View Full Version : i got my gun i got my gun

06-17-2002, 09:10 PM
Alright this message is pointless except for the fact that i just got my auto mag......first one ever and i must say i absolutely love the damn thing its just UGHHH so unbelievable well now i have some quesitons. what kind of tank should i get(size and all) does it matter the manufacturer, is steel better than carbon oh yeah im talkin bout nitro tanks too umm i have an 18 inch barrel anyone have a suggestion on another sizzed barrel any maker?

Thanks in advance ppl

06-17-2002, 09:27 PM
carbon fiber is alot lighter, and i sugest for a starter tank a 68 crossfire, crossfires have a very good flow rate. also i would reccomend either a 14 inch or a 12 inch, lapco autospirits and big shots are good, so are j&j barrels, and cp barrels

06-17-2002, 09:28 PM
I would get a shorter barrel. I run a 10 inch, but my gun came with 12. Then I bought a 14 in and hated it.
A good starter system is eather a crossfire tank, or a pmi tank, I reccommend crossfire, because thats what I have, and they are very reliable. ;) I run a 68/3000 crossfire stub, and it lasts me about 6-800 shots and works great.
Other than that, I dont know.
Steel tanks are heavier and shorter than fiber, and fiber are lighter and bigger.

06-17-2002, 09:29 PM
Okay,now let's take this one step at a time.

1) As for the tank, go with a nitro tank. It works the best with a mag from my experience. The size is up to you. Obviously, the bigger the tank, the more air, but you're also going to be adding on weight and size, keep that in mind.

2) Fiber wrapped vs. Steel: IMHO go with the fiber wrapped, yeah it's a little more, but it's a whole heck of lot lighter.

3) Barrels: 18" seems a little long for a barrel, unless you plan on sniping. I'm a 10-14" incher myself. it still shot straight, and it's not so long that it gets in the way. Brands, now there's a different story, everyone has their opinion, so I just go with what I like (usually J&J and CP's. Not overly expensive, and good quality for just starting out)

One again, congrats and welcome to AO, you'll like it here.

06-17-2002, 09:51 PM
Hey thanks alot guys im lookin into everythign you said and im think a 68/3000 crossfire tank and a 10 inch barrel probably a j&j
Once again thanks for the advice