View Full Version : Building Autococker

06-16-2002, 03:39 PM
Im probally going to start building a 100% custom cocker, and I was wondering a few things. If someone could give me a link to a place that sales some nice.. GREAT cocker bodies, and also where would I buy the internals. Like the velocity spring. I know I have to buy the reg, triger frame , front penitcs, bolt, and vaule. If there is anything I am missing plz tell me. Any tips would be great as well. Thank you very much.

SiLeNt X
06-16-2002, 03:53 PM
all Im gonna say is I hope you are made of money

06-16-2002, 03:59 PM
Hey I'm glad you like my cocker :) (the one in the pic you attached is mine!) Although it now has a Race electro frame on it.

You can get those bodies from http://www.impactpaintball.com/main.html but bear in mind they are no longer producing Spearhead bodies so guns like these will be rare and not available if you don't snap it up soon!

I'd consider buying a full Spearhead rather than by parts, which would make it much more expensive. It's only worth buying by parts if there are very specific components you want.


06-16-2002, 04:03 PM


If i was going to build a custom cocker it would start off like this:

-Sonic Body Kit
Sonic Hammer and Valve Kit (all internals needed)
The Kit includes:
· Sonic Hammer
· Sonic IVG
· Sonic RED valve
· Sonic Hammer Spring
· Sonic Cupseal Spring
-Sonic YinYang Bolt with Sonic Pull Pin
-Sonic Ball Detent for AutoCocker
-Sonic Titanium Cocking Rod
-LAPCO Adjustable SS Timing Rod
-Palmer Micro Rock
-Palmer Rock Knob
-STO Ram
-Besales Evolution 3-way
-Eclipse Hinge
-Macdev Gladiator Reg
-Dye Ultralight

Basically it would be a sonic cocker, with different pneumatics, barrel, reg, and frame. :)

06-16-2002, 04:21 PM
www.sandridgepaintball.com they have great bodies but they kinda dont know how to run a buisness.

06-16-2002, 04:27 PM
Manike, thats one of the coolest cockers I've ever seen. You need a Freak though, but thats just my opinion.

06-16-2002, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by keiphers
You need a Freak though, but thats just my opinion.

I've got one now :) . That pic was taken a while ago. I have a freak with SS back (new smooth style) and a 14" tip in gloss black. It's gorgeous and shoots well also!


06-16-2002, 04:40 PM
CP kit takes a big #2 on the freak. (the name of the freak says it all)

06-16-2002, 04:51 PM
The Spearhead body is an anno'd Spanky body, so you can still get the bodies through Spanky (Just not in that cool colour).

KAPP, Belsales and MacDev make internals for the cocker. Belsales are tops, but the KAPP and Sonic(MacDev) parts are very nice.

Mine will work out like this:

Stock V/F body (Making stealth cocker)
Belsales Rex Hammer Kit
Belsales Valve
WGP Orracle 3-Way
WGP Ticker front reg
WGP Delrin Bolt or Shocktech Supafly
KAPP 15degree ASA
KAPP Twisted Cocking Rod
SS Pump Rod
Stock Back Block
Eclipse Blade Frame
SP Stickies
WDP Spiral Reg
KAPP Milled Front Block
KAPP SS Banjo Bolt
KAPP SS Screw kit
KAPP Ball Detente
Shocktech long Apocalypse Rail
Freak Barrel
SP 68/45 Max-Flo

06-16-2002, 04:58 PM
All I can say is the dye swing trigger is the best I have ever tried.

I can shoot strings on a dye swing frame cocker almost as fast as I can shoot strings on my automag Rt at moderate input.

I would also like to suggest palmers everything. Thats the only way you are gonna get it to be happily reliable.

Don owns 3 cockers. All his 3 ways leak at one point or the other. He just installed a bomb on his kapp cocker I fired it yesterday and it started leaking already.

My roomate has a palmerized cocker the thing has been sitting in his garage for years 50 feet away from the ocean almost all of the bolts are rusted and when I got him to get back into paintball it worked perfectly.

The quickswitch 3way , and rock LPR are expensive but it is well worth it.

06-16-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by mykroft
The Spearhead body is an anno'd Spanky body, so you can still get the bodies through Spanky (Just not in that cool colour).

Not quite true actually. The Spearhead body is a Spanky with more milling and jewel (comes with three jewels).

Spearheads only come in 4 stock colour options. Blue, red, black and chrome.

It looks quite different close up with the extra milling although the basic principle and look is the same as the Spanky Cobra.

The CP kit is nickeled and engraved to match and is actually a very good set of barrels. Seems to shoot on par to the Freak but doesn't look as good... and only has 3 bores.


06-16-2002, 05:08 PM
Didn't notice the extra milling.

CP is now selling 5 bore sizes (They always claimed 5, but only now are shipping the other 2). You can order the individual backs from them. Personally I prefer the Freak setup, with inserts being seperate from the backs.

06-16-2002, 05:44 PM
Im suprised noone said www.airamerica.com . they have nice bodies... last time I checked. 120 or so

06-16-2002, 05:54 PM
I'd say your first step should be takin a look at www.air-powered.com it's a great site for cocker owners. Which body really depends on how much money you want to spend. as of now this is what I would get if I were building from scratch

AKALMP Merlin Body P-blocked
AKA Tornada Valve
AKA Straight Pump Arm
DEZigns Etralyte Bolt w/ evo style pin
KAPP Evo Style Pin
KAPP Back Block
FreeFlow Tungsten Hammer
Madman Springs
Sonic Ball Detent
KAPP Milled Front Block
Belsales Evoloution Ram
Belsales Hollowpoint 4-way
Mac Dev Sonic LPR
Dye front block screw(on 2k's you don't really need LPC's)
KAPP Timing Rod
Mac Dev Gladiator In-line Reg
KAPP f/x beavertail
KAPP Screw Kit
LPC Hoses/top hates
Then the trigger frame would be one of these three:
Dye Hinge
KAPP Slider w/ roller sear + AKA trigger plate, KAPP springs
Also any barrel/ cradle you are comfortorable with
I hope that gives you an idea of what kinda parts are good. www.compulsivepaintball.com carries almost everything there

06-16-2002, 06:07 PM
Yea manlike your cocker rockz:D,
how much did it cost you off the bat, and how much have you put into it so far? i see angel air and all. I just hope that spearhead is for sale for a while longer, I getting a job soon, so i MAY be able to get a loan from my parents and pay em off.

My STO and air, halo, dye swing triggerm not to metion cheap $20 BE mask where stolen, and right b4 the summer. I think it can be said i wanna get back "in da game" as fast as possable. Not joking or anything im going to buy a safe to put my gear in,

lol im planing to go all out on this 1, angel air and all. By the way are the HALO Bs out yet? Hehe i feel like 3 years ago when i was a rookie looking for a "pro" gun again, maybe its for the better.

o and one more question manlike http://www.impactpaintball.com/spe_2.html did yours come like this 1 and you just put on the black trigger frame and grips? Not to be pickie but the way there selling it now is kinda ugly to me.

06-16-2002, 08:26 PM
g3pb did mine i love it

06-16-2002, 10:15 PM
or you could spring for the best cocker body in the world, as far as im concerened. you could save up and shell out the money for a kapp flame cocker body, there deffinitely a head turner. and i would get one in a heartbeat

06-16-2002, 10:26 PM
V-Viper here is a mini black spanky body with chrome tubes.
Hey mankie I traded mine spanky away man. I had to do it. Cause I traded it for this... (volumizer now matches)

06-17-2002, 03:37 AM
Pito, I'd of kept the cocker ;)

V-Viper, I ordered my Spearhead without the gripframe and x-way and then put on the Eclipse pivot myself.


06-17-2002, 06:01 AM
That sounds like wha tim probally going to do, I did not know they would do that, seem like a nice company then. Manlike , lol 1 more question, how much did they take off the price?

Magman007 where online can I see this
"best cocker body in the world",:D , going to be hard pressed to beat that spearhead.

06-17-2002, 06:14 AM
V-Viper are you in the states or Europe?

I am in the UK so dealt with the Holland distributor who I also know very well so he was happy to sell me the marker like that.

I'm not sure what the situation would be like with Impact Paintball but everything I know of Mark Costa leads me to believe he would help you out. Call him up and say you would rather have it with a different frame and he may even do the install for you.

You would need to get in touch with them and ask. That goes for prices also. You could maybe e-mail then the pic of my gun if that is the grip you want and explain it like that. I suggest phone rather than e-mail as it is more personal and they may be more willing to help you that way.

Good Luck


06-17-2002, 06:21 AM
Alright , thanks manlike ill be sure to send you a pic when i get the whole system.
I live in the US, so hopefully their do it for me.I'll ask for a Dye single swingm in chormoe, I might even ask for a DYE 3 way, but either way ill be very happy with that gun.

06-17-2002, 06:27 AM
It would be very nice with a Dye swing and 3-way! (even better with a Race though... :D ) I'm sure you will be very happy with it. I know I am with mine.

By the way there is no 'l' in my nick ;)



06-17-2002, 06:41 AM
ahh I see, manike:cool: .

Now just to get the MONEY , im geussing:

Spearhead, with out trigger $1000
Dye Swing trigger $120
Dye grips $20
Dye 3-Way $40
Angel Air $550
MircoLine $20
Halo B $120(by the time I get this
money it'll be out :D)
Milling of Small STO next to seral number in memory of old gun -priceless-

O and of curse Racegun $500, or what that monster cost

06-17-2002, 07:44 AM
:eek: Don't do that! :eek: it reminds me of what my gun cost! hehehe

I must say I can't wait to get my C&C Extreme LX though, then I will have the pinnacle of each Autocockers and Automags!

Ahh shiney toys... I know I am addicted :)


06-17-2002, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by RaV3n_Pa1ntba||


If i was going to build a custom cocker it would start off like this:

-Sonic Body Kit
Sonic Hammer and Valve Kit (all internals needed)
The Kit includes:
· Sonic Hammer
· Sonic IVG
· Sonic RED valve
· Sonic Hammer Spring
· Sonic Cupseal Spring
-Sonic YinYang Bolt with Sonic Pull Pin
-Sonic Ball Detent for AutoCocker
-Sonic Titanium Cocking Rod
-LAPCO Adjustable SS Timing Rod
-Palmer Micro Rock
-Palmer Rock Knob
-STO Ram
-Besales Evolution 3-way
-Eclipse Hinge
-Macdev Gladiator Reg
-Dye Ultralight

Basically it would be a sonic cocker, with different pneumatics, barrel, reg, and frame. :)

Yep Raven has it right, that is what I would go with... A nice drop like a Kapp or somthing would be cool too.

06-17-2002, 02:04 PM

06-17-2002, 02:59 PM
Call me crazy by I have decided to build it. i figured the numbers and ill acutally be saving $$ if i go with my setup.

-Spear Head body- $450
-Dye single Swing Trigger-$120
-Dye Sticky Grips-$20
-Dye A/C P.M.P 3 Way-$30
-A/C Pheumatic Hosing-$4 (do i need LP hosing?)
-WGP A/C BLack Magic Cocking Rod
-AKA Tornado Valve-$70
-Kapp Stanless A/C Valve Nut-$10
-ShockTech A/C Spring Kit-$11
-Worrgame 0 ring Sets-$8
-Shock Tech Ball Detent-$20 (worth it looks sweet)
-Kapp SS Screw Set-$8
-Kapp Pro Valve Tool-$15 (maybe)
-XtremeBeavertail-$12.50(dont want to round off bad luck, not that i havent had ehough of it alrdy):p
-Freak 14" Barrel System New Stlye Gloss black, Chrmoe back, -$180~~

Now i know im missing somethings, which i think are

-Sear - Which one? I seen 1 for $50 to an other one that was $10

-Bolt - as you can see I want a LP one, i thinking of the AKA, but might get ANS quick pull for looks, help plz:D

-Ram - have little knowagle in this area, thinking of STO ram

-Reg - again don't know which one is best, I am going for looks, as well as perforence. Thinking of WGP Sprial Reg

-Hammer - no idea which one

-Also anyone know how the DYE 3 way works, says it works in reverse? When I ask this I mean do I not need to buy the rod on left side collecting
"The P. M. P. 3-way has eliminated the need for an actuating rod coupler. You now have a heavy duty shaft that will never bend. To install, remove the coupler, install the 3-way housing, screw on the 3-way shaft, then lock it down. This 3-way works in reverse compared to a standard 3-way.”

If I’m missing anything else plz tell me , anything even something small that you may think any f00l might know, remind me :) Thanks.

06-17-2002, 07:07 PM
For the reg, you can go with the Black magic reg, nice and consistent, or I would highly recommend the Palmer Stabilizer. Also should you decide on a Stabe, I would also get a Palmer Micro rock for the lpr. Best of luck with the endeavor!