View Full Version : Xtreme Emag

06-16-2002, 03:52 PM
if i were to get a plain emag what would i all need to make it an extreme emag and aproximetly how mcuh would it cost?

06-16-2002, 04:02 PM
Why would you even want to do that? There's no point. Basically, you'd spend the same amount to get the regular E-Mag (about $1000, we'll say - depends on where you shop) then you buy the Extreme upgrade (I'll be nice - $150-$200) so, you've spent about $200 more than the 'gun itself costs... unless you're getting a used E-Mag, then it actually starts to make sense. Basically, though - I'd just go ahead and get a new Extreme - you get it all new, from AGD, and you don't have a bunch of extra parts laying around.

Extreme upgrade kits would be (in my estimation - translated as I have no f***ing idea) $200.


06-16-2002, 07:47 PM
I agree...and also, by the time the upgrade ACTUALLY comes out...if money is a problem, you could have saved up and already gotten the extreme. it just makes more since IMO to get the extreme and not upgrade it

06-16-2002, 08:43 PM
all i know is u need to get lvl 10 and Ace