View Full Version : AGD Lions....feedback wanted

06-16-2002, 09:10 PM
Ok u guys…I see a lot of u regularly posting and I am relatively new to the AO website so I would like some feedback on what type of paintball players u are.
Tom wants us to interact more with u guys so that there is a strong connection between his tournament teams and AO. Here is what I’m looking for:
How old are u?
How often do u ply?
What type of paintball do u ply?
What do u expect from AGD team members?
(besides posting pics)

Capt. AGD Lions

06-16-2002, 09:16 PM
Well, hello harry, Im Bill, Im 16, I love Paintball and play speedball, i play tourny/rec, What i would like to see from the lions is sportsmanship. Then winning. I really want to see agd name recognition. And igf you guys helped get the e-mag to be as popular as an angwl i would be in awe

06-16-2002, 09:26 PM
nice to meet u bill...and thnx for the reply.
we will do our best to keep the faith!
"strength and honor"
as far as us making the emag a success...thats all in Tom's hands...we are just his tools.


06-16-2002, 09:35 PM
Hello Harry,
I'm 33. I played back in the late eighties and took the nineties off. Now I'm back at it. I play at least three times a month. Rec ball mostly but I've started training with a team for a Rookie League coming up in the fall. I play with a great group of guys who don't mind taking advice from those younger because paintball is all about trigger time. I wish you guys all the best and hope to see you on the tallest podium soon.


06-16-2002, 09:40 PM
How old are u? 21
How often do u ply? every weekend
What type of paintball do u ply? speedball,hyperball,sup air
What do u expect from AGD team members? hard to say, don't know what you do already? take any trips to out of your area fields to promote mags? I guess let me try out:p

BTW- welcome to AO:)

06-16-2002, 09:46 PM
hi ekul...nice to meet ya glad to see another plyr over 30 hehe...good luck with the rookie league and thnx or the reply.


06-16-2002, 09:48 PM
Hey, also Bill. Actually, my story is pretty close to ekul's; but 31. Started playting in 88...back when woods games were THE game. stopped like 94. Played a few times in the late 90's, just got back into it this past fall. Play rec ball, speedball, have yet to compete. I am going to wait to get back to MA before I start trying out seriously for a team. I just enjoy playing on the weekends, with whoever shows up.
I guess what I would like to see is you guys more in the spotlight; post some tourney pics, results, that stuff. Soon the world will see the emag in all its glory; you guys pretty much get to be the torchbearers!

Load SM5
06-16-2002, 09:56 PM
Heya Harry,

I'm a few days short of 30 and get out at least 2 times a month. I've been playing rec for a while but have just recently started playing tourneys when I can afford to. Money's tight with a house and car payment.

I expect a team sponsored by AGD to carry represent the company the way it deserves to be represented. I see winning as secondary to coming off the field after a game with honesty, and your personal and team honor intact.

Thanks for asking and listening,

06-16-2002, 10:26 PM
Hi I'm Facts, I'm 37 and a Virgo.

whoops wrong thread... heh heh

Age, 37
Marker(s) Emag, Automag Classic
Freq. of Play 6-8 times per month
Type of game: Rec, Scenario, Tournies in that order
Loyalty. It doesn't seem to exist in the sports world these days. Having been a sponsored archer for 12 years, it's important, IMO, to stick with the guy that's funding the dance. Character's a good one too. And nice teeth. Have to have nice teeth...:D

06-16-2002, 10:43 PM

My name is Joel. I am 26. I try to play more than once a week. I work weekends so I play mostly outlaw ball with my 4 bros and my girlfriend. I really, really want to play tourney ball, whether Hyper, Sup' of Ultimate Air. Not a possibility with my work schedule. I don't expect anything from you guys. No more than I expect from my favortie hockey team. Playing with honor, and sportmanship are pluses but you are your own team. You should not have AO members dictating your play. You should play with all the heart and courage of the Lion, the speed and stealth of the snake and the killer instict of the Great White Shark. Oh and you should make 'Mags look really good too.:D I am tired of seeing Angels, Timmys and Cockers dominate the photos of Paintball mags. I am tired that the only pics of 'Mags are if Tom Kaye wrote the article. But you should play your best and have as much fun as possible. I know I would in your position.:cool:

06-16-2002, 11:01 PM
hey havoc..nice to meet ya
as far as promo's out of our area goes we will be competing in the Pitts.Ama Open 7man and then World Cup..

06-16-2002, 11:08 PM
hi oldsoldier/Bill..nice to meet ya.
i also started plyin in the olds days...the woods were the best! what awesome skills plyrs developed with reading fields and setting up a game plan with the character of the field in mind...those were the days of strategy!
much more generic nowadays although its a logical evolution if the sport is goin to continue to grow.
thnx for the reply


06-16-2002, 11:10 PM
My name is Jerry, I am 14, and i play as much as possible. it depends on what field i go to, but mostly woods.

BTW: Welcome to AO :cool:

06-16-2002, 11:14 PM
heya jeff...nice to meet ya
yes i agree that we need to be very aware of the fact that honor and honesty is a big part of what AGD represents!
i sympathize with ya on the house and car payment...add 2kids..2dogs and a cat hehe :)
thnx for the reply

06-16-2002, 11:22 PM
hi bunkerhugger...nice to meet ya.
integrity goes a long way when your building up a team like we are...whether its personal or the entire team as a whole and it becomes the backbone of your reputation!
thnx for the reply

06-16-2002, 11:23 PM
Age : 14 years old
I TRY to play every other weekend but I have no way of making money so...

I can't wait to grow up and run my own local pro shop and sponsor my own team...(unless AGD will sponsor me :)) My family is trying to open up a Quizno's and my dad will be opening up 2 more when we get up to making a profit. I was talking to him about this and he said he would be glad to help me get my own proshop up and running. I will have tons of AGD products in the store and everybody will be "hypnotized" and the awsomepower of AGD products! :D

Speedball, Sup' Air, Hyperball, ect. - Scenario
I expect them to show up at D-Day. At the last D-Day (June 3,4,5?) the pro team Bad Karma showed up. They played the scenario game with everybody, as if they were average scenario/rec ball players. On the field when they saw some younger kids by themselves with a good amount of equipment they gave them a card that said Bad Karma. Only 6 cards were given out. My friend's little cousin (he is about 10) got one of these cards. At the award ceremony DeWayne asked Bad Karma to come up. They asked all the kid who got the cards to come up to the stage. All the little kids got 32* jerseys and on the back it said Bad Karma. And then the team said stuff about why they gave them out and that these kids are the future of paintball. I just thought that was really cool cause all 6 of the guys in Bad Karma payed for these jerseys out of their own pockets....I know they were sponsored by 32* and they got a discount but still, they interacted with normal everyday players and I thought that was awsome.

-Jordan Coffey

06-16-2002, 11:31 PM
hey FactsOfLife...nice to meet ya.
Loyalty is at the core of this team! were mostly old SOB team members and have been with Tom & AGD since the begining.. there are several plyrs who could be with top teams right now but have chosen to stay with AGD and help build a successful team.
37 wow! 2weeks to 38 for me...i dont feel so old now hehe
my teeth are ok2 lol
thnx for the reply.


06-16-2002, 11:31 PM
hey havoc..nice to meet ya
as far as promo's out of our area goes we will be competing in the Pitts.Ama Open 7man and then World Cup..

cool, I look forward to meeting:)

06-16-2002, 11:31 PM
well..I'm Clare, 21, I play pretty much every weekend or atleast try to..I play speedball (sup air, hyperball, etc)..and I expect good sportsmanship. I'll be at the Am open, maybe I'll get to meet you there. :)

06-16-2002, 11:45 PM
hello Blazingace...nice to meet ya.

all those animals strengths u mentioned are embodied in this team and we definatly ply with honor! as far as anyone dictating our ply goes only Tom has those keys!
what i want from u guys is to know what u are lookin for when we post or ply so we have an understanding of where your comin from...if that makes any sense.
thnx for the reply.


06-16-2002, 11:57 PM
Ron from Slowhio, as the kids like to call it. I am 21. I began playing in 93 or 92 as a wee lad (mostly with Mags). Back then, it was woods games, as there was only 1 speedball field I knew of. Played a couple of 5-man tourneys way in the past.

I play any type of game I can, although mostly woods, as I can't get anyone into the faster games. I do find the faster stle of playing enjoyable, though. Actually, I sometimes prefer speedball, etc. to woods game as being 6'3" makes finding cover amongst trees difficult at times.

I used to play every other week, but college put a damper on things. Having graduated, I plan on trying to reinstate a 2 game per month minumum.

I can't say that I expect anything from anyone. But, from an AGD team I would like to see a professional attitude such as that Tom seems to carry. Promoting a good name for the sport (which isn't too popular in my region), and AGD products would be something to strive for. It would certainly help vitalize things. Actually, I think that I would expect those playing on the team to have fun, and enjoy using AGD gear.

06-16-2002, 11:58 PM
Yo, my name is Ben, I am 19, and I will be playing every weekend I'm not snowboarding! I played alot four years ago, tourneys and what not, and now I'm back. I'll play anything, I like 3 on 3 speedball best, though! I expect you guys to kick :):):), but to be good sports, most of all. AGD had always been a classy company, and I think that their team should reflect that. Oh, one more thing, don't just shoot your extremes, rock 'em!

06-17-2002, 12:08 AM

Jason Fieldwick, one of the few AO'ers from Canada. I'm 24, play with a ReTro Mag mostly rec. speedball.

I guess I would luv to see you guy's play in the few Canadian tournament such as SkyBall in toronto's Skydome.

Just cuz we're Canadian, doesn't mean we don't shoot AGD! eheh

06-17-2002, 01:22 AM
what's your set-up?
how many rounds you usually go threw in a game?
how long have you used mags? what did you use before?

06-17-2002, 01:33 AM
howdy my name is frank im 15. i try to play twice a month...once i get a job i'll be playing everyweekend. i just play rec ball but after the 30th i'll be an official tourney player i guess. id expect the agd lions to be good win tourneys give emag xtremes hopefully a good name and great sportsman like conduct. and never ever throw ur emag in anger. u guys also gotta win some tournys...u guys are a tounry team right?

06-17-2002, 01:45 AM
What's up, I'm 26 and I try to play every weekend; but it's usually more like 3 times a month. I like to play anything, rec, air, we even built a new speedball field on the land we get together and play on. We might open it up as a public field and start charging admission, HeHe. I shoot the sweet mini in my sig and love it.

I gues the only thing I expect from the AGD team is that you guys show good sportsmanship. That is probably my biggest pet peeve. I love playing sports but can't stand poor loosers or winners. It's a GAME! Have fun and let everyone else see it.:cool:

06-17-2002, 10:29 AM
Honesty and sportmanship, on and off the field, is tantamount to how you are percieved during play, and when you are representing AGD.

Never let anyone see that you are mad or disappointed in a situation, take that to the team trailer or ready area or, even better, away from the tourney.

When you are in the ready area, or in the AGD booth, you are scrutinized by everyone in sight. You must remain clean in action and word. I can't tell you how many times I left an area where famous teams are cussing up a storm and listening to crude music...loudly. Newbies are the heart and blood of our sport, scaring them (or their Parents) away with bad behavior will not win any hearts and minds...nor sell any AGD products.

OK, enough lecture:D

Play Hard, Play Fast, Play to Win!

BTW: I'm 41! Even us old and slow guys have a purpose!

06-17-2002, 10:38 AM
hi CoFFeY...nice to meet ya.

that does sound really cool for a team to do to promote the sport and make the younger plyrs feel apart of paintballs future!
we will be working with AGD in those types of things for sure!
good luck with your plans for the future....always set high goals for yourself and u will be very successfull in life!
thnx for the reply.


06-17-2002, 10:46 AM
hi Clare....nice to meet ya.

good sportsmanship covers it all...if one thing really stands out with this team thats it! we rarely ever argue if we get beaten and always shake hands after a match win or lose.
we have alot of mature plyrs and arguing amongst ourselves is very rare.
we will try to uphold the professionalism ppl have come to expect from anyone assoc.with AGD.
look forward to meeting u and introducing the team..
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 10:54 AM
Umms lets see:

at least three times month
Tourney-ball mostly 5 man
playing since 1989 tournament since 1990

As for expectations, I'd have to agree with everyone in saying AGDs Values. One that most people haven't mentioned is innovative. I know concept fields limit how innovative you can be, but that sure would garner some attention. When WDP launched the angel, they knew it was flashy and they picked up a flashy team. Extrems LX's are innovative and so AGDs teams should try to be also. Its a shame were not still in the woods, there were literally thousands of ways to play a field and being innovative really paid off. welp thats my 2 cents anyway.


06-17-2002, 10:57 AM
Hello! Most know me, so I am sure you do as well, so I will not get into lengthy introductions. ;)
How old are u?
My License says something about 2004….
How often do u play?
After a long break in any Paintball Activity, me and the family are starting to get back into it. So, we would be classified as recreational players… VERY recreational.
What type of paintball do u ply?
Woods, Rec. and Rec. Speedball. Not into the tournament stuff… more into family fun.
What do u expect from AGD team members?

Be approachable, and approach. Do not sit at a booth all day when not playing, or in a trailer. Go out into the crowd and meet the people. Think of yourselves as Ambassadors for AGD.

With that in mind, know that everything you do, on and off the field will be a reflection of AGD. And this includes what you post on AO or any other Forum. You are a grown man, so I will leave it at that. ;)

There are many of us that chose AGD as our “company” for many other reasons besides the fact that they have a fantastic line of products. We liked the level of class AGD presented to the public. We liked that they were a company that could encompass our entire families. Etc. Try to maintain that same level of professionalism and class.

I think the biggest thing people forget, is that it is now no longer about YOU, and how cool YOU are, but how cool AGD is… and that does not involve chest puffing, or much of the other things we see Teams do to gain attention. It involves the things I mentioned, and more…..

Good luck and thanks for this thread, it shows a good start…

06-17-2002, 12:12 PM
Age 20
I play about two-three times a month.
I play mostly speedball with the occasional rec. game
I expect to see honor from the AGD LIONS. You guys are the Lions, kings of the jungle. Nothing is more honorable than that. With great power comes great responsibility. AGD give you the power and it is up to you guys to represent it in a responsible manner. Remember many people look up to you guys and there is something to be said for being one out of two teams sponsored be a company. I wonder how special all those WGP teams feel. Who isn't sponsored by WGP???? Remember you guys are part of a pack(lion play on words) we all will stick together. Great hearing from you and I hope to see you guys around here more often.

P.S. I am part of Team AO SOCAL We would love to get some practice time with you guys to show us a little AGD spirit and skill.:D

06-17-2002, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Army
BTW: I'm 41! Even us old and slow guys have a purpose!


06-17-2002, 12:32 PM
hi Ron from slowhio..lol nice to meet ya.

we certainly will do our best to make all of AO proud and we most definatley have fun and enjoy using all of the AGD products!
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 12:37 PM
My name is Russ, I am 30. I play outlaw in the woods, desert, wherever, as often as we can pull enough people together. We have no outdoor fields near where I live(Western Colorado) and only one indoor field. I started playing back in 90-91 with rented splatmasters, then that place went out of business. My friends and I quit until last summer when we started up again and purchased our own equipment.

My expectations of anyone representing AGD would be a repeat of what has already been said here, integrity, sportsmanship, honesty. I also like what Sam said about be approachable and approach. Many times if you seem too busy, a person will not want to interrupt you, make eye contact with someone who may be wary of approaching you, show a smile that says they are welcome to ask you about your marker, gameplay, tactics, etc. Just my humble opinion.

Welcome to AO and good luck.

06-17-2002, 12:40 PM
hi Ben ....nice to meet ya.

if its one thing that we know how to do it would be to ROCK our guns baby!
we ply pb at full throttle! and always attack! its a thing of beauty when all the guns are up at the same time and the front guys are makin moves...it becomes an unstoppable machine!
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 12:46 PM

I'm Ryan, 21 yrs old, I've played for about 3 and a half years, I usually play Rec speedball/hyperball/sup-air/woods and I play about twice a month, depending on outside temp (FL sometimes gets upper 90's where I'm at)/money situation :). I've never entered a tourney and I don't think I will. My reasoning is simple.. I have more fun without stressing to win. Also.. I play better with no weight on my shoulders. I also like the idea of being able to laugh with the person you elim'd or the person who elim'd you.
I'd like to see you guys keep us informed of whats going on in your paintball lives. Like do you have a great scenario that happened.. TELL US! :D Do you have any advice on plays/tactics? TELL US! :D Other than that..the only thing I ask of you.. is to play the game. After all its a game, I hate seeing these tourney players get mad and throw equipment and mouth off etc. Keep it clean, fun, and interesting and will be here to converse. Anyway.. peace

- Ryan

06-17-2002, 12:47 PM
hi Jason from Canada...nice to meet ya

yeah we have been to skyball in the past as SOB's.
this last year we missed it however but we do plan on doin the next one.
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 01:02 PM
howdy Frank...nice to meet ya

yes we are a tourney team and u are right about winning...we know we have a winning product..now we have to reflect that on the field! we are committed to each other as a team and to Tom and AGD so its only a matter of time and hard work and it will all come together to produce some 1st place finishes.
thnx for the reply


Will Wood
06-17-2002, 01:07 PM
Name: Will Wood
Age: 16
Team: The Usual Suspects
Type of play: Speedball
Play: 2-3 times a month
Expect from AO: To make me laugh,

06-17-2002, 01:18 PM
How old are u? 31
How often do u ply? As often as a Drill Sergeant can, maybe once a month?
What type of paintball do u ply? If it's paintball, I play it. Tournament, Rec, pump, Scenario, etc..
What do u expect from AGD team members? Lay the AGD Smackdown on every candya$$ that dares enter the field on the opposite side. I mean it. Win, win, win. Then tell us all about it. Represent AGD well at every event you enter.

06-17-2002, 01:45 PM
I'm 27, and have been playing for 9+ years. I don't play as often as I like, but the Big Games at Paintball Sam's keep me going. Sometimes those are the only game I play all year. I love woods ball, and big games. Indoor/speedball really doesn't do it for me as much. I would love to see pics, pics and more pics. I would also like reviews and descriptions of events that you participate in. That would give me a better feeling for an area of Paintball that I’m not all that familiar with. And get out there and play during the Big Games. I’m sure Nikki can spare ya on Sunday.

06-17-2002, 02:10 PM
Hey, one thing that this thread brought out; there are alot of us "dinosaurs" on here1 Hell, I even feel kinda young, compared to some of ya!;)

06-17-2002, 02:51 PM
I am 40 years old and started playing paintball just 2 years ago.

I play rec ball (woods, speedball, and hyperball) and just started playing in local tournaments. I've gotten together with 4 other members of AO who live in Massachusetts and we formed a team. We call ourselves AO Nightmare and proudly wear assorted AGD and AO patches on our team shirts. We all own/shoot Mags with the exception of 1 team member who shoots a Shocker. We've just started playing in a five tournament 5-man series this year. Unfortunately we haven't faired all that well but we all have a great time. We play 1-2 times a month when our schedules permit.

I think AGD Lions need to be approachable and make it a point of not only playing in major tournaments but play or make appearences at local smaller tournaments. That way your exposed not only to those who live in paintball hotbeds but in areas where the sport isn't as big but the enthusiasm is still just as large.

06-17-2002, 08:02 PM
How old are u?
42 (Old School). I started playing sometime in the early '80s.

How often do u ply?
Not often enough. maybe once a month.

What type of paintball do u ply?
Pretty much woods rec ball. I stopped playing tournaments in 1991 (when they were still in the woods)

What do u expect from AGD team members?
Never really thought about it. I guess what ever you feel like sharing. Simply participating like everyone else would be fine by me. :D

06-17-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by shartley
What do u expect from AGD team members?

I must have misunderstood what you meant. I would like to reiterate (sp?) what shartley said (all of it, not just the above quote). :D

06-17-2002, 08:40 PM
sup CleenSweep...nice to meet ya

yes we always have fun as a team...these guys are older than most teams out there but they can act like a bunch of 12yr old's havin a blast let me tell ya!
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 08:46 PM
hey Army...nice to meet ya

thnx for the lecture old man..hehe I'm only 3yrs behind ya lol
I am glad to hear all of this input so I can relay it to the team in a positive way...we have alot of old school ways that need some tweekin for us to become what Tom expects us to be...
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 08:50 PM
Here is what I’m looking for:
How old are u?
I am 16
How often do u ply?
sometimes i play 2x a week some times i play 0 a week but on average, about 3-5 times a month
What type of paintball do u ply?
What do u expect from AGD team members?
(besides posting pics)
sportsmanship, pride, and interation with fans

Capt. AGD Lions

06-17-2002, 08:57 PM
hey tremis....nice to meet ya.

Innovative...aah yes..creativity and some balls adds up to exciting paintball! like i said b4..we ply at full throttle and always go for the throat...we do take chncs at times but when it comes together even a crazy plan can look like perfection.
thnx for the reply


06-17-2002, 09:20 PM
How old are u?
I am 15
How often do you play?
Every two or three weeks
What type of paintball do you play?
Speedball, Sup Air
What do you expect from AGD members?
Kick butt, be good, and promote AGD.

Good Luck


06-18-2002, 12:13 AM
alright my name is Jason, and i'm 15 (soon to be 16 i got my car yesterday!!)

i try to play every weekend if my budget allows it

i play walk-on speedball at my local field, my team has just started entering some local tournies though

i really like it hear at AO, every member here shares thier opinions openly but doing soo in a way that doesn't offend everyone, here at AO it's more like a really big family!

06-18-2002, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by HarryM
hi CoFFeY...nice to meet ya.

that does sound really cool for a team to do to promote the sport and make the younger plyrs feel apart of paintballs future!
we will be working with AGD in those types of things for sure!
good luck with your plans for the future....always set high goals for yourself and u will be very successfull in life!
thnx for the reply.


I also think its GREAT how you are responding to everybodies post. That about made my day. Knowing someone listened to something I had to say. Thank you.

06-18-2002, 01:57 AM
My name is Josh Parsons AKA Gotenks (the goat bbaaaahhhhh)

I am 15 years old
I used to play once every month, but I haven't been playing much lately because I'm trying real hard to get my car.
I like to play speedball as much as I can, I find it much funner than big fields.
I expect AGD members to be good players, and have pride in the equipment they bring on the field.

71 LS6
06-18-2002, 09:18 AM
I'll be 16 in a month (Dying for my permit). I play about 2-3 times a week, and I ref once a month. After school gets out next week I should be playing a lot more often. I started playing about 3 or 4 years ago with my trusty stingray, then I got my minimag a few months ago. I play mostly woods and rec, some of the attitudes in tourney scare me away. As far as you guys, I agree with everyone else: sportsmanship is very important, winning certainly helps, and most of all, be good representatives of AGD. People will judge AGD on your actions, so make sure that those actions make people think 'Man, that looks like a great company, I mean their team is great and they're really friendly, plus they make some sweet markers' rather than make people think 'Look at those guys, they sure don't seem very happy. I guess AGD has some problems' I'm sure you guys already know and do this, I just want AGD to get the best representation it can outthere to the consumers.

Oh yeah, I'm from upstate New York. Anyone else around here?

06-18-2002, 09:30 AM
How old are u?
How often do u play?
every week
What type of paintball do u ply?
Tourny ball
What do u expect from AGD team members?
Have fun and promote AGD.

06-18-2002, 09:31 AM
How old are u?
How often do u play?
every week
What type of paintball do u ply?
Tourny ball
What do u expect from AGD team members?
Have fun and promote AGD. And of course sportsmanship.

06-18-2002, 09:32 AM
Awwww geeeeze...another how old are you....:(

Ok...If you must...I am about to turn over 46...been playing (if you can call what I do playing) almost two years is it? I forget. Seem lately we have spent more time at the field working but not leaving enough time to play! Anyway I go in to it at the encouragement of my kid who is now about to turn 16 (and getting to be pretty darn good at it) and my buddy Walt (known here as FatMan) Walt is the Clemson University Paintball Club Faculty Advisor and I assist him and them somewhat. FatMan is actualy a pretty darn good player too, at the ripe old age of 40. But we both are broken down somewhat and limited with back injuries from many years of abuse to our bodies. In my case my mind is sharp but my body doesn't always listen to it. So we ref a lot now. And mess with Markers.

Most of the others have made the points about what we expect of you. Just do the right thing when its the right thing to do and have some fun. Enjoy it while you can Harry...your gettin old! :)

06-18-2002, 09:42 AM
Hey Harry. I think its great that are here asking these questions, thanks for taking the time, even if it is "encouraged" by Tom :)

I'm 22, I play about twice a month or so, I play mostly speedball (As my sig says, captain of Team Black Cell). Been playing since 1997 or so, although the first three years was just a few times a year, and I'd rent a Tippman.

As for what I'd like to see from AGD teams, I don't know about anyone else, but there is one thing that I ALWAYS like to hear from experienced teams.

Drills. As a captain, I'm constantly trying to come up with drills that challange my players and myself and force us to improve our skills. One thing I can never hear enough about is what kind of drills to run. I played a lot of sports, from kindergarten through the beginning of college, and I remember how much drills are needed, but its tough thinking of them for paintball sometimes. For soccer, or lacrosse, you can go out and buy a coaching book full of drills. For paintball, there is no such thing.

I would love to see some hints on what sort of drills to run. I hope that eventually someone DOES write a book of sorts. Hell, if I got enough drills together I could probably write it myself... :)

Anyway, if you could give a couple drills that you guys run, that would be great. Something with a little detail more than "We do 2 on 1s with flags" which seems to be about as much detail as I get out of most people I've asked.

Thanks either way...

06-18-2002, 11:09 AM
Name: Jason "Muzikman" Beam
Age: 25 Years Old

Paintball Background: Been playing since 92, but do not play nearly as much as I would like. Still tinker with the guns every couple nights (Boy nylon balls are great to have in the basement).

How Often I play: If I play once a month I am doing good.

Type of Play: Rec and Tournament play. Play only on pickup teams for tournaments. Will never play on an organized team again.

My expectations: For any sponsored team, not just AGD sponsored is about the same as everyone else, but I will add...

Play Safe! Play Fair!! Have Fun!!! -- PPS

06-18-2002, 11:23 AM
hello shartley....nice to meet ya

being approachable has never been a problem for us as u will see...we only put on our game face when its game time and believe me its intense! after the battle is over we always try to be gentlemen.

thnx for the reply.


06-18-2002, 11:30 AM
hi Bonx0007...nice to meet ya

pack of lions...oh yeah! strength and honor...u bet! we definatley feel lucky to be sponsered by AGD and believe me we wont take it for granted!
it will take time for us to develope the ambassador skills as a team and with all this great feedback it will speed that process up.

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 12:20 PM
hi Russ..nice to meet ya

I can understand exactly what your sayin about being approachable and making an effort to acknowledge ppl no matter what the circumstances.

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 12:31 PM
Hello Ryan...nice to meet ya

yeah I agree tourney pb isnt for everyone...likewise when I go golfing I just go to have fun and laugh at the guys throwin their clubs hehe...for me personally pb is the only sport I feel I do well and so naturally I want to compete against the best to challenge myself.
I will try to post some details of intresting games after a tourney but I will probably need to hire a writer cause my grammer and spelling sux hehe...plus I need to learn how to type faster than 10words a minute...ugh

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 12:44 PM
Will Wood...hhmmmm not sure what to make of your reply..

{Expect from AO: to make me laugh,}

well I guess if ya catch enough of our games sooner or later their will be something funny weather its Troy bunkering an empty bunker or Tims harrness poppin off at the whistle or Tracy forgetting his harrness hehe...or how bout totally forgetting where u put your gun and the game is about to start so Chris goes into the game with no gun and pulls the flag...SkyBall 99 we took 2nd that year as SOB's...lots of funny stuff


06-18-2002, 12:55 PM
Hey Doobie....nice to meet ya

[What do u expect from AGD team members? Lay the AGD Smackdown on every candya$$ that dares enter the field on the opposite side. I mean it. Win, win, win. Then tell us all about it. Represent AGD well at every event you enter.]

like I said b4 when its game time we get very intense...no more mr.nice guy! u have to realise the core of this team is old school NPPL competitors who have fought every pro team out there and have had some victories vs pros over the years. our games will be exciting to watch because we ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK!!!

thnx for the reply
and for speaking my language!


06-18-2002, 01:53 PM
Harry, I think you are off to a great start, like coffey[nitro] said, the fact that you take the time to answer everyone's post is outstanding.

06-18-2002, 03:12 PM
Name: Robert "rolo" Lopez
Age: 33 Years Old

Paintball Background: Been playing since 95, but do not play nearly as much as I would like.

How Often I play: If I play once a month I am doing good.

Type of Play: Rec and Tournament play. Have been the captain of my own Team "Alien World Order"

My expectations: For any sponsored team, be visable be at all the major events. Show the world that AGD is the best as I have found!!!

AGD for life!!!!!!

06-18-2002, 04:15 PM
hi Hexis...nice to meet ya

gonna work on my writing skillz so my post event posts are intresting and informative without being drawn out and boring...also workin on learnin the technology with postin pics and vids...I have all the hardware just lack the skillz to use them properly at this time. :)

thnx for the reply

ps: I really miss the woods competetions...nothing like 10 on 10 in the woods!

06-18-2002, 04:26 PM
hi 2000Sabre...nice to meet ya

yeah I agree with ya bout local small events...those usually draw out the begginner type plyr and a good impression can have a great impact on what that plyr decides on in the future for equipment...as far as your 5man team success it will take time and committment.... my best advice in general is dont be afraid to ply aggressive and always try to get the first pull and own the 50yrd line!
thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 05:10 PM
Hey nice to hear from you!

I'm Eric and I'm 16. I've been playing paintball since 1998, when my sister got me into it. She has had a mag since 1991. I play speedball mostly, and my team plays (and wins nice stuff :D ) in many local events in NJ. We plan to head to IAO this summer, and we're very excited. We play almost every in my 10 acre backyard, and have 3 scuba tanks to keep us going all day. Personally, I really enjoy refining my game and my team, and all the fine points about paintball tactics and technology. Sadly, I am the only man on the team to shoot an AGD marker, the rest have bushies. :mad:
I hope you stick with AGD as your sponsor, alot of the old guard AGD teams sadly switched to other sponsors and markers. I just really like a gun that has so little problems and can match anything that you go up against, plus AO is unmatched as the best hangout for paintballers, and I love being a part of it, and trading with fellow players.

06-18-2002, 08:20 PM
my name is ed, im 19 years old, and have been playing forever. i try to play twice a month, work kills me as far as a personl liffe goes, i play comp/tourney, nd an a middle - front runner. but i can play the back. my tam is a bounch of lazy s.o.b's and make me pick up the slack. i have used my micromag sence i bought it about 4 years ago. as far as for your team, i just like hearing about you winning.

06-18-2002, 09:34 PM
hello HiTech...nice to meet ya

sportsmanship is comin out big here as far as the responses are goin so it gives us a real clear understanding of what AO'ers are mostly lookin for....participation is one that I am workin on with the whole team so that everyone can get to know this great bunch of guys!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 09:40 PM
hello FeelTheRT...nice to meet ya

[/b]sportsmanship, pride, and interation with fans[b]

we are definetly gettin the message!


06-18-2002, 09:44 PM
hey Yatta! nice to meet ya!

we will certainly do our best to kick butt and be good! :)
thnx for the Luck and the reply.


06-18-2002, 09:51 PM
hey Jason...nice to meet ya

congrats on gettin the car! just be carefull! hehe
goodluck with the drivers test!
yeah this site is about the coolest one I've seen as far as really cool ppl...real class..the only way Tom would have it!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 09:59 PM
hi Josh Parsons...nice to meet ya

is that all u 15yr olds can think about is gettin that car? oh yeah...the girls come after the car..forgot that part hehe been awhile since I was 15! :)
were gonna be plyin in the 7man at the badlandz in july so u can check out for yourself if were good or not...as far as pride in our equipment...how could u not have pride in the best equipment in the industry!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 10:09 PM
hi 71 LS6...nice to meet ya

wow! big block chevy in a 16yr old's hands..think your ready for an Extreme if u can handle that bad boy!
yeah some of the worst in plyrs is brought out in tournament but back when I had time to ply rec ball I remember plenty of guys behavin like jerks so it all depends on the person for the most part..the most important thing is not to let it affect u and if u are with a great bunch of guys thats usually never a problem.
goodluck with the driving test!
thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 10:14 PM
hey Chupas2

What do u expect from AGD team members?
Have fun and promote AGD. And of course sportsmanship.[/QUOTE]
u forgot WIN!!WIN!!WIN hehe .. jus kiddin...gl at your next event.


06-18-2002, 10:22 PM
hi cphilip...nice to meet ya

hey one of the best back plyrs in pb is your age and on this team so dont sell yourself short!
any of our front guys love havin Steve shot cover for them so they can tear down the field and do damage!
with age comes wisdom and that has its own advantages in this game of chess we ply on the field.
oh and yes I know i'm gettin old so u better believe I am enjoyin every moment!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 10:55 PM
hey Thordic...nice to meet ya

drills...hhmmm my guys hate drills...actually any drill u come up with to improve shooting skills is what u need...mastering basic skills like shooting longball..snap shots..shooting while moving...doesnt matter how u go about it..putting paint on the opponnent is what its all about!
once your guys are deadly accurate then go and scrimmage a team at your skill level because nothing will improve your game more than head to head action!

I will setup a post and go into some more details in the future for ya.
thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 11:04 PM
hi Jason Beam...nice to meet ya

sorry to hear u wont ever ply with an organized team again..I have seen plenty of teams where they are run very poorly and the members treated like a number. I can understand where your comin from but I gotta tell ya when u are a part of a team that has respect for each other and pushes each other up when they win and each individual takes the blame when they lose its totally awesome!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 11:07 PM
33 / been playin bout 10 years now
rec / 3 man tournies / scenario
play about 4 times a month

retro mag and RT

What i expect from your team?? Nothing, that is your path to choose. Good luck.
P.S. i wont hold anything against ya being from Racine and all.

06-18-2002, 11:12 PM
hi Robert...nice to meet ya

yeah we plan on being as visible as possible in the future as our team developes and we work our way back into a solid 10man organization.
Being the best we can be on the field is what we are striving for because we know we have the best equipment!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 11:22 PM
hi eric...nice to meet ya

wow..must be awesome to have a pb/field in your back yard!
I think you will be seein alot of your buddies switchin to mags after the lvl 10 takes off...man is that awesome!
as far as loyalty goes..the core of this team is all SOB's
who have been with Tom and AGD since the beginning believe it or not! I personaly bought my first mag back in 92 and have not ever shot a different gun in competetion ever!
Loyal to the bone!!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 11:28 PM
hey Z-Grip ed...nice to meet ya

hope Tom makes a Zgrip for the emag cause I love my old Zgrip Retro mag! won WorldCup with it in 99 along with the Am.B 10man title the same year.
plan on hearing alot from us cause we plan on doin our best to get to the podium!

thnx for the reply


06-18-2002, 11:32 PM
hey wimag...nice to meet ya

no expectations? huh...well we chose to put Toms latest effort on display at as many podiums as possible!
we know we have the ultimate marker now we need to show the rest of the industry!!!

thnx for the reply

whats wrong with racine? hehe

06-18-2002, 11:44 PM
just razzing you abour Racine ,but seeing how i come from Kenosha I am allowed the right to talk smack to ya.
Good luck to you guys, glad to see the S.O.B.'s got their due regard.


06-19-2002, 12:01 PM
hi im matt and im 14 i have been playin paintball for about 3 years now and i try to play as offten as i can (whenever i can get some money hahha) I started off playing woodsball because i used to have a tippmann but then i decided to go mag and started playin speedball And hopefully once we start gettin into tournements that AGD will sponser us hahah yea right well keep up the good work

06-19-2002, 12:55 PM
hi matt...nice to meet ya

glad to see ya made the right choice switchin to a mag...as far as sponsership goes...it takes alot of hard work and years of rejection b4 you get as lucky as we are!

thnx for the reply


06-19-2002, 03:44 PM
hahahhaa i bet but i could show u considering i live about 30 minutes from racine i think

06-19-2002, 05:03 PM
age? 24 i've played paintball for 6 years
type of paintball? tournaments/bunker an empty bunker twice and labeled for life.

06-19-2002, 10:43 PM
Hi, I'm A.J., I'm 15, and just got my first mag, its awesome. I like how all the AO respect and help each other. I play speedball, woods, tournaments, rec ball, you name it and allow me to play it and im there. The AGD team is awesome, you helped the automag gain its glory and fame. A lot of people look to your team to be honorable and have good sportsmanship. Thanks.

06-19-2002, 10:53 PM
hi A.J. nice to meet ya

glad to hear u chose an automag and ya love it soo much!
yeah its real cool here with how everyone respects each other and helps out...
I really look forward to meeting all u guys at different events..
thnx for all the great reply's


06-20-2002, 11:43 AM
Hiya =)

The names Eric and Im 17. I try to play at least once a weekend during school and gonna try and pull off 2 times a week now that schools out =) I started played 2 summers ago with my friends. I had a vm! =p anyway I then got an RT pro and sold that and got a cocker. Im currently very interetested in an Emag with a lvl 10 mod. Anyway I mostly play rec ball over at my local field. It just got bought out and they are putting up a speedball field YAY! Lets see what do I expect from you guys? I wanna see some *** woopin! GL guys!

P.S. I like how you replyed to almost every post. I hope that dedication carries out onto the field! Im sick of seeing the teams that toss there guns and swear! show em how its supposed to be done!

06-20-2002, 01:44 PM
hi Eric...nice to meet ya

glad to see your gonna purchase our sponsers product!
thats a big deal for us to hear from u guys cause then we
feel were doin our job...were certainly committed to doin
our best at &%$whoopin and representing AGD in the best
possible way!

thnx for the reply


06-22-2002, 11:03 PM
How old are u?
How often do u ply?
1-2 times a week
What type of paintball do u ply?
tourny ball
What do u expect from AGD team members?
give me free stuff... j/k, to represent the sport in a positive way,

06-22-2002, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by HarryM
Ok u guys…I see a lot of u regularly posting and I am relatively new to the AO website so I would like some feedback on what type of paintball players u are.
Tom wants us to interact more with u guys so that there is a strong connection between his tournament teams and AO. Here is what I’m looking for:
How old are u?
How often do u ply?
What type of paintball do u ply?
What do u expect from AGD team members?
(besides posting pics)

Capt. AGD Lions

Hey, my name is Dana, Im 15 years old. Ive been playin for 2 years. Ive played tournaments for as long as Ive played. I play every weekend in the summer. Ive had a mag since I started, but I just sold that. Lookin to see what else is out there. Ill prolly end up with a mag later on.

From an AGD team, I would expect the "team" to show AGD in good spirit. To show that all of them non AGD believers, that if they think AGD is dead, why did you just kick thier *butt* with a mag? :). I dont know too much what to expect, just act mature I guess, you prolly already do all that I listed..geez, maybe ask easier questions?(lol.. j/k:))

Ah, I just noticed that you were in Racine, well, that made me think of that movie "A League of Thier Own"(Racine Rockets!)lol.. just saw that movie on TBS, dont ask :)

06-23-2002, 10:21 AM
hi phiber_optic...nice to meet ya

we will do our best to reflect AGD
values on the paintball field!
I see you have RNS.com under your message post,
is that where you play? there is an RNS field
near where I live.
thnx for the reply.


PS as far as free stuff...hhmm
how bout some squeeges and lense cleaner hehe..jk

06-23-2002, 10:30 AM
hi Dana....nice to meet ya

over the years we have kicked alotta *BUTT* with our mags
let me tell ya! we have always been aware of representing
AGD spirit positively and most of us try to act mature most of the time. hehe
glad to see you are considering another mag..you will absolutly love the new level 10!!
thnx for the reply


06-23-2002, 08:06 PM
ya thats the same rns field i go to... were sponsored by them.... its out in zion or kenosha wherever... yah thats the one i prolly know you, or know of you i work out at pball sams to and talk to like half your guys

06-23-2002, 09:28 PM
cool..we will be there for 7man practice this coming sunday.
look forward to meeting u

06-24-2002, 09:08 AM
you guys practicing for the 7 man badlandz tourny?

06-24-2002, 09:12 AM
yes we are

06-24-2002, 12:20 PM
yeah were gonna be layin the smackdown on the Pride come sunday! hehe jus kiddin guys....
lookin to have a good practice that both teams can come away with some improvements overall.......were gonna focus on basics that need polishing.
we try to focus each practice on atleast one basic area to improve on so that were not just shooting alot of paint and nothing gets fixed.


06-24-2002, 12:22 PM
:D :cool: :rolleyes: Just bring it. :p

I agree on not shooting alot of paint.

06-24-2002, 12:45 PM
Well, were not a supported team of AGD but we would like to be. The last two tournaments we were undefeated and also a sportsmanship award. By the way we all use warpfeeds.

Team Evolution
Charlottesville Va.

06-24-2002, 03:07 PM
hey chupas where did you get that headband that you were wearing in the challenge cup pics.. that headband is badass..

06-24-2002, 10:45 PM
My name is Joe. I’m 16 from MN and i've been playing for 3 years. I own a minimag w/ smart parts all American , freak, benchmark 45 double trigger, and a cheesy little pure energy tank. This summer I’m gonna buy an e-mag with a flatline 68 3k. I play about every weekend. I play any kind of ball, but like wood ball. And I expect nothing of you guys you do what you wanna do.

Peace out. Seizurepants

06-24-2002, 11:03 PM
hi Joe...nice to meet ya

sounds like you are on the right track as far as equip.goes...glad to here that.

do what we wanna do...ay?

well that would be WINNING!
second place is no place and if you wanna get the product really recognized you GOTTA PERFORM with it!
hope we can give ya something to talk about.
thnx for the reply..


06-25-2002, 08:35 AM
Hello Guys

I'm 27.
Playing since two years, with one in a team. We're doing two trainings a month, and in general two competitions too. So basically we're playing every week-end.

I'm playing mostly on Sup'Air ball (I've build one just to ease the trainings of my team :p )

What I expect? To show in the Millenium series there's something else than just the Angels, Timmy, Cocker, Impulse and Shockers... but I don't think you play in Europe :(

Anyway, good luck.

06-25-2002, 11:59 AM
Hello PandOra...nice to meet ya

Yeah we would love to come to Europe to play however
thats not possible for us at this time but....if we do well
enough maybe next year!

thnx for the reply...


06-25-2002, 12:46 PM
Hey Harry what time is practice on Sunday?

06-26-2002, 07:41 AM
They open at 9. Be there and ready to play.

spore 283
06-26-2002, 12:53 PM
hey harry you sound like your kinda old. are you sure you can even play paintball

06-26-2002, 01:05 PM
Thats no way to talk to your back guy. He might get a twich and pop you in the back of the head.

06-26-2002, 10:41 PM
lol...Chester....think u were on the recieving end of my paint at the UM if I remember correctly...hehe

06-26-2002, 11:03 PM
My name is Mark, I'm 15. I play speedball and airball. I enter the ocassional touny. I expect you guys to show us all the new stuff in action (extreem, lvl 10, anything new that comes out) and I expect you to pick one of my pictures for you jersey. Just playing, but you can really pick it if you like it enough. ::hint,hint:: Oh yeah, you have to show everyone how good AGD products are.

06-27-2002, 08:16 AM
Hey Mark...nice to meet ya

We will certainly consider your work...I like the 3rd one!
Were certainly going to do our best to show off the latest products performance on the field!
Thnx for the reply and keep up the good art work!


06-29-2002, 11:10 AM
hey my name is ryan
im 15
i shoot a classic
i like to play 1-2 times a week
once at speedball fields over at sc and once in the woods behind my friends place
my team enters the occasional tourny mayb 2-3 times a year

06-29-2002, 07:10 PM
Hi Ryan...nice to meet ya

Nothing like a game of paintball in the woods behind
a buddies house....thats just pure fun!
When I first started playing thats about all there was...
thnx for the reply


07-01-2002, 01:26 AM
Hey Harry.
My name is Brian,Im 15, Iv'e been playing for almost 3 years, I shoot a classic and a E-mag that i won at the last wlipp. I try to play at least once every week but some of my friends dont have the funds to do it and im 2 hours away from the nearest good field. I play recball with my friends alot, its uselly in a heavy wooded and rocked area, i also love sup'air and all forms of speedball. Iv'e been to 5 tourneys and we(team unattached) intend to play in alot more next year when we can all drive heh. I expect that the agd lions will act confident, mature, respectful, but you should have the most fun you can possibly have. Hell and even win :)

07-01-2002, 07:40 AM
Hey Brian...nice to meet ya

We certainly have a lot of fun...especially when were winning! lol
Watch out for those ROCKED areas...they can be hazerdous!
one of our guys had couple stiches put in the side of his head due to diving for cover in some of those big ROCKS...that happened in the morning and he was back plyin the afternoon lol...some guys dont know when to call it a day!

thnx for the reply


07-01-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by HarryM
Ok u guys…I see a lot of u regularly posting and I am relatively new to the AO website so I would like some feedback on what type of paintball players u are.
Tom wants us to interact more with u guys so that there is a strong connection between his tournament teams and AO. Here is what I’m looking for:
How old are u?
How often do u ply?
What type of paintball do u ply?
What do u expect from AGD team members?
(besides posting pics)

Capt. AGD Lions

Hey Harry, nice to hear from you.

How old are you? 26
How often do u ply? As often as my wallet allows.
What do u expect from AGD team members? Just play with heart and integrity. That's what my team does. We don't always win, but we do alright. The most important thing is people in my area know us and want to play with us because we play hard and we play fair. Sportmanship is one of the best qualities a team can display. Thanks for posting, see ya 'round.

07-01-2002, 10:46 AM
Hey dre1919...nice to meet ya

I promise we will do our best not to let you guys down...Sportsmanship is also high on our list along
with winning.

thnx for the reply


07-02-2002, 02:08 PM
Nice to see your post Harry. I'm not much yet for following pro teams but I do play in a few rookie tourney's now and then and enjoy it a lot. Mainly I'm a rec ball player and that is likely to remain the case.

I realize that playing on a tournament circuit can dominate your free weekend time however it would be great to see you guys have a visible presence out at local fields and rookie tournaments as time permits. If part of being a sponsored player is being an effective ambassador there is a lot to be gained by visibility. Helping to coach a few rookies to play better, showing well at a rec ball field and letting folks see how effective mags can be when in the hands of a good player and meeting a few parents who may just be introducing their kids to the sport are all great ambassador type moves.

I would like to see pro teams hook up with local fields that are having 3 or 5 man tournaments and offer to place a team member on each competing rookie team as a coach/player. It would be fun and great exposure both for your team and your sponsor.

I'd like to see your whole team at CPX laying paint on William Shatner and Mancow as team AO dominates the event in style.

Good luck to you on the tournament circuit and I'll look forward to seeing more of your posts.