View Full Version : HELP: PT Tip Keeps Unscrewing

06-16-2002, 06:06 PM
I need help all,

My poertube tip keeps unscrewing. It seems to be an intermittent problem now. It was incessantly doing it before, so I changed the oring on the Powertube tip. It kept everything in place for a weekend of play, but dryfiring it made the tip come loose again, the bottom threads on the tip stripped out, as the tip and spacer spilled out into the bolt cavity. Now theres only 2 threads left.

Im not sure if the threads in the actual powertube stripped slightly. I know its of stainless construction and the tip is merely brass (making it the wear part).

I need to know what the problem is. Why is it doing ths. What I can do to solve this. I may end up just getting the Lvl 10 mod with all the promises being made. I trust AGD with their new design. Hpwever, I need to know how to prevent this the next time. I dont want the new Lvl tip PT tip unscrewing and stirpping.

LMK All.


06-17-2002, 10:06 AM
I'd call AGD and find out what the reasoning would be. The only thing I could see was it wasn't tightened down all the way. Did you use a nickel to tighten it snug once it was installed? Do you have a PT spacer or PT spring behind the pt tip? If you have a spring.. try putting a .220 or .225 spacer in it. I have no other clue as to why it unscrews as mine doesn't :(

Good luck :)

06-17-2002, 12:59 PM
If I remember correctly, there is an o-ring keeping tension on it. Replace the o-ring.

You can always use a really-low strength version of Locite, especially if you are dealing with stripped threads.

06-17-2002, 02:46 PM
Im using a small spacer, the 220 spacer that came with the Z-valve. I didnt use a nickel to tighten the tip... I used a dime. I cranked it tight but it still ended up unscrewing.

I may heed my brothers advise and use a slightly oversized oring and put rubber sealant on the tip threads to help the tip stay inplace from all the vibrations.

Just wondering, does the new Lvl 10 mod include a new PT tip, or is it just a new bolt and spring?

