View Full Version : Welp.. That was a bad day at the field..

06-15-2002, 07:35 PM
Well, I went to wildfire today..
When I got there, I filled my tank, and gassed my mag up, put like 20 balls in my revy and loaded my warp.
I headed to the chrono. I took my barrel condom off and turned on the chrono. First ball was about 304 and it set the stupid annoying beep thingy. I waited to go off, then shot another ball. The velocity was starting to go down by itself now.. but something was up. My mag was going pshhhh pop unstead of just pop. I could touch the trigger and it would start pshhhhing It was very strange.. so I took the little booger apart and everything seemed fine.. no powertube mystically half unscrewed like last time.(:rolleyes: how could this have happened?)Anyway, after looking over my gun then asking my brother if he could think of anything wrong, I went to the proshop and gave it to the guy. He fiddled with the powerfeed plug and said that there was a ball stuck in there and it was jamming up the bolt. LOL anyway, he told me to go unjam it, and I went out and took the balls out of the barrels, and fired it again, and it was still messed.(duh)So I went back into the proshop and gave it to another guy. It was still gassed up and had about 5 balls in it. The guy saw my warp and KNEW there were balls in there so he shot them into the trash can, then he put his hand over the barrel and started shooting. :p This suprised me. He said he thought it was the powertube spacer and went into the back. I could still see him and he kept shooting air at his hand and A BALL CAME OUT! LOL I tried not to laugh cuz I knew getting hit in the hand point blank must suck.. well you know.. he started cussing and yelled at me to ALWAYS TAKE THE LOADER AND TANK OFF BEFORE GIVING IT TO SOMEONE and im liek jeez I'm sorry and he continues to cuss. He then tells me to either take the loader and tank off or freaking fix it myself.. and I'm liek.. um.. ok... and I go out, take them off in about 3 seconds flat and come back. Now he is in liek a all smily mood and he is like detach the macroline from the valve and take it out. And Im liek ok.. and I take it out, and unscrew the pt tip while he is getting the right size pt spacer. He askes what size I have in there and I say 220, and he gives me a 225 size and says the 225 size pretty much fixes any problem, as far as his experiance with mags go.. or something like that, I cant remember exactally. So I put it all back and thank him and walk out.. my brother is playing a game now, and I put my warp back on and gas it up and with 1 dry fire, All I could do is yell, IT WORKS IT WORKS! By the way, about 6 people experianced my mag not workingness and I assured them this had never happened to me before. I kinda gave the mag a bad name, but everything worked fine from then on. Ok, I'm gonna skip the 1st 2 games cuz nothing exciting happened.
Third game. Ok, its me with my mag, my brother with his cocker, and this kid with a spyder extra with a electric frame(against 3 ppl with high end electros). The kid is kinda a back player, he always stayed in the back. Anyway, I was gonna go right, and the ref started counting down, and it happened like this. 3-2-1 GO! *poppoppop* *popopopopopopopopop* wha? *Bam* *ploop* DAMN!

Ah. The sound of me slipping on the crappy floor and falling on my hopper. It came open and balls went everywhere. I lost my whole hopper. I yelled for time out and so did my team and they came and help me pick up all the paintbals and wipe them clean. We then went back and started over. The rest of the game wasnt that interesting :p Also, in one of the first 2 games, I got hit in the neck and the mark looked like, no not a circle, but like poison ivy.. it was very strange.. lol

Thats all.. lol I'm never going there again. They OBVIOUSALLY dont want you to run in there with the cat litter being on the floor and all :rolleyes:

06-15-2002, 08:30 PM
sounds like u had fun after u got ur mag straightened out :D

06-15-2002, 08:47 PM
not really LOL
I guess it was fun, not worth the long drive though.

06-15-2002, 09:43 PM
getting shot in the hand at poin blan doe ssuk. and accidentally shooting yourslef in the foot while running does too:eek: so DONT do it

06-15-2002, 09:50 PM
Yeah, Wildfire isn't that great. I personally like GA Paintball 2 and this church I play at that has no field fee and is BYOP. There is also this new field that just opened up in Canton and is near Sequoyah High School, called Ulimate Paintball, I hear it is really good. If you like speedball, it's the place for you. Its all flat, grass, and is all speedball fields. There's only 4 fields right now, but they have like 9 acres left to make more.

06-15-2002, 10:07 PM
GA paintball 2 owns. I love it.
I'm friends with the manager, Jon. Hes the guy with the dead eye. Hes awesome.
Maby we could play there together sometime.

06-16-2002, 09:05 AM
Yeah Jon is awesome. I was up there playing yesterday. I get free field fee since I bought a gun from them. Their supposed to be making another field besides the hyperball soon I hear.

06-16-2002, 09:59 AM
Hey guys,
I normally play at Wildfire on $5 Fridays, but haven't played in a while. Where is this GA PAintball 2? The only other fields I know of are PB Atlanta, which SUCKS! and Conyer PB which was bought out by WF.

Later ~ Dave

06-16-2002, 11:23 AM
American paintball is right next to PBA, and GA paintball 2 is where the old indoor PBA field used to be
We should arrange a AAO Meet soon.

06-16-2002, 01:40 PM
I play at Ga PB when im not at pbatl. Pretty nice, they need another field though.

06-16-2002, 07:49 PM
Dave, if you know where the old indoor Paintball Atlanta was? If so, that is where GA Paintball 2.0 is at. It's a really cool field, it's a hyperball. I'm not a big fan of the outdoor Paintball Atlanta for 2 reasons: 1)it's mainly wood fields and 2)their prices are so overly inflated and are such a rip. GA Paintball 2's prices aren't too bad, and everything is even, meaning you don't have to buy a whole case to get a good deal.

06-17-2002, 10:41 AM
OMG I had no clue that AOers played at GApb2 also..
But yea, along time ago before the field was open in liek september, I came to the shop liek every other week or every week and I did that every week (with a break at christmas) 'til the field opened. We talk and stuff and blah.. lol
WEEE IM SCREWING UP A TALON WITH MY FRIEND (actually we are making it better :D )