View Full Version : Weekend story (late and long)

06-19-2002, 01:06 PM
Ok, Kinda late in the week, but I had a great day of paintball last Saturday. Havoc is gonna kill me cause I went to a different feild, but oh well.

Ok, it was kinda overcast, was at the local PB store and it started to thunder and then a good rain followed. It didnt last long, so we headed to the feild to see if they were going to allow us to play. Total of 10 people showed up to play, so the teams were small but fun =) (recball minda ya)

First game in, got to bunker someone for the first time =) Thats was great, it was a noob though and I asked him to surrender.

Few more games in, played airball for the first time ever and loved it. Started off 5v5. We got 2 of theirs, they got 4 of us. Me vs 3. Ref asked me if I wanted to surrender, haha, heck no. He calls out a minute left, so I just balls-out-big-mac make a dangerous run to a far bunker on the 50 from the farsthest back beer can, keep in mind im a big guy. It pays off, I get the guy that was closest. I take the snake, and eleminate the last 2. 15 seconds left, elemenation round with no flag, I win the game =) But they got us back in the next game =)

wonderful for a rainy day =)

06-19-2002, 03:00 PM
Every day is a good day when you play Paintball!

Don't it feel good when a plan comes together?:)

06-19-2002, 03:09 PM
not every day there hanibal
there are those days when you play with complete tools (whippers, cheaters, and really really bad refs).

06-20-2002, 09:29 AM
hehe, I have had some bad days, but this one was my best probably =) so far.