View Full Version : Warp questions with positions

06-16-2002, 11:26 PM
How you guys feel with the warp being a front player or maybe a middy. Like does it get in the way going for bunkers,trying to bunker people? and all... What would you warp front players say?

06-16-2002, 11:46 PM
I have played a little mid action with the warp and have had no problems. I have also heard no complaints from team members that have a warp and have played front... it just seems to improve their game.

06-16-2002, 11:52 PM
I play front and love the warp "man I thought you were just looking at me then splat!" lol

I don't see any difference what so ever in bunkering ppl.

06-17-2002, 07:17 AM
no, it doesn't get in the way. it just makes your game a little better, one of the best upgrades, i don't think i could go back.


Top Secret
06-17-2002, 08:58 AM
Only problem I've experienced is in crawling. It's kinda awkward and makes you wish it wasn't there when you try to stay low. But other than that I love it.

06-17-2002, 01:14 PM
I've played three times since I got my warp.. the first day was a transition day..it took some getting used to. Learning new aimpoints, dealing with the revvy in your face etc.. The second and third days I played.. was like a dream. I have never heard so many people wanting to know:

them "HOW DID YOU NOT GET HIT?" ....me "I was behind the bunker"
them "Where were you? I couldn't even see where you were shooting from".... me "I was right there (pointing) and I watched you the hole time"
them "man... yer a hard one to shoot"....me "there's less of me hanging out than you"

I just love it, I can't say enough about them other than in the three days I played.. I was elim'd 3x once was snaked through a bunker and gogged me, the other was when I was moving to another bunker, and the last was an 11 yr old who shot me in the back.