View Full Version : quick question. can anyone answer this?

06-15-2002, 08:42 AM
quick stupid question...can you put a RVA on a retro valve??

06-15-2002, 10:39 AM
it comes with one. the reg is integrated into the back of the gun, and it is a dump chamber gun, you figure out the rest...

06-15-2002, 11:19 AM
well no i mean like a thumb adjuster...
like standard valves where u inscrew the reg cap and screw in the rva

can u do that w/ a retro valve....looks different to me and my friend says you can't do it

06-15-2002, 04:58 PM
to tell ya the truth, i have no clue... buuut, probably. the simplest way would be to find a bolt or knurled nut that fits n the sucker and lock tite it to the first maybe 2 threads. wouldnt be tourney legal though.