View Full Version : Redz large gear bags.....

06-16-2002, 12:41 AM
Any of you have them? What do you think of them?

Also is the chair that is included cool?


06-16-2002, 02:00 AM
I dont have one, buy I sell a lot of them.

The chair is servicable, not for long term sitting.

The bags are nice, lots of room for guns ( 3 guns easy with tanks ) and 2 set of goggles and depending on how well you pack, you can get more in no problem.

Well made and now they have wheels :)


06-16-2002, 02:06 AM
Thanks Rob.

06-16-2002, 04:57 AM
Chairs are a MUST! :D If anyone is worried about seating I suggest going down to your local Wal*Mart and picking up a folding chair. They almost all come with their own bags and carrying straps now days, so you can’t go wrong. We bring all of ours whenever we go most places…… :D:D:D Even got the itty bitty one for our youngest who turns 2 on July 6th.

06-16-2002, 05:00 AM
Who turns 2? I didnt know there was a little shartley running around, i thought all your kids were grown up. I am assuming he/she is your child, if so they might be a very young aunt/uncle :)

06-16-2002, 05:11 AM
This is off topic but... sean why ar you still up?

06-16-2002, 05:17 AM
No, not all my kids are grown up. :D

Hope is 2 next month.
Jay is 13 next Sunday.
Jess turns 15 in October.
and Jenn is 19.

And NO none of my kids HAVE kids. ;) But yes, if Jenn was to have a baby (shudder) Hope would be a very young Aunt.

06-16-2002, 05:31 AM
I dunno...grand-dad shartley has a nice ring too it. I must admit.....

06-16-2002, 05:37 AM
MODERATOR!!!!!!! ;)

(And I don't think my Wife is ready for that either.)

06-16-2002, 05:58 AM
A ha, for once i didnt break any rules mods :) cant touch me.....hoo ha...

06-16-2002, 06:10 AM
Nope, definitely not ready for any grandchildren at this point. :)

06-16-2002, 07:21 AM
well getting back on track... i have the redz gear bag(old style w/o wheels) it is very roomy. I usually take my mag tank hopper, pods(w/ paint in em/harness, mask, food/drinks, extra clothing, the chair and other tiny essentials(squeege, oil, etc.) and i must say when fully packed this bag can get heavy. also it is a little to big and can be awkward to carry around. But all in all i love this bag and use it everytime i play.

06-16-2002, 01:31 PM
I wanted one a long time ago, but since then I just started weatring my stuff home instead of packing it up. the chair included is pretty cool, but not really necesary. st my fieodl they have alot of places to sit...so bringing your own chair isn't really needed. I dont kow about other fields though