View Full Version : air compressor for nitro??

06-16-2002, 08:43 PM
hey im looking into buying an air compressor so i can fill n2 tanks to atleast 3k psi. i was wondering what kind of compressor i would need to do this? also what ones do they use at like the major tourneys to fill more than one tank at a time? thanks

06-16-2002, 08:49 PM
I've looked myself, just search the net for "3000psi compressor" ,there is quite a few availiable however they start at like $3000.00 and up.


06-16-2002, 09:50 PM
dang 3k thats alot of money...is there any other solution?

06-16-2002, 09:50 PM
also i've seen compressors that are measured in hp...how many hp would i need to fill?

06-16-2002, 10:12 PM
No home compressor, like the ones you use for a nailgun would ever work, unless you've got a gun that can run off like 200psi or so. And the compressors they use at tourneys and fields aren't cheap at all, the 4.5K megabooosters cost a LOT of cash, just get your tank filled at a store or get a SCUBA tank and a fill station.

06-16-2002, 10:29 PM
i was thinking about one b/c me and a team member were thinking about starting a field and just wanted to explore options other than a bunch of scubas for air fills.

06-17-2002, 07:31 AM
The kind of compressor you need is the same, that scuba tanks are filled with. They are rather expensive, you could however get a good deal on a used compressor...

Creative Mayhem
06-17-2002, 09:23 AM
You need a compressor that will provide a clean, dry, filtered fill. A "dirty" fill will contaminate your internals, not to mention your tank wil not like the "wet" nature of a dirty fill. Most tanks, whether they are fibre wrapped or not, are aluminum. Aluminum tends to oxidize when the get exposed to contaminents, and water. So like most people on this thread have said, you need to go with a compreesor that will work for scuba.

Sorry about the length, I'm just trying to point out why these types of compressors are that expensive to purchase.
As for the horsepower of the compressor, it doesn't matter about the hp it the psi/min that really counts. If you want a high rate(quick fill) you will pay more, because the actual compressor is larger, just driven by the same motor as a smaller compressor.

My recomendation; go for the Scuba tank fill station, it will cost less. Unless, you are land locked, and have no scuba shops in your area. If that's the case, then I suggest, that you split the cost with a local shop or buddies, but that can get complicated:(

06-17-2002, 10:17 AM
Well instead you can always arrange with your local welding shop to rent 6000 psi cylinders and there is a paintball nipple style fill station for those at about $300.

06-17-2002, 10:57 AM
yea, they are expensive, thats why havent gotten one

06-17-2002, 02:20 PM
where are you planning to setup a field?

06-17-2002, 02:48 PM
we dont know yet. we are still going around scoping out for land...we are really looking for an indoor spot so we can go year round...there are these warehouses in vallejo with high ceilings that we are interested. so we are gonna see how much to lease and stuff like that. but thanks for the replies gonna go with scuba tanks...anybody know how many would be needed and whats the best way to fill tanks using multiple scubas?

Creative Mayhem
06-17-2002, 04:29 PM
fill station yokes. as many as you have tanks, or just one and move it from tank to tank. what were you thinking in reguards to a fill station for your field? If we knew what you had planned, it would help us plan a system for you.