View Full Version : Thank You Agd

06-19-2002, 11:27 PM
THANK YOU AGD AND THE LEVEL 10 i almost turned to the darkside and went with a RAT IMPULSE but u knew i was going and had LEVEL 10 mod come out and i had to stay with my AGD LOVE so im getin a emag and selling my RT thank you AGD AND all of the AO members i will be posting alot here now hehe im a lil excited as you can tell :D

06-20-2002, 04:04 AM
Thanks for sticking with us!!

All of us at,


06-20-2002, 10:43 AM
I dont ever think i will ever go to ne other gun once i get my emag and what othe company has a great forum online that has the president and everyone else from AGD interact wiht us, thats what i like bout AGD too Keep on Coming up with the good stuff hhaha

06-20-2002, 10:47 AM
Good choice to stick around there RT ;) I, as well as all of AO I'm sure, am happy to have you staying here