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06-12-2002, 08:15 PM
ok i was just reading a article on paintballravi.com on about 5 steps to getting a better trigger pull. most of them seemed pretty simple to me. if anyone has experience with wat he has written can you help me out....does it really work? im not trying to offend him but i just need more opinions before i start sanding away at my sear.

if u want to read it urself u can find it at...


thank you in advance

06-12-2002, 09:09 PM
Ravi knows 'Mags, like I know brain surgery.......he don't.

Leave the trigger alone, it is set for optimum performance from the factory. If you want a faster trigger, get a Retro or an Emag.

Load SM5
06-12-2002, 10:49 PM
Don't do it. You are screwing with factory specs that are'nt meant to be screwed with and wearing down parts prematurely.

06-12-2002, 11:14 PM
watta bout just polishing the part where the sear and bolt meet to make it more smooth? im not talkin about sanding it off at all just polish

06-12-2002, 11:39 PM
well lets' see, you've asked for guidance from the guys here at AO. Two of them with a combined post total of over 5000 posts say DON'T DO IT MAN!, I'd say that any messing you do from this point on is on your head...

seriously, don't mess with the trigger stuff, if you absolutely have to have a slicker trigger pull, grease the parts that rub. Grease the back of the trigger where the sear touches it, grease the sear face where it contacts the bolt, grease the bottom of the on off pin.

Is it a trick solution? Nope. Is it safe for your parts? Yep. This is what I did to my mag's trigger and there was a significant improvement in the feel of my trigger.

And the best part is, it won't prematurely wear out all my valve and sear stuff...

06-12-2002, 11:50 PM
well if u noticed the first question was on sanding the second was polish...2 diff things but ya i dont think im gonna mess with it im not really mr mechanical and ill prob break sumthin but thanks for all the help guyz i appreciate it

06-13-2002, 12:43 AM
this i can tell you about sanding and polishing. if done with absolute precision it will do what he says.BUT!!! you better have the money to replace it soon. that sear will wear out after a few months of normal wear. i know from my own experience. believe it when these guys tell you most tricks and upgrades are a waste of money. i have spent close to $1,000 dollars on upgrades. a few were great most cost me time, money and dignity.

06-13-2002, 05:25 AM
Frankly, I suspect half of Ravi's well known short-stroking problems with mags comes from him doing those mods. Having bought a second-hand mag with the Ravi mod done to it, putting a stock sear solved half of my problems with it (The other half are definitely power-tube related).

The best trigger performance mod you can do is to simply buy an intelliframe.

06-13-2002, 05:45 AM
if you want to, go ahead, it does make the tirgger more crisp and has a better feel to it, but they are right, it does wear down lot faster. on AGD's website sears are only 15 dollars.

06-13-2002, 02:03 PM
i have a friend who shaved his triger on his rt. he had to buy a new frame though

06-13-2002, 10:47 PM
once again, this question rears it's ugly head. Back in the day, 95 for me, when I got my minimag, there weren't a lot of things to do to a mag. That being said, this article of Ravi's (which has been around since at LEAST 96) is a compilation of the things we used to have to do to change anything on a mag (performance wise).

if you ever do any of these mods, be sure to have 2 extra sears and an extra bolt.

If you get too aggressive with your work, you WILL ruin a sear, go easy on the second one. The one that was in your gun when you started? Put it in a safe place, just in case.

Polishing lightly works to lighten pull, Beveling slightly works to lighten pull, dishing the middle (another trick that was done for a while) helps to lighten pull. My beveled polished, and dished sear goes full auto occasionally.

I would NOT reccomend the trigger rod adjustment. I would NOT reccomend the on/off valve work (especially because the on/off top talked about is not widely available anymore). I would also NOT reccomend the on/off pin polish either. too chancy IMO.

I am not sure that PTP still makes spacer kits, but you can buy the kit from AGD now.

LASTLY. If you pooch the sear, try again, once you are down to your original sear, STOP. make sure that you have enough parts to get the gun back to original if you screw up.


06-13-2002, 11:51 PM
well said banzaimf

06-14-2002, 09:22 AM
Just don't blame AGD for a gun that doens't work properly after you mess with it. Listen to these guys, they know what they are talking about.

06-14-2002, 11:42 AM
ok ON ravi's trigger job it SAYS it will wear the sears out faster. OBVSIOULY if ppl do this they most likely read the WHOLE thing, therefore. they read that and are now aware of sear wearing more.