View Full Version : Printing Team Stickers

06-20-2002, 11:21 PM
I just got my new DV Camera a while ago (Sony DCR-PC110) which is very nice BTW,and decided to screw around and take pics today. After being bored and taking lots of dumb pictures, I took a picture of my eye. I then put it in Photoshop, changed color, contrast, lighting, effects, etc and came out with the picture below.

I'm the 'Captain' of a team called the "Illuminati", and I thought it would be really cool if I could have a printing company turn this pic into a sticker for hoppers. Do you think it could be done? Too many colors? Design to intricate? Tell me what you think, thanks.

06-20-2002, 11:23 PM
Thats prettyy kewl
Yeah, it could happen, and I would do it if I wasnt so darn lazy and had some sticker things 4 my printer :rolleyes:

06-20-2002, 11:26 PM
the only issue you will have, that i can see, is the colors. not because any printer won't be able to handle it, but because in order for it to be tourney legal, it can only be black and white. but that is a sweet picture.

06-20-2002, 11:28 PM
lol this is just as good

06-20-2002, 11:28 PM
Yea, I was thinking about the B&W tourney sticker rule, but we're just a smaller 3-Man Speedball team. We don't plan on playing at any NPPL sanctioned tourneys for a while. So, you think a printing shop could do it? I jsut think it'd be so cool to have individualized team stickers!:cool:

Personman: That's cool, but the B&W takes away from the "electricity" effect of the eye. You think local tourney's would care? That's all we really play, nothing major, maybe I'll go out this weekend and try to have a batch of 10 of each made up, 10 color, 10 B&W. Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming.

I only wish my for sale thread was getting this much attention :(

06-20-2002, 11:29 PM
You can do it at home if one of you has an inkjet printer or something
just go to the office supply store and buy some sticker sheets or somfin

06-20-2002, 11:33 PM
Yea, but will sticker sheets take moisture, paint, rough play, etc. and still stick? I'd definitely do it, my mom works at American Express and she could probaby 'borrow' something from the office supply cabinet, or I could stop being so cheap and go to Staples. Either way, its cool.

How would that B&W design look on a black, clear, etc loader though? looks like the design might be lost on a black loader. Soon, we'll all be shooting Mag's with our Eye stickers, and AGD ones!

06-20-2002, 11:35 PM
yeah, it would be lost on a black loader for sure..
just get a clear shell for where you want to put it though. lol
I really have no clue about how it would hold up

06-20-2002, 11:36 PM
Errr...fragile clear shelled Revo's...eep! Maybe I could keep the sticker on a black backing, and just make the white lines realy bright!

06-20-2002, 11:40 PM
Or you could cover the clear shells with stickers so they wont break

06-20-2002, 11:46 PM
personally the color one wouldn't look good on a hopper in my opinion, due to the blending. but see, i'm a art freak about things..
http://rikkter.deviantart.com and see picture i make with photoshop and 3d studio max.
i like things to flow and such, but maybe if you had the edges of the picture fade to black (if you had a black hopper) it would look better on it.
or the b and w one would look really good on a black hopper. like it would be all black then it would fade into a eye

just my opinion *picky*

but i do like it!

06-21-2002, 12:14 AM
Rikkter, I just took a look at that website and all I can say is wow!. There's some really great stuff there, how in the world do you go about making that stuff!? Great artwork man, what programs do you use?

06-21-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by rikkter
http://rikkter.deviantart.com and see picture i make with photoshop and 3d studio max.


and thank you :)

06-21-2002, 08:55 AM
I've done this homemade sticker thing, and I've worked in sticker/sign shops and presses before, so here's my 2 cents. First, you can print those at home on an inkjet and if you do I would recommend photo quality glossy paper at the highest resolution your printer can do. The paper you can get from Wal-MArt, and while you're there you'll need to get some self lamination sheets too. They sell them in the aisle with printer papers and photo albums since the lam sheets are actually for photos. Anyway, once you get it laminated, then you can cut them to size.

If you go the route of getting them made at a sign shop, the only way to do this right is find a shop that is modern and uses a color printer to print all weather ink on white vinyl. This is how they make graphics for vehicles, signs, buses, etc. They will take your image on a disk, print it out on the white adhesive backed vinyl and your sticker is ready to go. It will also be weather/waterproof too, I just don't know how much it will cost you. A lot of the time they require you to purchase quite a few to get a decent price, but some shops are pretty cool (example: $5 a piece.)

A printing press could print them on adhesive backed material, but the cost would be HUGE. They would have to print that on a four color process press and that's expensive, plus you'd have to have a huge run of them. On all these stickers, you'll have to treat the area on the hopper where you want to put it with mild paint thinner...like the kind you get for model cars. That plastic they make revvys out of has a chemical composition that feels "slick" to adhesives, so you'll have to treat it. Anyway, I hope this helps, good luck.:)

Wc Keep
06-21-2002, 10:03 AM
hey telefragged my team name was the illuminati too. i just hope your not from jersey cause then we might have to settle this. besides ive been trying to become on of the real illuminati since i was 17 (im now 17)

06-21-2002, 11:19 AM
No, I'm not from NJ, so it shouldn't be a problem. Illuminati isn't really 'set' as the name, we've been kinda fickle about names, and entered toruneys under "the suits", "hitmen", etc. We recently came up with that and I took the eye pic for fun, and well, here we are.

06-21-2002, 11:22 AM
Thanks to everyone who's contributed ideas and thoughts. I really want these to be nice and 'durable', or at least as durable as stickers go. I'll go to a printing shop and check out prices, maybe I'll get 10-15 and split the cost wih team members. Rikkter, thanks for the suggestions, I think I'll try and do something good looking with the edges.

06-21-2002, 11:30 AM
isnt illuminati that famous scenerio team??

they always play scenerios such as "fools gold",and many others.....are you on that team?

btw,that sticker looks sweet,and shouldnt be too hard to make into sticker

Wc Keep
06-21-2002, 12:39 PM
dude illuminati is a cult-type organization trying to take over the world. ive never heard of a scenario team called that.

06-21-2002, 01:37 PM
thanks Telefragged :D

yeah i've never heard of that 'famous' scenario team, and my team IS a scenario team. "Faith-In-Chaos"

06-21-2002, 02:03 PM
Dude thats wild! I think it would be a cool logo!

06-21-2002, 02:12 PM
heh keep thats from tombraider =Þ

06-21-2002, 03:47 PM
The Illuminati is actually a real, or at least somewhat real organization. Many conspiracy theorists claim that they can subversively undermine world governments and control entire countries in secrecy. It's a very old organization, but it seems to have faded into secrecy. you know the pyramid with the eye at the top on the $1 bill in your pocket? That symbol is the Illuminati's symbol, food for thought.

06-21-2002, 06:22 PM
If you want stickers just go to a "copy" shop, I took a disk with the image(some places will do this) and I had a few made for my website, they were printed on glossy label stock. A couple people put them on their hoppers, they've stayed in through snow and rain.