View Full Version : "Sonic Super Cannon" the pro's and cons of the Ramrod barrell

Patron God of Pirates
06-13-2002, 11:37 AM
Played yesterday in mild rainfall, my Warp refused to push paint. I could get off strings if the balls were loaded recently, but if they sat in the feed tube for more the a min. or so they stopped feeding. After getting tagged twice as a direct result of my inability to return fire, I went and grabbed my ever reliable Tippmann M98.

I recently purchased a Spyder threaded Ramrod barrel with a lapco adapter for it. Yes I know, this barrel does not do what it is supposed to, in fact it sucks. It sucks in every way imaginable. With the velocity cranked all the way up I can't get over 270. Consistency goes right in the tank: + or - whatever, and I mean whatever. If you are shooting at anything over 20ft away you are basically spraying a 10 ft. wide area. The barrel, which is supposed to make it easy to fire through barrel breaks, causes barrel breaks...... tons of them, like one in every 5 balls. Keep in mind that it does all of these things even when it's not raining. The rain just compounds the issue.

The combination of 98 / Ramrod does have one redeeming quality: It creates the loudest paintball marker on the planet. You may not find that redeeming, especially for woods ball, but I love it. It is louder than dry firing without a barrel. I don't understand why, but when you shoot balls through it, it sounds twice as loud.

Playing with the "Sonic Super Cannon" I discovered something: Super loud is just as good as super quiet. It is confusingly loud. No one had any idea where I was shooting from..... ever.

I took some shots at the other team from way to far away to break paint, while hiding in some small fur trees. The other team hit the deck and started looking in every direction for me. They could not tell where the shots came from because they sound like they are coming from everywhere.

I cannot tell you how fun this was. I took some shots while I was the last man alive on my team. The other team thought they knew where the shots came from and ran right past me. So I shot them all in the back.

I just thought I'd share that with you.

Will Wood
06-13-2002, 11:47 AM
Lol sounds like fun-I say a article in PB2X about it---Horrible..showed breaks, crap getting stuck in it, etc.

Another way to get a loud barrel is to cut down your stock barrel. I don't know if it is as loud.

06-13-2002, 12:14 PM
The loudest barrels are the old original spiral honed Armson ones. The muzzle break made a loud 'barking' type noise.

I used to get pulled for chrono with my mag and be found to be doing 270fps!

Very noisy barrels. Accurate too.


06-13-2002, 12:17 PM
LOL...even though it suked, it sounded like fun

06-13-2002, 12:17 PM
I thought the stock barrel was loud enough. Until I got a teardrop on,we used to call my 98 barking dog. What a name.

06-13-2002, 04:15 PM
You must have never heard a Vector before if you think your Tippman is the loudest marker on the planet.
my field owner uses an old discontinued Vector paintball marker, we've had people claim that they were being shot at by a 22 rather than a paintball marker because its SO loud!

06-13-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

Playing with the "Sonic Super Cannon" I discovered something: Super loud is just as good as super quiet. It is confusingly loud. No one had any idea where I was shooting from..... ever.

I took some shots at the other team from way to far away to break paint, while hiding in some small fur trees. The other team hit the deck and started looking in every direction for me. They could not tell where the shots came from because they sound like they are coming from everywhere.

I cannot tell you how fun this was. I took some shots while I was the last man alive on my team. The other team thought they knew where the shots came from and ran right past me. So I shot them all in the back.

I just thought I'd share that with you.
lol the same thing happened to me when I unscrewed the front of my AA when I still had it in the middle of a game. I just shot randomally and they fleed. No one knew where I was besides the people standing right next to me. LOL Everyone was staring.

Patron God of Pirates
06-13-2002, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by j.t.
You must have never heard a Vector before if you think your Tippman is the loudest marker on the planet.
my field owner uses an old discontinued Vector paintball marker, we've had people claim that they were being shot at by a 22 rather than a paintball marker because its SO loud!

I'm talking specifically about the 98 / Ramrod combination. I've never heard a Vector, but it is hard to believe any gun not using gun powder could be loader than this.

06-13-2002, 04:54 PM
Back before I quit playing (recently restarted after a 3+ yr pause)I had a dye ss 14" and an armson 8" spiral rifled barel with a 1.5" - 2" muzzle break on it, in my mini. The place I play at has both a few outdoor and couple indoor warehouse fields. Outside I would use the dye but man, inside the 8" armson rocked. With the concrete walls and about 6" useable length of barrel this thing was loud. I would fire of some rounds and watch people drop out of fear I was shooting 300+. I figured with as much noise as this thing let off plus the echos off of the wall there was know way to find out where I was from listeneing alone. I need to find another one :)

Creative Mayhem
06-13-2002, 05:53 PM
Vectors are un believably loud. I knew a guy that had 2, they are accurate but extremely loud! Back then I thought the VM 68 was loud but it had nothing on the vector. I agree, the vector sounds like a 22. JUST LOUD PERIOD!!!

06-13-2002, 06:23 PM
I loved my PMI-III,loud as hell.Back in my woods days it was awesome.

06-13-2002, 10:51 PM
One of my friend's I play with used to have a Ramrod. Everyone always DID find him because of the noise tho.

06-13-2002, 11:15 PM
J.t.- I disagree with you, most .22 rifles are not as loud as those vectors! There's one field called "urban combat" with a large group of wooden buildings. When there's a vector on the field the noise reverberate's off the walls and it sounds like someone is out there with a 410 shotgun!

06-14-2002, 11:53 AM
LOL! I'll have to borrow my field owners Vector for next time I play indoors! Hey, your from Maine, what do you think of playing with Vector in Splatz?!