom Kaye posted once to remove your barrel and put the handle of a screwdriver or wooden spoon to black incomming paintballs from falling through feed tube. Then load up the feed tube with 6-8 balls and press them lighyly with your finger. Then remove the obstruction and let the paintballs feed with your finger pressure on them. You want to feel for a pause or "hang" in the feeding. You may need to tilt the marker forward to allow the paintballs to rollout. If you feel a pause then it could be a tight spot in the feed path, or a feed plug problem. This could cause chops as well under high ROF