View Full Version : Best Gauge For FLatline And How To Replace IT

06-20-2002, 11:11 AM
somehow both of my flatline gauges got cracked.....i need to replace both gauges and i need to know a good gauge to replace them with(and where to find it) and how to replace the gauge.....any help would be greatly appreciated because i need to fix this problem fast because i cant tell the output pressure on my tank which greatly affects my r/t valve, and this causes very bad dropoff.....

06-20-2002, 11:19 AM
or will AGD send me new gauges for free.....

06-20-2002, 11:24 AM
as for the "best" gauge, i dont think there really is one, to be honest. Ive used the Dye gauges, and the stock ones that came on my BE tank. ive liked both and havnt had a problem with either. as for installing them:
1) empty tank of ALL air. Be 100% sure there is no pressure inside the tank

2) get a plumbers wrench or a vice grip and remove both gauges from the body of the Flatline

3) apply loctite(usually blue colored, but MEDUIM strength--242 level) to both of your new gauges(around 2-3 threads only)

4) place the two new gauges in the tank and using the same wrench above, tighten.

5) because of the loc-tite, you do not need to screw them in as far as possible, so after 3-4 complete turns, get them so the faces of the gauge are facing how you like

06-20-2002, 11:24 AM
i don't htink they will send you the gauge for free.
sence they sell the gauges on their webpage.

06-20-2002, 12:29 PM
macdev guages are really nice, they are off center so you have to screw the two in together cause they are so close on a flatline.

and you were gonna trade me that flatline :(

06-20-2002, 01:08 PM
so you cant use teflon tape......

06-20-2002, 01:50 PM
No you can use teflon tape. I prefer this way since you'll be able to remove them if you need to swap sides that they are mounted on. Loctite works as a seal. In place of the teflon. I personally try to stay away from using it on parts that may need to be removed/re-installed etc.

I have some DYE micro guages and I love them.

06-20-2002, 02:15 PM
For what its worth, the guages on my flatline look like they have both teflon tape and a bit of loctite 545 on them.

06-20-2002, 02:32 PM
i say u need to get a micro gauge so they both will fit. all u do to replace them is screw them in and out..i believe.

06-20-2002, 03:59 PM
i only prefer and reocmnd loctite because it makes it look nicer and it is easier. teflon will work just fine, however unless you roll it/ split it in two, it will not look nearly as nice as the loctite