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06-18-2002, 02:43 PM
hey guys,
My friend and i have been wondering for a while now...and we cant seem to figure out who was actually the FIRST Jedi?? do any of you know? also weve got a little debate over who the most powerful Jedi/Sith is? please answer...

(i have heard from a lot of people that Yoda is the first Jedi, but if you visit
it says that he is NOT)

:) :) :) :) :) :)

06-18-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by windigossak
hey guys,
My friend and i have been wondering for a while now...and we cant seem to figure out who was actually the FIRST Jedi?? do any of you know? also weve got a little debate over who the most powerful Jedi/Sith is? please answer...

(i have heard from a lot of people that Yoda is the first Jedi, but if you visit
it says that he is NOT)

:) :) :) :) :) :)

The Jedi go back several thousand years and it is not known who was the "first" Jedi. Yoda is nowhere near that old.

As for powerful Jedi, there have been so many, who is to say.

The Sith are a little easier to deal with, because there are always so few. Still, the first Dark Lord of the Sith existed so far back that his name is not recorded. For a very long time the Sith were not in contact with the Republic because hyperspace travel was very limited - but in fact the Sith were Dark Jedi who were banished from the Republic and took over the home world of the Massassi (who built the temples on Yavin 4 where the Rebel Alliance was hiding at the end of Episode 4: A New Hope).

If you want I can get the name of the Dark Lord of the Sith who first restored contact with the rebellion once hyperspace travel was possible and was thus responsible for the ensuing Sith War and rest of the Sith throughout SW history. But even HE was not the FIRST Dark Lord of the Sith!


06-18-2002, 05:45 PM
I know Exar Kun killed all the Massassi, and his ghost haunted the temples. It possesed what's his name in the Jedi Acadamy triology.

06-18-2002, 05:49 PM
Right, Exar Kun was a young jedi who was seduced by the spirit of a Sith Lord - I can't recall if was Freedon Nadd or someone else (but I think that was his name).

Its been a while since I read that stuff so I get the names mixed up. Exar Kun came later in what is called "The Sith War." He was defeated by a huge contingent of Jedi (like 100 of them) at Yavin 4.

I'll check that stuff tonight and post it (maybe tomorrow).


06-19-2002, 09:25 AM
thanks...thats about solved my question...alot of useful information...thanks sgain guys

06-19-2002, 09:32 AM
OK, so about 5000 years before the birth of Luke Skywalker, Naga Sadow became Dark Lord of the Sith on the death of the previous Dark Lord. About that time two hyperspace explorers accidentally showed up from Republic space. Naga Sadow was embroiled in a war that eventually destroy the Sith Empire.

Naga used the explorer's hyerpspace capability to travel back to Republic space and founded the Massassi colony on Yavin 4. 500 years later one of his successors, Freedon Nadd became ruler of Onderon before being killed.

4000 years before Skywalker, Exar Kun, guided by the spirit of Freedon Nadd became Dark Lord of the Sith and went to Yavin 4, conquored the Massassi and made them his minions. At his direction they built the temples and pyramids there. During the great Sith War Kun was defeated and his spirit trapped in the Black pyramid on Yavin 4 until released by Kyp Duron during his brief stint on the Dark Side. Eventually Kun was defeated by Skywalker and the Solo children and the rest of the New Jedi Order.

I have no idea how Darth Siddeous became Dark Lord of the Sith. I do know Palpatine not only cloned soldiers, but Jedi, Luke Skywalker, and himself. I am very interested to see if Episode III reveals whether Siddeous/Palpatine are actually the same person, or if one is a clone.

Anyway, that's a brief history of the Sith.


06-19-2002, 09:37 AM
i thought sidous came after Darth Bane. And didn't Joruss Ca'Both (sp) clone luke? He used lukes hand that was chopped by vader in bespin. I know the emporer cloned himself and was planning on doing it numerous more times until he was destroyed in Dark Empire, but I don't remember him cloning luke.

06-19-2002, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by wyn1370
i thought sidous came after Darth Bane. And didn't Joruss Ca'Both (sp) clone luke? He used lukes hand that was chopped by vader in bespin. I know the emporer cloned himself and was planning on doing it numerous more times until he was destroyed in Dark Empire, but I don't remember him cloning luke.

Ah, you may be correct. I was assuming Palpatine had started the cloning process, but as I recall now the Sparti process was a lot faster wasn't it!

Still, did Ca'Both actually do the cloning, or was Thrawn in control of that. of course, Ca'Both himself was a clone, created by Palpatine.

Never heard of Darth Bane - I guess that's part that I haven't read!


06-19-2002, 09:54 AM
Bane's been kicked around a few times but never shows up in the books. He is kind of brought up in a few reference guides (history of the sith or something). Now I'm not sure if Palpy was his apprentice or not. But he is credited with bringing about the rule of two.
Well I know one of them cloned luke, it's been a good 7 or 8 years since I read that series so I'm not sure.

06-19-2002, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by FatMan

Anyway, that's a brief history of the Sith.


Wow. Hey what's the first book to start with if I wanted to start reading the star wars books?

06-19-2002, 11:57 AM

Funny - pokes fun at Star Wars nerds, like yourselves.

06-19-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

Wow. Hey what's the first book to start with if I wanted to start reading the star wars books?
I would say the best place to start would be with Timothy Zahn's trilogy that closely follows the original trilogy. There are a few books between jedi and these, but you do not need to read them. These will give you a good feeling for the expanded universe and definitly peak your curiousity enough to continue reading the rest of the books.
here's the first three I would start with
heir to the empire
dark forces rising
last command
after that it is best to follow the timeline as they do try to follow each other and sometimes the backstory is necessary.

06-19-2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

Wow. Hey what's the first book to start with if I wanted to start reading the star wars books?

Not an easy question to answer. If you want to read in chronological order, start with the the Truce at Bakura, then go to the X-Wing series strating with Rogue Squadron and do the first 6 or so.

Actually, the Han Solo Trilogy starts BEFORE SW:ANH, and there is one that occurs between TESB and ROTJ (can't recall the name) and the Bounty Hunter Wars books happen more-or-less concurrent with ROTJ.

If you go to a good bookstore and find one of the newer books from the New Jedi Order series they usually have a time-line in the front that shows all of the books in chronological order.

Personally, I strated with Timothy Zahn's Admiral Thrawn triology, which is just about the best in the bunch, then went back to the X-Wings and the rest of the novels.

Then there are the graphic novels which are compilations of comic books. There are several episodes done ONLY in there (even though they are referenced in the novels). The really acient stuff I've been talking about comes from the Tales of the Jedi series of graphic novels starting with "The Golden Age of the Sith." That's pretty obscure stuff.

Have fun!


PS - you don't HAVE to read it all in chronological order, but you want to read the various series in order and you don't want to go TOO far in the future (for example, if you start out with the new Jedi Order you won't know who Mara, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin are).

06-19-2002, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

Not an easy question to answer. If you want to read in chronological order, start with the the Truce at Bakura, then go to the X-Wing series strating with Rogue Squadron and do the first 6 or so.

Personally, I strated with Timothy Zahn's Admiral Thrawn triology, which is just about the best in the bunch, then went back to the X-Wings and the rest of the novels.

Have fun!


Thanks guys. Looks like I'll need to find a good used bookstore. heheh or better yet.....Ebay

06-19-2002, 02:06 PM
is it Obi-Wan Kenobi?

06-19-2002, 04:43 PM
C'Boath didn't do the cloning that was Thrawn. C'Boath just help fake Coruscant into thinking thier planetary shield was useless.

Actually who did make Luuke (I love how they do the clone names)?

Damn I really forget all that stuff. I'll have to reread those books. At any rate yes the Thrawn trilogy is the best.

The book between Empire and Jedi is Shadow of the Empire. I personally didn't like the Xwing series as much as the rest of the books. Also read the Han Solo books, those are pretty cool.

06-19-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by obsolete898
C'Boath didn't do the cloning that was Thrawn. C'Boath just help fake Coruscant into thinking thier planetary shield was useless.

Actually who did make Luuke (I love how they do the clone names)?

Damn I really forget all that stuff. I'll have to reread those books. At any rate yes the Thrawn trilogy is the best.

The book between Empire and Jedi is Shadow of the Empire. I personally didn't like the Xwing series as much as the rest of the books. Also read the Han Solo books, those are pretty cool.

That sounds pretty right.

I've read all of them except the ones written for kids and some of the graphic novels. Some are better than others. The X-Wing series wasn't bad - or at least some of them were pretty good (Kevin Anderson's not bad) and some of the details were important. None of them compare to Zahn's work!


06-19-2002, 05:13 PM
It was C'Boath who ordered the cloning of Luke, using his hand from the Baspin incident as the template. Believe me, I'm right. I have a photographic memory where books are concerned. Don't make me quote the passage! ;)

06-19-2002, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

Not an easy question to answer. If you want to read in chronological order, start with the the Truce at Bakura, then go to the X-Wing series strating with Rogue Squadron and do the first 6 or so.

The first 6?!? If you start reading the X Wing series, you really should read all 9 of them (the last one is 'Starfighters Of Adumar'). I found that whole series to be very good. Michael Stackpole, Aaron Allston, and Timothy Zahn did an excellent job.

06-19-2002, 06:05 PM
Zahn is the man, he is a king among dorks.

It was C'Boath who ordered the cloning of Luke, using his hand from the Baspin incident as the template. Believe me, I'm right. I have a photographic memory where books are concerned. Don't make me quote the passage!

Memnock all you had to say was Joruus did it. I wasn't plannig on making any one quote anything, but if you feel it needs to be done then quote away. :p

06-19-2002, 09:03 PM
to complete the chronological listing (not counting the new stuff b/w epiode 1 and 2 and 3)- in between episode 4 & 5, there is "Splinter of the Mind's Eye"-1st star wars book ever written, and also there were two han solo series, the older ones where he is in the corporate sector, and a trilogy that ends in one calles "Rebel Dream"-does anyone know if theyll be writing more x-wing books? ive enjoyed those a lot- make good reding when i dont want to be too intellectually stimulated, but entertained

06-19-2002, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Timmee

The first 6?!? If you start reading the X Wing series, you really should read all 9 of them (the last one is 'Starfighters Of Adumar'). I found that whole series to be very good. Michael Stackpole, Aaron Allston, and Timothy Zahn did an excellent job.

I didn't mean to imply not to read them all - but I think the first 6 or 7
are chonologically in order, then there are some other books
that come in there and the remaining ones fill in later.

You have to look at the time line at that point.

But you're right, they're all good books!


06-19-2002, 10:29 PM
Sorry, I misunderstood what you said. Which X wing series book did you like the best? I'm having a hard time deciding between Wraith Squardon, and Isard's Revenge.

06-19-2002, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
Sorry, I misunderstood what you said. Which X wing series book did you like the best? I'm having a hard time deciding between Wraith Squardon, and Isard's Revenge.

I have trouble remebering which was which - its been a while since
I read 'em - but I remember thing the concept behind the Wraiths
kicked ***!


06-20-2002, 01:04 AM
Mace Windau was the most powerful jedi of "our time",then Yoda when he died.

06-20-2002, 01:09 AM
From my limited knowledge i'd have to say Exar Kun was the most powerful. Although he was defeated.

06-20-2002, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by RATM
From my limited knowledge i'd have to say Exar Kun was the most powerful. Although he was defeated.

Most powerful Sith? I don't know. Palpatine was really powerful in his hayday! He was controlling thousands of battle cruisers spread across the
galaxy for coordinated attacks - Exar Kun was pretty powerful, but I'd have a hard time saying which was MORE powerful.

Why do you think it was Kun?


06-20-2002, 08:21 AM
As an asside, if you look at how Exar Kun bacame Dark Lord of the Sith, it has a strong parallel to what I suspect will happen to Anakin Skywalker in Episode III. Every bone in his body is smashed and he is dying and the only way to save himself is to call upon the Dark Side. Later he uses the Dark Side to destroy the spirit of Freedon Nadd, and finally the spirit of Marka Ragnos - Sith Lord before Naga Sadow - makes him Dark Lord.
