View Full Version : Beta Testing Lvl 10 - What's Expected?

Tactical Neural Implant
06-17-2002, 11:57 PM
Since we at AO are the actual Beta testers of Lvl 10, let me ask Tom and AGD what is it that they expect from us? What kind of feedback? Just problems? How do you want us to reply - by email, post here on AO? Is there a particular format for the response? (EX: Date, Type of Mag, S/N, Paint type, and marker mods, etc.) Just trying to be helpful, I think I speak for all of AO in that we want to make this Lvl 10 as successful as possible.

06-18-2002, 12:57 AM
pretty much the beta testing around here is just done on a problem basis. Like with the superbolt they really need to know what goes wrong if anything. If something goes wrong when does it go wrong, what is happening when it goes wrong and stuff like that.

06-18-2002, 01:14 AM
All of your problems, comments and data you've collected should be posted here on the forums. I'm sure a few Official threads for LVL 10 feedback will be setup. Just bring all info to the forums. Be sure to note if you have any breaks and what type of paint it was with and what the conditions were like. Also, a lot of people are wondering about efficiency, so it would be good to pay attention to that.