View Full Version : I REALLY want to see Level 10 work!!!

06-19-2002, 12:23 PM
ok...so, every video of level 10 that I see, Tom has got a HALO on the marker.

I say, put a clear, non-agitated vl200 on and let us REALLY see level 10 work.

Sure, it will take longer to unload, but I think it would be really cool to see that the marker "adapts" to feed rate.

Mav D MagMan
06-19-2002, 01:14 PM
Ao people, never satisfied...

Although I wouldn't mind seeing it in a real automag... Like maybe an RT (shut all those "it blends paint" people up) or maybe an old school non-powerfed 68. That'd be something to see.


Krazy Ivan
06-19-2002, 01:18 PM
The last video he showed had an older Halo that didn't keep up. You can hear when the gun skips a ball.

06-19-2002, 01:19 PM
yea, that would be nice to see but i think tom has been at work for some time now and he needs a rest

06-19-2002, 01:29 PM
Maybe one of us can make such a video when we get our own level 10 working. :D

06-19-2002, 01:35 PM
I dunno, doing the "thumbs up" video with normal non motorized hopper is a darn good idea... it would even further show the masses of disbelievers that the mod REALLY works, only try to shoot the video from a first person perspective :)

I'm also completely convinced that Tom doesn't bother with something as petty as REST. I mean, it wasn't long ago AT ALL that he worked long and hard to figure out what was up with Superbolt 1. Now just a few months later he has concocted this ingenius plan to stop all chopping in mags? What's next, touch sensor triggers?

Krazy Ivan
06-19-2002, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by animal
What's next, touch sensor triggers?

What are you nuts? You haven't heard?! Tom's holding a training seminar at the Amatuer open to teach us the Thumbs up and smile!!

06-19-2002, 02:25 PM
Sorry guys if I sounded demanding. I'm really just excited about this development. 2 weeks ago, I sat at a local field and watched 3 guys working on a matrix. They never got it up and running. Another guy with one kept going around to every one saying, "put yer finger in there...boink....OWWWW!!!"

I think an emag, set to full auto-20bps with a plain jane clear vl200 would be a really cool testimony of the Level 10's capabilities.

06-19-2002, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Krazy Ivan

What are you nuts? You haven't heard?! Tom's holding a training seminar at the Amatuer open to teach us the Thumbs up and smile!!

HAHAHAHA! I can just picture a bunch of guys, gathered around the AGD booth, following Tom as he leads them in the "Thumbs up and Smile":D

"No no no no, do it with feelings. Reach deep inside to find the inner 'Mag-child and release him...good goooood, that's it, gentle yet with confidence..."

Will Wood
06-19-2002, 03:38 PM
I'm scared now.

Patron God of Pirates
06-19-2002, 03:48 PM
I'm holding out for mechanical voice command