View Full Version : will all the single male Star Trek guys between the ages of 20-40 please stand up.

06-13-2002, 11:45 PM
And for the love of god, explain to us WHY???

:D ;) :) :rolleyes: :mad: :cool:

Load SM5
06-14-2002, 07:45 AM
What's the point? You know Star Trek guys don't date girls.

06-14-2002, 07:54 AM
HEY HEY HEY, no no, the guys who dont date girls are people that show up at the premiers of star wars, and people named BlackWolf the Dragon Master(if u saw triumph's video u understand this)

Trekkies own all your faces, then again i didnt sleep last night. Lemme think, i been up uhh since 3pm yesterday......wooooo

06-14-2002, 08:24 AM
HEY!!!!! I date. I went out last night(with a girl). I feel mildly insulted.

But I'm 19...not 20-40:D :D

06-14-2002, 10:05 AM
Why is it no Star Trek guys are still sitting? :D

06-14-2002, 05:13 PM
really, star trek...BOO!!!. STAR WARS. STAR WARS

06-14-2002, 07:34 PM
"Single Male" and "Star Trek Guys" is a little redundant.

06-14-2002, 08:27 PM
After the poor quality of the last two star wars films, I have come to the conclusion that george lucas is an idiot, and star trek is much better than i previously thought.

This is probably because i saw an outstandingly entertaining Voyager with the Q continuum! go Q you wacky funster!

06-15-2002, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Jonneh
After the poor quality of the last two star wars films, I have come to the conclusion that george lucas is an idiot, and star trek is much better than i previously thought.

POOR QUALITY?? How can you call Yoda kicking someone elses *ss with a lightsaber "poor qaulity" i mean, if thats poor quality then there is no high quality stuff. i mean that was rotfl funny. and ODNT insult one of the greatest minds that ever lived. GL is awesome, you have to give it to im...he has a very good imagination.

This is probably because i saw an outstandingly entertaining Voyager with the Q continuum! go Q you wacky funster!

i dont even know who you talking about. star trek always has put me to sleep, so even if i DID start watching, they wouldn't have donw sqaut till I fell asleep.

this is JUST my oppinion, dont get offended by it, just what I had to say

06-15-2002, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
What's the point? You know Star Trek guys don't date girls.

OOOOOOOOO you're gonna get it at Shatnerball for that one Load........lol :D

06-15-2002, 10:06 AM
Ummm, this is why people consider America dumb. If you think Star Wars Episode 2 was a good movie just because it had a cool ending with Yoda, you are no more intelligent then the people who viewed Shakespearean plays. IMO, Episode 2 was a big let down, the beginning wasnt planned very well with the stupid chase scene and there wasnt really a point to it. Some "clone war" it went on for one scene then the movie ended. Star Trek is much better, and Jonneh i must applaud you, GO Q CONTINUM!!!

06-15-2002, 10:10 AM
i think the reason why there isnt as much "action" in star trek shows is because they are shows not movies like starwars

starwars movies have about an hour an a half to put in some point so they put in lots of chopping off peoples heads and random massive army attacks

meanwhile unless the whole show is about fightin some guy there isnt as much action because they need to get their poin across in 20 minutes or so so they only get a few(the most ive seen from one of the non all battle episods is about 4 which is quite a bit)

06-15-2002, 02:31 PM
yea but also....star wars movies come out like ever 3 years(if you dont count the 20 year gap between EP6 and EP1) and so they to have (in a since) alot of info to cram into something and that has to make they entire trilogy make since.

P.S. I'm not arguing...just keeping the conversatin goin on

06-15-2002, 03:09 PM
WHY!! WHY!!! WHY!!!!

Why must we fight amongst ourselves?? SW and ST are two almost completly different creatures. ST is a TV show. SW are movies. There is a much greater character develpopment in ST. It is also the future (important point) SW, because it was/is movies, there isn't as much character development.

The first SW movies (Episode 4-6) are much better than any ST movie. But Episode I is about as good as ST:V(if you don't know anything about ST: thats very bad). Episode II was better. But it's hard not to improve on terrible. Yes the special effects were amazing, I would expect nothing less from George Lucas. The lightsaber duel was good, not as good as the end of Episode I, but still very good (special note: Is Christopher Lee not the best bad guy ever?) And Samuel L. Jackson is the Shaft of the Jedi Order ("This party is OVER!!).
But parts of it, specifically the sceens with Christiansan and Portman on Naboo, were rather... cheesy, for lack of a better word. I also think that the part where Shimi Skywalker (Anakin's mother) dies wasn't done well. Her death didn't look,again for lack of a better word, natural. She was kind of ...jerky. But the scene right after that (Anakin slaughters all the bantha Raiders) was incredible. Beautifully done, wonderfully acted, incredible music. I could almost feel the anger and hate. George Lucas is certainly not a bad director, but you can't always bat a thousand.

Oh well... just my two cents:D