View Full Version : My level 10 sticker...

06-20-2002, 02:37 PM
Here's my first stab at a Level 10 sticker. I kept it black and white and somewhat simple, keeping in mind production costs and general rules about stickers on equipment. I think it's got a diggable 70's retro theme. What do you guys think?

06-20-2002, 02:42 PM
nice,but some cocker idiots(stereotype..i know) wont know what 5+5 is....u need to spell it out more

good job though

06-20-2002, 02:42 PM
it's great and all but you could have put it in the sticker thead with the rest of them.

06-20-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
it's great and all but you could have put it in the sticker thead with the rest of them.

Yeah, I could have but then I don't think I could have made a poll of it, which is what I wanted to do. Sorry, I guess I must be taking up space here or something.:rolleyes:

06-20-2002, 02:49 PM
I hate to be the first a-hole...but i hate correcting spelling...but it should be "your" not "you're" (which is short for "you are"...which then would make the whole thing not make sense..oh well)

06-20-2002, 02:53 PM
That's pretty funny actually...totally didn't pay attention to that! Hang on, I'll fix it.

06-20-2002, 02:57 PM
Whew! Thanks, that was almost embarrasing...oh, wait.
(D*** that drinking at work again!)

06-20-2002, 02:58 PM
Also, it is a nice sticker for the sake of a sticker… but I might point out that when made small enough to fit on a hopper you would not be able to read any of it unless you were standing right next to it.

It would however look better at bumper sticker size, and in that case you can lengthen the sticker and increase the font size even more and still work great. I like the overall idea, just not for a small sticker.

What makes best stickers for small use is as little text as possible. To get your idea or thought across with as few words as you can.

Again.. I think that concept would be very nice reworked into a bumper sticker.

06-20-2002, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by shartley
What makes best stickers for small use is as little text as possible. To get your idea or thought across with as few words as you can.

Again.. I think that concept would be very nice reworked into a bumper sticker.

Oh yeah, I know. I was actually shooting for a bigger sticker theme, something along the bumber sticker/gun case area. Plus, I kinda made that up in a few minutes too. But, thanks for the comments anyway!:D

06-20-2002, 03:19 PM
hey i like it. Thanks for taking the initiative.

06-20-2002, 04:40 PM
thats a nice sticker but u might need to say 10 instead of the dice...cocker idiots.. lol

06-20-2002, 04:47 PM
i hope u dont mind..im just showing what i was thinking..here it is..
EDIT..Sorry..i dunno why it does this...

06-20-2002, 04:59 PM
Got to go with the pie!! good job dre

06-20-2002, 05:58 PM
okay paintbattler that just ruins teh whole team of gamble/luck i personally dig it

06-20-2002, 07:26 PM
dansim, u like mine or hate it?

06-20-2002, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
nice,but some cocker idiots(stereotype..i know) wont know what 5+5 is....u need to spell it out more

you just explained almost everyone at my local field

Rancid Milk
06-21-2002, 08:08 AM
I like the gambling thing and you should definately keep the dice. That would go good with a black shirt don't ya think :)

06-21-2002, 08:12 AM
yeah man, that would look good on a t-shirt! Personally, I think we need more AGD wear anyway. Look at what Dye has as far as clothing...AGD could do that to once they get some spare time from revolutionizing the paintball world.

06-21-2002, 11:18 PM
What's with this cocker idiots stuff? You may be just joking, but it's not real funny. I have a cocker, and I'm not an idiot. So you can say "not to stereotype", but why not just quit writing that crap. You people, thinking mags are the best thing since sliced bread. I know they're great, I like them too, but they're not the only thing out there. AGD rocks, and so does this forum, but cocker owners aren't stupid. So cut the crap.

06-21-2002, 11:29 PM
dont listen to him ^ hes jsut a stupid cocker idiot.;)

06-22-2002, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by Snakebite78
What's with this cocker idiots stuff? You may be just joking, but it's not real funny. I have a cocker, and I'm not an idiot. So you can say "not to stereotype", but why not just quit writing that crap. You people, thinking mags are the best thing since sliced bread. I know they're great, I like them too, but they're not the only thing out there. AGD rocks, and so does this forum, but cocker owners aren't stupid. So cut the crap.

Chill man I own a cocker . Or used to untill I got smart and got a mag. O..... now I see you guys point. LOL

06-22-2002, 08:09 AM
i happen to think the cocker would actually require more grey matter than a mag due to there design, him if that makes a cocker owner an idiot then what that make a mag owner?

06-22-2002, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Snakebite78
What's with this cocker idiots stuff? You may be just joking, but it's not real funny. I have a cocker, and I'm not an idiot. So you can say "not to stereotype", but why not just quit writing that crap. You people, thinking mags are the best thing since sliced bread. I know they're great, I like them too, but they're not the only thing out there. AGD rocks, and so does this forum, but cocker owners aren't stupid. So cut the crap.

I agree with him! Think about it, if you want this mag/cocker ruckus to end, it has to start somewhere. Best place to start is here!