View Full Version : Thunder Chicken secret weapon in action, The Lizard Blaster!!

Temo Vryce
06-21-2002, 10:18 AM

This video is 16 MEGs. It's a big file. :eek:

Edit: File is now a 6 meg Zip file.

People in the Video

Temo Vryce - White Skul Mask
Strider - Vents Rage mask
Shail - Green JT Flex 7 mask (Yellow ref shirt)

(Everyone wore their mask the whole time the video was made.)

Markers used

1 - VM68 Magnum (Stock Barrel)
2 - Lizard Blaster (Stock Barrel w/ loudeners)
3 - PF mag (CP Barrel 14"(?))
4 - E-Mag (Stock Barrel)

The Video puases now and again as we changed shooters Markers. All the markers used the same N2 bottle and were all chronied for 250 fps.

This video was created for Shartley, because in another thread he mentioned that he had never heard a marker that sounded like a cannon. Well the video doesn't do it justice, but it's still loud. You get 5 guys walking onto a field using these things and the other team is afraid to stick their heads up. Let us know what you think of our little toy. Yes it's still used at the odd tourny just for fun, or when we need a back up marker.

Oh almost forgot. You can get the movie here ( Remember the warning at the top of the post. It's a big file. :eek:

Edit: Link now points to smaller file. Sorry about the troubles guys.

06-21-2002, 10:35 AM
you should either break that sucker into smaller pieces, or at least zip it.

06-21-2002, 10:39 AM
I'm not waitin 4hours!And I use dsl!

06-21-2002, 11:33 AM
only 4hrs and 34 minutes left:)

06-21-2002, 12:18 PM
Woohoo! Im at 5%!:D

06-21-2002, 01:06 PM
Sorry guys, but my webserver isn't handling this. (You may have noticed the 1k/s download rate! :eek:)

Give me a minute or two, and I'll put up a smaller version. I was able to recompress it over lunch.

We're down to 6 megs...

UPDATE: It seems my home computer has gone offline (I'm at work) so it will be later in the afternoon before I can get it reset. :(

06-21-2002, 01:47 PM
i got a 1 minute long .MOV file and i'd love to show it to people but it's 211 MB!!! What do you use for compression and how could i change the format to something lighter, like MPEG or something?

06-21-2002, 02:26 PM
I downloaded it...it seemed like it finished, and i got a 6 second file of scratchy shooting...hrrrrrrrrrrrrm

06-21-2002, 03:41 PM
You were probably downloading it as I pulled the plug on the server. :p

Ok, try this guys:

Making Noise ( at 6 megs...

06-21-2002, 04:36 PM
I have a cable modem, it's downloading slow for me too. But I have two words for you people: Download Accelerator. Go search for it on the web, it's free software that speeds up downloads. Took me less than 5 minutes to download the whole thing.

Temo Vryce
06-21-2002, 08:59 PM
Have to put this back on the front page. :D