View Full Version : What gets you more respect on AO?

06-19-2002, 02:45 PM
Ive been gone for a while, but now that I'm back ive seen a large amount of PWing going and, and i was just wondering what do all of you guys think will get you more "respect" your post count or the time you've been here?

i personally think its the time that the person has been here becasue theyve been around for a while and has seen alot of action.

06-19-2002, 02:51 PM
I added to the poll (if you don't mind), since longevity or proclivity do not necessarily make a good poster.

You can post a million times and never say a thing, or post once and solve the worlds problems:)

Krazy Ivan
06-19-2002, 02:53 PM
I agree with army. Look at the time I have been here, but my post count is lower than anyone else who was on when I got here. Hell, a lot of people have been here a hell of a lot shorter time than me yet have ludicrous post counts.. I however try to say what I say and leave it at that.

06-19-2002, 03:04 PM
Its no problem, its actually a good point, Army

I think alot of the newer members think that you need a whole bunch of posts to get noticed or be listened to.

KrazyIvan, ive been here for a while too and havea low post count, but i could really care less.

post count doesnt mean anything when after all, everyone here shares somthing in common... the love of the sport, and our guns. (well most of them..)

06-19-2002, 03:16 PM
IMO....it is time being here, and people subconsciously think, more posts makes them feel like they have been here longer.

06-19-2002, 03:48 PM
Well for me at least neither post count (which I've never really paid much attention to) nor time here (which I also don't look at much) are all that important. The quality of posts is what really matters to me. Each person has their own style, their own area of interest and expertese - and that is what I pay attention to.

Some people around here are never really serious, and rarely say much with any substance. On the other hand some folks are SO serious they really need to lighten up! It really depends on the subject at hand and the nature of the post. If the subject is serious I expect imformed imput, if the subject is light-hearted, then a good sense of humor is called for.

I think the main thing that is NOT deserving of respect are attempts to appear to be something you are not and excessive concern about status and things.

For example, if I'm answering a post about a serious matter, I'm going to tell you what I really think - and I have a lot of experience in a lot of areas. If I don't have experience in the topic, I won't post. But then again, I'll quickly post a goof-ball to some silly post just for grins. So do I care if you give me "respect" or not? No, not really. I do this for fun, if you don't care for what I have to say, ignore me - you won't be the first!

I see some of the so-called PW's around. I only get agitated when they post a question, I answer, and it becomes clear they don't really WANT an answer, they just want to spout off about something. That only bothers me because it wastes my time. I would prefer if those folks just posted "my thoughts on blah blah blah" rather than act like they actually want advice.

But as far as I care, you can post your LOL's and HAHAHA's and stuff til the cows come home!


06-19-2002, 04:37 PM
i agree with army,fatman,and pretty much everyone else who posted in this thread so far.

it could also make combination of time been here,and the know-how....(shartley,and mods)

06-19-2002, 05:42 PM
I think post content is more important than post count. Spamming and PW shouldn't really garner the same respect as posting a knowledgeable and helpful bit. Just my 0.04

06-19-2002, 06:10 PM
post count can be very missleading,if you have a job sitting in front of a computer all day then your gonna be able to pop in and out and post all sorts of stuff. if your access to a computer is limited to a few minutes here and there(like me)then you gotta make your posts count;) besides, everybody here gets a certain amount of respect right off the bat just for shootin a mag:D

06-19-2002, 06:34 PM
I think generally, when looking for who to trust, believe, or respect more, people look at postcount. I dont agree, quality of posts is definately the most important factor. Who cares if someone has been registered for a long time, or if they have posted many posts. Unless their post-quality is good, they shouldn't get more repect.

06-19-2002, 06:39 PM
well imho its how people act here... like if they help out ppl alot theyll get respect...if they are nice and courtieus theyll get respect they make the board fun theyll get respect and basically if you are an all around good guy or girl youll be respected no matter what unless yuou start bein dumb or somtin like that so if you want respect act mature and youll get it but dont be afraid to mess around now and then ;)

06-19-2002, 06:54 PM
well IMO i say knowing what ur talkin bout..if sum1 with 5000 posts told me to screw my N2 into my barrel, would u listen?

06-19-2002, 08:00 PM
what does 'imo' mean? 'in my oppinion'?

Tactical Neural Implant
06-19-2002, 10:12 PM
imo=in my opinion.
I've also see it as imho = in my honest opinion.

Hope that helps

06-20-2002, 02:31 AM
Real knoledge of what you are posting about.

06-20-2002, 03:10 AM
I always thought that IMHO was "In my humble opinion"? Works either way.

I browse these forums ALL the time but I didn't really post much until very recently. Last time I checked I was at .07 posts per day!

06-20-2002, 09:42 AM
i actaully know by the length of the time that the person has been on here
and how often i see tehre posts

06-20-2002, 04:13 PM
I generally go by post content.

Count and time don't matter if you don't know what you're talking about.

06-29-2002, 12:55 PM
There is no option for pie. I liek pie.

Seriously..I think it's helping people and showing your knowledge of topics ratehr than anything else. Saying smart things will get you known. Saying stupid/off color things will get you know too, but will also get you banned damn quick.

Look at my post count. Somewhere around 700. Been here since.. October of last year i think. I don't post ungodly amounts every day... nor do I post in every topic. I just go through and post in whatever I can help with or whatever catches my attention.

yet there are some people here that have been registered only a month or two and already have as many posts as I or close... yet they have never contributed anything of great intelligence. Though I goof off and make teh fannays now and then, I try to help as many peope as possibly,, give my opinions, and share my knnowledge with others as much as possible, solely because I like helping people. Sometimes. Now when six people come in the chat room in one hour askling where they can get level 10, how much it costs, what it is, what it does, etc etc etc... I get easilly pissed, for it is obvious that they do not read the forums.

Eh thats my two cents on the matter. I'm not the Perfect Poster (Army knows that!) but I try. egh

06-29-2002, 09:00 PM
Whoever helps me out the most and puts my quotes in their sig.

06-30-2002, 07:34 AM
Just so we don’t start ANOTHER thread to get this….. Here you go. Now please remember that good AO Etiquette is to use your signature only ONCE per thread. This matters even more for people like you, who already have 7 lines of text in their signatures. This image (originally yours that you sent to me) is dropped from a large image to a Sig Size image, and from 29k to 8k. I added a slight border and beveled it to give you depth. I also made it a GIF with a transparent background so that it will work with both the white text background and the light gray that AO uses to alternate….. hope you like it.

06-30-2002, 06:41 PM
Yea, when i put it in, all the other BS goes.. except the 1st quote. Thanks a lot... i appreciate (sp) it!

Most of the tim that my sigs shows twice is just that i dont think of it..

07-02-2002, 11:29 AM
Gentelmans agreement reached between parties. Deleting all irrelivant posts - cphilip

07-02-2002, 10:26 PM
I'm new to the boards and I haven't posted very much at all. But I do like to read what everyone else has to say, and I tend to respect a person more based on the quality of what he/she is saying.
I didn't even notice it showed how long a person has been registered or their number of posts until I read this thread.
From what little I have posted however, I can say that being a girl gets me a good amount of respect. :)

07-03-2002, 11:26 PM
PIE!!! Why no pie??!!! I am completely and utterly undecided without PIE!!!:confused:

Oh I think it is your smartness in your postes. :D

07-03-2002, 11:47 PM
Smarts will get you farther here than anything else. I've been here for a while but haven't really posted much until recently, but I try my best to make my posts count.

Ni cD
07-04-2002, 10:58 PM
Post count? Na, I've got posts out the yazoo.

When you registered? Nope again - I was here before AGD took over.

What you have to say? Uhhhh...yup. Unfortunately, I've never said anything worth remembering. :rolleyes: