View Full Version : Thanks AGD....

06-18-2002, 01:59 PM
AGD got my emag back in about 2 weeks. They fixed everything on my emag. Updated the software, fixed my magnet problem, replaced all the O rings in the valve and looked over the rest of the gun, they made it all shinny with something, but I dont what it is but it LOOKS REALLY SHINNY!

Thanks AGD for getting my gun back right in time to use saturday or Wenesday!

06-18-2002, 02:06 PM
AGD is good isnt it?

06-18-2002, 02:53 PM
slipknot, your comment along with a conglomeration of other AO'ers great experiences with AGD customer service has me thouroughly convinced that my next gun will undoubtably be a 'mag. the lvl 10 mod doesn't hurt either ;)

06-18-2002, 03:11 PM
uhhh......I wonder what AGD did to make it shinny? prob just put some elbow grease into shining it;)