View Full Version : AGD now needs some advertising...(ideas)

06-18-2002, 08:04 PM
I was at work today, thinking about how AGD is rocking and coming out with the coolest stuff, especially the LVL 10 mod...and I was thinking about how someone who is looking for a quality paintball marker can be enlightened like our fellow Aoers. AGD needs some good advertising. I was thinking what would be cool would be to start off with a pamphlet that based the product descriptions off of what some common misconceptions of mags are...like...

AGD Products 2002

So you think mags are out of date? Take another look!

Then it would talk about the products...

"Mags are blenders"

Ever heard that one before? Not anymore, introducing the level 10....

"Mags can't feed fast"

Introducing the Warp Feed....

"Mags can't fire fast"

Introducing the Automag RT and Retro Valve kit for standard Mags...

"Electros are the way to go today, not old mags"

Introducing the Emag, the only Electro/Mechanical marker...

"Mags are UGLY!"

Introducing the new C&C X-treme Emag and the Supermag body upgrade....

Then on the last page, have something like "Everyone wants to have their marker their own way. But first, you have to start somewhere, so start with the best." Have like a picture of a stock mag, RT, and Emag, and then below, have a collage of like 20 super customized mags from pictures on AO.

I think every person is looking for something a little different in choosing a marker. Its good to cover all grounds:) Anyway, it's just an idea, and it would really bring some people up to date on mags, as most people still have the old Classics in their minds when they hear about mags.

I'd really like to see a small glossy fold out brochure. I think that would be cool. Cause if someone is trying to make a decision, they usually like to take free things like brochures with them and look them over(I know I do that with guitar company brochures:) )

I also had another idea. The only name I could think of is was the 'Chop Challenge', where there is a small display with a LVL10 Mag and its setup so when you drop in some paint, the paint only goes in halfway down the breech(I though something stuck down the barrel into the breech would do the trick) The challenge is to have people try to get the mag to chop the paint, which of course, with this LVL10 Mag properly setup by an AGD tech, won't. That will probably change a lot of minds and dispell any myths.

Well, these were my ideas for all this cool new stuff coming out. What are everyone elses ideas for gettin' the word out? AGD needs some advertising!!!


06-18-2002, 08:10 PM
Thats a really good idea man! Yeah I really like havin something in front of me that I can look at like a brouchure. Cause I was deciding on either a cocker or a mag. But after gaining the nolege about all the new stuff for mags and finding out most of the myths were not true. I decided on a mag. But somebody else in a situation like this would def. benifit from an advertizment like he said.

06-18-2002, 09:47 PM
a nation wide TV comercial. with one of the lvl 10 vids. saying something like.....uhh.....ugg.... well something spiffy. it would be sure to catch ppl's attention ya know.

06-18-2002, 09:52 PM
I think AGD should look into or consider buying a little commerical time on splatter factor and pitch the lvl 10 and extreme's. I'm more than sure they would love to have a celeberty like tom on anytime.

06-18-2002, 11:00 PM
I giant, decked-out E-Mag balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade! A lot of people see those balloons

06-18-2002, 11:04 PM
lol thats great, J
Um I wish I diddnt just have powerfeed so I could brag at my friends and people in the pro shop

06-18-2002, 11:12 PM
Tom should really invest in some stickers for the new Level 10 stuff. They should be about the size Glenn Palmer gets for his PPS logo for each of his guns, and it should mimic the Intel stickers with "LVL 10 Inside". Just include one with each outgoing kit.

06-18-2002, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by krafty
Tom should really invest in some stickers for the new Level 10 stuff. They should be about the size Glenn Palmer gets for his PPS logo for each of his guns, and it should mimic the Intel stickers with "LVL 10 Inside". Just include one with each outgoing kit.
Kinda like the X board stickers?!!? now THAT I would put on my hopper (nothing else is on it)

06-18-2002, 11:35 PM
Go around the nation with wearing nothing but a cardboard saying "LVL 10 Inside". Get the nation's attention and the ladies will be wondering what that is;). It could be a big thank you from AO, free advertising.

Or if your not secure about your manhood(or womanhood for the lady AO'ers), we could just do word of mouth and demostrations on how our gun kicks butt.

Or a smear campaign...Is Budd Orr secretly using cockers as sweat shops with inocent, helpless gnomes? Is WDP incorperating alien technology inside their guns to give players ESP and the ability to touch their nose with their tongue? Save the gnomes, nail WDP in the balls and get a AGD gun, its the only way...EVER!


Edit:its midnight im sleepy, the mind works in mysterous ways....

06-19-2002, 12:07 AM
i got it, have a cheasy comercial set in a 50's tv show and have a kid going "daddy i tried to see if my pb gun would chop my finger off since it chops so much paint, and now my finger is across the road" then have tom come on and go silly boy, you need level 10! then he takes the kids other finger and puts it in his un lvl 10 gun and you see a fake hand go in and a fake finger shoot out. then you see tom go and put his finger in and have it bounce off. then have tom smile, wink and have lvl 10 appear on the screen.

06-19-2002, 12:13 AM
I would suggest for more advertising...

just sponsor some more teams... and not just some 13 year olds, some team that will make a show, show up in a magazine, show up on a web site, show up on the podium at a big event... and if not be a good team at least...

today i just heard there was an AGD team (the lions I think)

I didnt know that, mabye people who play tourneys, and check out the results of every tourney across the land would know that. but not many people do...

how bout you find a good team that can get you some good recognition... let's see a player with a custom E-mag named after them, who gives about angel's not me, and having someone's name on it isn't cool for me either,,, but for some people it is.

Try getting some more teams (serious teams, who will show up on the face of the earth after a reasonable time) and will promote AGD well...

just my 2 cents
(and no offense to any AGD sponsored teams, but I have nooooo clue who you are, and if you check on other forums and at tourney's and if it's NOT just ME... then your NOT doing your job plain and simple.)

06-19-2002, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by BenD

just sponsor some more teams... and not just some 13 year olds, some team that will make a show, show up in a magazine, show up on a web site, show up on the podium at a big event... and if not be a good team at least...

*cough cough* whacha say about 13 year olds?!?!?!
letz just say dont sponser tippy shooting newbs that have no chance of winning ;)

06-19-2002, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by magman007
i got it, have a cheasy comercial set in a 50's tv show and have a kid going "daddy i tried to see if my pb gun would chop my finger off since it chops so much paint, and now my finger is across the road" then have tom come on and go silly boy, you need level 10! then he takes the kids other finger and puts it in his un lvl 10 gun and you see a fake hand go in and a fake finger shoot out. then you see tom go and put his finger in and have it bounce off. then have tom smile, wink and have lvl 10 appear on the screen.

haha, sound like a good idea ;)

06-19-2002, 01:20 PM
I would like to just see maybe one AGD ad per paintball magazine. Not as in your face as Kingman ads, just maybe one quality ad.