View Full Version : When will AGD Support Rec Players???

06-18-2002, 08:49 PM
I am beginning to become a avid scenario player. I have just finished a game at CPX in joliet IL. The game was run by MSX (Pacman and Mother, any one that has ever played games with these very wonderful people know about the prize packages. At the end of the game they gave away 6 different piranaha's and two brand new Autocockers. A buch of masks and PMI N2 tanks. This was my 4th game with MXS and I have seen pretty much the same prizes as last year. I was wondering if there would be a possability to see some AGD products on that table at the end of a game. I am asking all rec ball players to push this issue. WGP, PMI, Brass Eagle, all these sponsers support us and I am asking when we will see AGD support us REC players?

Capt. Region Rats
Scenario Paintball Team
"For the fun of the Game"

06-18-2002, 09:14 PM
AGD does support us rec players. i was just at fox paintball for the montauk scenario and they gave away warp feeds and a classic automag. different scenario productions have different sponsors. if you want to win some AGD stuff try a wayne dollack scenario.

06-18-2002, 09:15 PM
Sorry chief, I hate to tell you this, but that isn't rec play. It's scenario play. But that's small beans.

Not only that, at the last Viper Texas Revolution, an Orr was down there with another tech installing hinge triggers! However, I've seen a lot of 'Mags given away as prizes, and the majority of players at the Viper games shoot 'Mags. Heck, I know a 10-15 man scenario team that swears by them, and all of the players shoot them. It kinda makes me wonder why AGD would not come out to serve their bread and butter consumers! Although, I see no need for much tech work, but I could fully understand a demo table, with Xtremes, Level 10's, Warp Feeds, and other things that we could get out there to the people!

This issue has been brought up before though, and I'm pretty sure AGD is aware of it. They're not known for letting customers out to dry.


06-18-2002, 09:47 PM
That was the Shadowbreed game wasn't it? I stopped in there to put a deposit down on a private game and went back the next day to grab a piece o' pizza when I was out ridin on the motorbike explorin' the area.
I was a little dissapointed to see no action when I was there, but whatcha goin' to do.
Didn't seem like a lot of people were there, but enough where AGD could'a had something goin' on. If anything it was in their own backyard... relatively speaking ofcourse.

How was that game anyway?

06-18-2002, 10:12 PM
Hmmm... My experinece with Scenario games has always been that the suppliers (National PB and the like) are the ones who donate the stuff. I know at the last WildFire Scenario I played (Load SM5 was there) they gave away a bunch of stuff, including a cocker, all donated by National.

Also, I bought my Mag off a fraternity brother of mine. It was his extra mag. He won it at a scenario raffle...

Later ~ Dave

06-19-2002, 12:27 AM
Randalf: You make a good point. MXS always puts on a great show; they're my favorite scenario promoter. It would be great to see AGD reps at their games, even if they don't donate prizes. I noticed that there were a LOT of 'Mags of all types at the CPX game...

BlueMagRT: Yes, AGD does support some scenario events. It would be nice to see them at more of them, especially events like Shadowbreed which are within an hour or so from the factory.

OldSchoolMag: "Bread and Butter" puts it pretty well, I think. Yes, the tourney players (and wannabes) might buy your SFL's and Extremes, but I bet you'll make a lot more selling Classics or Minis to the people who just want a reliable, high-performance marker for recreational and scenario play (there are a lot more of them, for one thing). And don't get me wrong. A lot of folks out there at the game DID have Emags, Warp feeds, or both. Scenario paintball is the fastest growing segment of our sport. I think that not just AGD, but any company in the paintball industry would do well to support it as much as possible.

Shaft: There were, if I remember correctly, over 300 players at that game. If you didn't see anything going on, it may have been because all the action was elsewhere on the field. All the fields east of Widowmaker were in play for the scenario. If you'd been there to see the final battle, you'd have been impressed. Over 100 players each on Bedlam and Armageddon, all trying to charge over the hill between the fields. Wow. (Keep in mind that for open games, both of those fields play with no more than 30.) It was a great game, no doubt about it.

davej: Most of the prizes are donated by the distributors, but many of them are donated by the manufacturers themselves. An example would be the TWO (count 'em) red vertical Autocockers from WGP, or the complete splash anodizing package donated by PK Selective.

Just on a side note, CPX sponsored a few contests for registered players the night before the event, for people who showed up early to set up camp and such. My Automag (see the picture in my sig) won the Coolest Modified Gun contest! Woohoo!

Of course, it's been my experience that AGD supports all of its customers, no matter what they do with their products. I just think it would be good to see more of an AGD presence at more scenario events, to try and get more of the players to become customers. (Resistance is Futile...) ;)

06-19-2002, 08:44 AM
Just something I noticed. The tourny I reffed last weekend only had one player with a mag (classic with vl 200). The local scenario game I played in last fall had around 12 mags just in my group. Most were retro's. This is not to say that even though I am mostly a woods player, that I wouldn't like an extreme just to show the local tourny boys that mags don't suck.

06-19-2002, 04:14 PM
What then do you call Rec Ball, for those of us that don't have the maoney to play everyday of the connections to kiss sponsers butt's so we can get free stuff?