View Full Version : Blazer vs. Cocker

06-17-2002, 05:20 PM
What Should I get, If cocker, which one, i think BP twister, f blazer, what options? Thank you.

06-17-2002, 05:54 PM
The blazer and the cocker are similar in basic style of firing but not much else. If you are looking for an incredibly reliable, extremely rare gun, with basically nil for upgrades outside of the shop of the guy who makes it, costing less than $700 at the totally tricked out level, with a really great warantee and questionable looks, you have a blazer. Read more about them at www.paintballravi.com

Cockers come at nearly any price-point, have limitless upgradability, tons of options and makes to chose from, are far better looking (at least, most are), and are somewhat less reliable (but still reliable) and have generally worse warantees to go with them. I think cockers are a more polished and developed product - there isn't anything wrong with the blazer, it just that a lot more people have spent a lot more time making the cocker great.

I also have to recommed the RT pro or emag at this point. They'll easily match or beat either gun, at whatever price point.

You should also check out sovereign 2's, if you're looking at cockers and similar products. These are rare as well, and I'm unsure if they are avalible yet or at what cost.

For the price of a twister you can get an emag, angel, matrix, bushmaster, impulse, shocker, or just about any cocker out there. Twisters are OK, but I don't think they're a great value. (they are very light) GenX3's have a lot of the same parts for a lot less. Hit ravi's site and www.p8ntballer.com and look around, check out all the guns. For the amount you seem to be thinking about, a lvl 10 RT pro would be my choice. It's faster than either of those guns, just as consistant if oiled properly, it looks fine and all around just feels good.