View Full Version : Flatline HPA

06-19-2002, 06:18 PM
I was going to get a Flatline for my birthday, but the place I was going to order it from didn't have them in stock. Now, 2 weeks later, they're still not in stock. Anyone have any good, reputable places from which to purchase a Flatline at a decent price? I've already looked at pbgear.com but hate the store and the outrageous shipping charges. Help?!

Anyone with any direction or useful information, please reply asap! I'm looking to order all this stuff tommorow.

06-19-2002, 08:33 PM
Really, anyone? Please?

06-19-2002, 08:45 PM
888 has a good price i think

06-19-2002, 08:59 PM
well, I dont know if this helps because I dont think they have any instock either(might even be the same place) but paintballgeeks.com has the best price imaginable on the flatline

06-19-2002, 09:05 PM
sbikeclix -
I looked over at 888, and they're only listing the 47ci Flatlines on the website now, and they had the 68ci ones like a week ago. They sent me a catalog today, and list the 68ci Flatlines, I think I'll call them if I can't find a better price. I've noticed that their website is disorganized as well, and they've got pics of things messed up. I thought they had Centerflag adjuststables for really cheap ($220), but I was suspicious, so I went to CenterFlag's website, and its the wrong listing on 888. I'm kinda sketchy about them, I ordered a thermal Nforcer a while ago and they sent me a single.

RT_Luver -
That's where I was originally planning to get my Flatline, but they'v been oua stock for so long, I'll call them as well and check out the situation, I might take a trip to the store, seeing as how I'm in CT also. Maybe they're outa stock and aren't getting any more beause they're advertised prices are too low? Bah, and I thought I had a killer deal too.

While I'm at it, does anyone else have a store to mention?

06-19-2002, 09:37 PM
www.modifiedpaintball.com or www.store.airgun.com or www.paintballgames.com

06-19-2002, 10:55 PM
Paintbattler, I can't find flatlines on paintballgames.com, could you point me to 'em, if they're in fact, there? thanks, and keep the suggestions coming! I just listed my M98 for sale on PBR and Ebay, so I might have some cash for a different tank.

06-20-2002, 12:14 AM
If you're looking for 4500psi Flatlines, I was just in at Paintball-Online today and they had two left. I believe they're about $375.

If you're looking for 3K systems, good luck. I believe AGD has discontinued them and they're going to be hard to find new.

06-20-2002, 01:30 AM
We dont have them in stock. There is gonna be a LONG wait if you order from us.