View Full Version : any update on aftermarket Zgrips for the angel/bushmaster???

06-14-2002, 09:13 PM
as the title sayes is there an update on this....i remember a post where i think TK said and aftermarket co. had the ok to make the Zgrips for the angel and bushy.....

i was just wonderin on how things were going on this.... as it will probly affect what i get for an Egun..... for me anything other then a Z just dont cut it anymore and that is why i haven't gone the an Egun as of yet.... just waiting to see what my choice are going to be......

06-15-2002, 12:19 AM
well..as for the bushy...because i have one and i like to keep up on them..i can direct you to www.zenitram-mfg.com. The owner of the site (and Zenitram Manufacturing) makes a lovely Z-Grip for the bushy that's fully licensed from Tom Kaye (doesn't licensing make it so much easier...you don't have to keep lawyers on a retainer that way...)

06-15-2002, 12:20 AM
wierd http://www.zenitram-mfg.com./images/Z%20Grip.jpg