View Full Version : Warp 12v conversion..Please read

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 10:34 AM
OK. I know it's been done and said...However I did do a search and came up with varying results.

When doing a search all the diagrams I had seen, and even a link to pettypaintball.com had all shown how to hook the batteries in parrelel. Now this obviously does nothing but make the warp usuable for a longer time because your working off of 2 batteries instead of 2. Your just getting more usable time.

I however wanted to know about a 12 volt conversion to make the warp motor spin faster. For this I found no diagrams or instructions or anything. I heard PTP has a conversion for it, however by the looks of what little they say about it, it seems that it's just another parrelel circuit to get more usable time. I did email them to this effect though.

If anyone has a diagram or tips on how to do this that would be greatly appreciated.

I heard of a diagram somebody put up, but it must have been in a deleted post because it didn't come up when I searched for it.

06-20-2002, 10:36 AM
Checkout robagd.com he has a link for the 12v mod. It requires you to build a voltage regulator/filter using a 12v reg from radioshack and two capacitors. Check it out :)

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 12:44 PM
Anybody actually use the PTP one, I got a reply and they said it will speed it up slightly.. Is it worth it?

It's only $10

06-20-2002, 12:50 PM
rob's 12v mod should only set you back 3-4 bucks in parts, and with it i don't forsee being able to outshoot my warp in the near future.

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 01:13 PM
It's an emag conversion though. I didn't really follow it easily however, I could see it maybe being used for 2 9volts, however when I did figure that out, I got lost in how I would be hooking that up to the warp board.

06-20-2002, 01:26 PM
its actually very easy...you follow the exact same directions are for the emag conversion, except where the + wire from the emag battery goes, you simply place (2) 9v battery snaps in series. and where the ground goes back to the emag battery, you solder the two grounds to the battery snaps.

if you are using a 9812 (12v Voltage regulator) then going from left to right your pins should have

pin 1: one red (voltage in from batteries) 9v snap wire and the end of one of the capacitors
pin 2: one black (ground to batteries) and one red (ground to warp) 9v snap wire along with two capacitors
pin 3: one black (12v out to warp) 9v snap wire and the final end of the second capacitor

you are just adding a second 9v snap IN, to this diagram

since the 9v snap on the right (output) is wired backwards, it is just clipped straight to the battery clip already coming off of the warp board.

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 01:41 PM
Syn, thanks for all your help, but I have one last question for you. I have someone here who is saying that you have to hook the positive of one battery to the neg of the other in order to connect them in series, whereas your explanation of rob's diagram is saying that you need to hook them both into the regulator.

Now my associate is saying that will be hooking them in parrellel therefore pumping more Amps into it and not more voltage.... So you see my confusion.

(I wish I paid more attention in Electronics class in High school)

06-20-2002, 01:49 PM
sorry, your associate is correct (i'm studying for a final as i type, so my brain is off somewhere else) i said series (which is correct) but then explained parallel, i apologize.

see this page for a quick diagram of cells in different orders affect a circuit.

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 01:53 PM
Cool thanks again Syn. Your awesome..and BTW I still have to pick up the Lenore comics from slave labor :(

I just hope I do it right, because otherwise this would suck badly.

06-20-2002, 01:57 PM
if you plan on doing other electronic projects, dump the couple of bucks and get a cheap multimeter so you can check voltages and such

Krazy Ivan
06-20-2002, 02:05 PM
I'll definetly consider that. Up on my list is also modding a Sega Saturn to play import/burned games. I actually have to do that tonight, so I have 2 projects in front of me when I get home :)

Thanks for all the help Syn. Your awesome

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 07:34 AM
I have a problem.. I suck at Soldering. Any tips on how to get the Iron to not get that black crap all over it. Because the iron will barely get hot enough to melt the solder that it came with now. :(

I tried to "tin" the iron beforehand too, but it seems that it just oxidized anyway!

I soldered the 2 batteries together easily, it's the stupid 12v reg, capacitator and the wire that's killing me!

06-21-2002, 08:18 AM
couple of things:

<li>you should probably use a heat sink (pliers work fine) when soldering the voltage reg (just lightly hold the piece in pliers so it doesn't die from the heat)</li>
<li>how powerful of of an iron are you using? (watts?)</li>
<li>are you soldering properly? apply the iron to heat the piece on one side of the connection, touch rosin core solder on the other side of the connection and let it flow to fill in the gap, remove contact of the solder spool, remove the iron, let it site for a few seconds?</li>

to remove oxidation, you can use a metal file and file it off (remember to retin), steel wool and sandpaper also work well.

if you are using a 10-15 watt iron, that may not be enough power for getting the tip good and hot.

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 09:40 AM
Any tips on how to get the 3 things held together while soldering??

I have the Capacitator battery wire and the 12v reg all to hold together and solder and the iron. If I had 5 hands I'd be good, but looks like I'm stuck with 2.

I tried to use a clamp that came with it, but it didn't work well.

At any rate, a buddy of mine solders all the time, he does electrical work where I work. So if all else fails and I can't get this done before I play on Sunday, on Monday morning he'll solder it all together for me.

06-21-2002, 09:58 AM
they sell little rigs that have aligator clips on moveable arms that work great, or you can get some of the cheap clips, crimp them to the ends of some heavy gauge wire, stick them to a work bench and make yourself a few extra "hands" to help out.

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 11:36 AM
Didn't even think of that. Thanks bro.

I think I'll mess around with soldering some stuff, but I'm letting my buddy solder together the whole 12v reg thing. I'm looking into having him make a clip for it, so I can have it on a 12v (2 batteries) or one 9v.

Thinking along the lines of the shocker batteries. You know how the shocker has the harness, and the 9v "conversion" is just a 9v clip with the harness thing. I want to grab a couple of harness things. Do they sell them assembled?

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 12:54 PM
I just thought of something. You know how a shocker has the battery clip that you use to swap in new batteries. Can you use the same sort of clip on a warp to swap between a 12v and 9v? Where would I get such a clip/receiver.

I ask because that would effectively be a on/off switch also which I really didn't want to have to drill out a hole for.

06-21-2002, 12:58 PM
you shouldn't need anything special to switch between battery configs.

your setup should more or less be in this order:
[9v-9v]-battery snap-voltage reg-battery clip-warp

just unclip the voltage reg mass, take it out of the battery compartment, and hook a 9v back upto the snap on the warp.

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 01:02 PM
I didn't realize it would be just 3 battery snaps. My bad. I was thinking the battery snap would have been cut so that you could just hook directly to the circuit board.

My bad^2

Krazy Ivan
06-21-2002, 01:21 PM
Ok, this is the last thing, I promise. How the hell do I fit all that into the Warp with 2 9v batteries?

06-21-2002, 01:28 PM
using robs way... you dont you hook into and external power supply.... such as the emag battery.....

for those of us w/o that option..... there is the PTP way which uses the same reg in a different config...... i have 2 of them and they work great....

i just to find my multi meter and clean out rat shack of all the regs and battery snaps and start building my own to sell.... mostly for those that cant soder their way out of a paper bag and for those that just dont want to deal with making one them selves.... but like i said... 1st i need to dig up my multimeter....

that and it will make one heck of a goverment project at work =)