View Full Version : Should I?

06-19-2002, 07:46 PM
Ok, almost everytime I'v played with my cocker it didn't work because I didn't time it right or i screwed something up. Well I was thinking, I have some money saved and in like 3 months I would have enough for a BKO Bushmaster, should I not play for 3 months and get it? I always wanted an electro but never wanted to spend too much $$$ on one. And I saw this and how it cane take bushmaster upgrades and stuff, and I like how its not just spyder with an E-Grip on it. So do you think it would be worth not playign for a few months to have a backup becasue knowing me my cocker will break down alot... and I know you are thinking get a mag, I was thinking about that but a bushmaster is electro and about the same price as a stock mag... but I want electro...

06-19-2002, 07:50 PM
One bad thing about the bko is there caped at 10 bps. An electo should be able to get higher than that. If I were you Id just get a mag:)

SiLeNt X
06-19-2002, 08:03 PM
just fix you cocker and play

06-19-2002, 08:05 PM
i say fix ur cocker and play! it will save more money in the long run

06-19-2002, 08:06 PM
u cant just "fix" a cocker.....

i say get the regular bushy

06-19-2002, 08:18 PM
sell your cocker and go ahead and get the BKO

06-20-2002, 12:12 AM
Here ya go, buddy.


(Sweet, I'm a PW!)

06-20-2002, 12:18 AM
Fix the cocker and play. Unless the parts are old and tired you should be able to identify what the problem is and fix it. Save money for the bushmaster if that is what you want but you should keep playing.

06-20-2002, 12:57 AM
ok u guys dont get it, I have my cocker, i plan on keeping it, I am not selling it. It works right now... but I know as soon as I get to the feild something will probably go wrong as usual. I want a backup for it because it breaks down alot. I only get to play once a month, so I can't save and keep playign because I have exactly enough for a half a case and feild admission. So no save and play, and I only play once a month when my cocker isn't being upgraded for fixed, and the most iv played is every 3 months lately. I wasn't realy planning on playing this summer anyways(too hot) so I figured I might as well buy something with the money I save, and I figured scince I have some money saved it would only take like 2 or 3 months for a whole new gun. And I saw the BKO im like cool a decent electro for under $300, and I'm not worried about the 10bps cap, it can be fixed with a new board... and who realy shoots more than 10bps in a game? But realy guys, now that you know that I can't save and play and I dont care about the 10bps thing and I want a cheap gun if I wanted a regular bushy and to pay $500 I would but I dont want to be not playing for 6 months, thats why I want something cheap... and btw, for you guys that play every weekend and like 2 times a month, I have went 7 months without playing, so a couple of months is nothing for me, but I know you guys would be dieing hehe:)

06-20-2002, 09:12 AM
Sometimes, or if not most times, in life you get what you pay for...

Nuff said.

06-20-2002, 11:48 AM
If you really think you'll like the BK0 save your money up for it and get it in 3 months.

06-20-2002, 11:56 AM
dude your question is biased

your responses should be "yes wait" or "no just play"

i dont like biased questions

thats like saying

"would u rather have this wicked cool mag, with all these upgrades taht opnly cost half the price"
or (in a depressing voice) "this crappy old 2k1 angel with all the stock parts"

bias SUCKS

06-20-2002, 02:01 PM
Well a mod on PBC got one and he said it was great for the money. And at least its not a rainmaker or something BE or spyder clone.... its a true electro for cheap...

06-20-2002, 02:06 PM
You should play as often as possible...or get a part time job this summer so you can make some money and get the marker you really want...not some marker you are "settling" on.

06-20-2002, 02:34 PM
Well I can't get a part time job, I have reasons that are very serious and I cannot, and trust me its not just because I am lazy or I would have a job by now. So I have to settly for what I get for allowance.

06-20-2002, 03:50 PM
well, if you want my opinion, a Bushmaster IS a spyder. the only difference is that the pulling if the trigger activates a 4-way electronic valve and moves the hammer forward and back. (on a spyder the trigger activates a sear). is it oversimplistic to call a bushy/timmy/impy/tribal (and of course my FAVORITE-- the ANGEL) a spyder? prolly. but still, they are open bolt markers with a hammer hitting the valve and controling the bolt's movement. therefore, they will preform not really that much better than a spyder.
(yes, i know, this will raise a LOT of hell)

oh, (something that will raise MORE hell), Infinaty, the Rainmaker is one damn fine marker. i own two and they shoot like a dream. i love them

06-20-2002, 04:06 PM
Kevmaster, I agree.

The rainy isn't that bad of a marker....and Infinity...I sure hope you're not dissing BE.

Remember, you came to these boards with your "tricked out" raptor, and you defended BE to the death.

[shameless plug]
Did you see the Like New BE rainy for sale in the classifieds?
[\shameless plug]


06-20-2002, 05:57 PM
NONONO!!! I am definatly not dissing BE go look at my first posts here, most were about how cool my raptor was(and still is). But if I could fix that stupid raptor(it wont recock) I would use that as a backup because it always performed so well... I definatly would not mind having a rainmaker it is just hard to find upgrade parts and replacment parts for them, unless you order through drop zone or direct from BE and both of those ways are kinda expensive... But the BKO takes anything a bushy will take... and pretty much all guns are spyder clones, if you look at it that way... its hard to find any gun that doesent have something that opens a valve with a hammer...
Also another thing is the problem with blow backs with e frames is you have to worrie about the sear and striker wearing(I had to replace those parts on my raptor 3 times already after 5000 rounds) and bushys and other true electros do not have a sear/striker which are dependent on eachother. Just a solenoid, hammer and ram. Why are so many people against the BKO? I figured you would think it was a good deal but it seems everyone is saying get a real bushy, or you get what u pay for, or somthing similar... why do you think it will be so bad?

06-20-2002, 06:15 PM
well i woulkd get a matrix myself

Goldie D Pimp
06-20-2002, 06:22 PM
Wait a month or two and pick up a used BKO for $150! :)

And while I'm posting.... So all markers that use a sheridan based valves are no better than spyders??? So a cocker isn't any better than a spyder?

06-20-2002, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
well i woulkd get a matrix myself

why are you suggesting to buy a $600-$900 gun when I was saying i have to wait 3 months for a $300 one:confused: :rolleyes:

06-20-2002, 08:32 PM
wont you keep the cocker and just buy a BKO? that would be awesome

06-20-2002, 11:07 PM
Actually, the BKO is closer in design to a Cocker, just open-bolt. It's a ram/4-way actualted marker. The big deal with them is they are not blowbacks, and don't have alot of the problems blowbacks do.

The BKO is a Bushy with a slower chip, that you can't put a rock mod on. Go for it, you can always upgrade the chip if it's too slow for you. The differences between it and the latest bushmasters pretty much are like the differences between a stock Angel and a tatoo Angel, ie: lot's of money for cosmetics. The BKO actually has a couple of improvements over the original BM2K design (Which I expect to see migrated to the BKO platform soon). the LPR-solenoid connection is better, it's now user serviceable and the HPR reg is much better, now with standard ASA. The Tary is smaller, due to a shocker stule setup for board and battery (Battery is in grip now, board in tray), and the overall gun is shorter lengthwise.

I'm seriously thinking on getting one of these in the fall as a replacement for the Defiant I am selling.

06-20-2002, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
wont you keep the cocker and just buy a BKO? that would be awesome

OMG!!! that was the idea in the first place lol... i guess nobody understood that is what I want to do... the BKO would be as a backup(or if i like it a main)gun...

06-21-2002, 12:48 AM
get a black dragun, or learn to fix yer cocker

06-21-2002, 02:56 AM
my cocker IS fixed, I know how to fix it and everything, but I know that it will break down sooner or later and my day will be messed up and I want a decent backup marker... and I dont want a dragun because I will have the same problems I have with all other blowbacks, jackhammering, striker wear, valve mushrooming, and sear wear...