View Full Version : Drop Forwards

Cow Patrol
06-21-2002, 02:55 PM
Hey, i was just wondering what would be a good drop forward or cradle for me? I just got my new mag and a 68 4500 PMI tank and have been debating over what to get...any help would be greatly appreciated!

06-21-2002, 03:07 PM
drops are really a personal preference. It depends on how far up and down you want your tank. There are plenty of nice drops out there. Take a look through the offical pic thread and see if you can find one you like.

06-21-2002, 03:12 PM
For the PMI tank, The PMI Drop/ASA comination is nice (the one with the Apoc rail built in) if you like long drops, if you like shorter ones, a Shocktech Long drop and CP on/off ASA is a nice combo.

06-21-2002, 04:57 PM
if it were me, I would get a SHocktech full drop and a shocktech ASA adaptor

06-23-2002, 01:59 PM
unless u have an 88 non stubby tank drop forwards are for girls

06-23-2002, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
unless u have an 88 non stubby tank drop forwards are for girls
dude, your crazy. u need at least a small drop for a 47ci tank

06-23-2002, 02:16 PM
WHY the hell would drop forwards be for girls!?!?!?

06-23-2002, 02:19 PM
really, thats what i msaying..anyways..i would get a shchtech drop with some kind of ASA adapter

06-23-2002, 03:35 PM
i have a 68/45 dynaflow railmounted to my gun, i hate drop forwards its personnal preferance but i just dont like them

06-23-2002, 04:09 PM
unless u have an 88 non stubby tank drop forwards are for girls

I have a drop forward for my 68/4500 Flatline, and it brings it in so very tight that the marker becomes a part of me. I will also put a DF on my Son’s Spyder for the same reason…. Tighter package, more compact, less of a target (yes, you can still be hit from the SIDE too.). They also make it easier to aim (IMHO) being that it brings the body of the marker closer to your face with NO body positioning.

Silly Rabbit… Tricks are for kids. As well as silly statements like that…. ;)

i have a 68/45 dynaflow railmounted to my gun, i hate drop forwards its personnal preferance but i just dont like them
Now THAT is a bit better. :D One is stating your personal preference, the other is making a general statement and even more generalized comment… that is WAY off base. ;)

06-23-2002, 04:16 PM
Shartley's got a good point. Especially with Presets (Which are universally longer than systems.) You need to drop a preset in order to get it as tight as the equivalent sized system, because of the extra length added by the reg, threading on the tank and the asa it screws into. So a setup which is fine with an Apoc 68/45 is as long as an 88 with a PMI 45/68 preset.

06-23-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by shartley


I have a drop forward for my 68/4500 Flatline, and it brings it in so very tight that the marker becomes a part of me. I will also put a DF on my Son’s Spyder for the same reason…. Tighter package, more compact, less of a target (yes, you can still be hit from the SIDE too.). They also make it easier to aim (IMHO) being that it brings the body of the marker closer to your face with NO body positioning.

Silly Rabbit… Tricks are for kids. As well as silly statements like that…. ;)

Now THAT is a bit better. :D One is stating your personal preference, the other is making a general statement and even more generalized comment… that is WAY off base. ;)

I really dont understand the whole "more compact thing", if your playing correctly the size shouldnt matter, i rock a 16 inch barrel, it does mean im less compact but i guarantee i stay alive longer than if i had a 12 inch barrel.

06-23-2002, 05:59 PM
well, i think your weird :D . if your more compact, you can move a lot easier. if u have a 16 in barrel, u cant hardly hide behind a bunker..IMO. also, if u have a 16 in barrel and no drop, geez..ur gun will be 3-4 feet long

06-23-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
well, i think your weird :D . if your more compact, you can move a lot easier. if u have a 16 in barrel, u cant hardly hide behind a bunker..IMO. also, if u have a 16 in barrel and no drop, geez..ur gun will be 3-4 feet long

Im weird with just about every pro player there is :rolleyes:

06-23-2002, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by blnk162

Im weird with just about every pro player there is :rolleyes:
yea. i think so..i havent seen a pro player w/ a 16 in long barrel and no drop

06-23-2002, 06:26 PM


point proven...

06-23-2002, 06:40 PM
Actually NO point proven, sorry.. those are two pictures of 2 players not using drop forwards. What does that prove? I can show the same amount of pictures WITH drop forwards on them.

My point is that no matter what YOU say, if you put a DF on a marker it will bring it tighter… period. If you don’t like shooting that tight, fine. But some people do.. I am one of them. In fact, my Wife and Son do as well. ;)

06-23-2002, 06:57 PM
he said hes never seen pros with 16 inch barrels and no dropforwards, i showed him pictures proving they do. sure it makes you tighter but you also sacrifice better aim.

06-23-2002, 07:21 PM
he said hes never seen pros with 16 inch barrels and no dropforwards, i showed him pictures proving they do.
ahhh yes

sure it makes you tighter but you also sacrifice better aim.
LOL What? Sacrifice better aim? You ARE kidding right? You basically aim a marker like a shotgun but down the side (if you aim down the side as I do)… and if your head is right next to the rear of the marker or a foot away, it is still the same aiming. What do you lose by being closer to your marker? Nothing. LOL

I can hit any point I want even when tight to the marker. Did so both days this weekend. Tight AND away. My RTP is tight, and my Son’s Spyder does not have a DF on it yet, and it was just as easy to aim with both.

Your comments really make me wonder……. but whatever, do what you think is best for you. ;)

06-23-2002, 07:34 PM
I'm sorry I guess I fail to understand how you think that you sacrifice aim.

I shot both a Spyder TL plus with no drop forward on it, it was fine but I then shot my husband's RTP with a drop forward and it was so much more comfortable and my aim was perfect. I had no problems hitting what I was aiming at whatsoever.

With the drop forward the weight of the tank was more centered under my firing hand which makes it easier to carry around the field since the weight is more evenly balanced. When standing with the marker not pressed into my shoulder the marker without the drop forward tended to want to point upwards because the weight was so far back. But, it was not really a problem when the marker was shouldered for firing.

Each person can choose what they want, and what's comfortable for them, but when making an argument people should do so with points that actually make sense. And I just can't see how having a drop forward sacrifices aim at all.

06-23-2002, 07:41 PM
Kim = show off!

na na nana!

Could Kim be the new owner of the Project Spyder ? Hmmmmm we shall see...why its gotta nice drop already! hmmm....mabe she is on to something?

06-23-2002, 07:45 PM
well....I only say what I know. :)

The Project Spyder is a BEAUTIFUL marker. :D

06-23-2002, 07:47 PM
Yo Cow Patrol:

Congrats on the mag, bro. Use it well. If you want to be a girl like the rest of us,;) I recommend a drop/asa combo by Custom Products. They are sturdy, look VERY nice, and strike a good balance between a compact setup and being able to fire the marker accurately with a 68ci preset on it.

06-23-2002, 08:32 PM
in my experience i can aim better and more accurate with no dropfoward

06-23-2002, 09:15 PM
I played with my Mag without a drop forward a few weeks ago, i just took it off to see how it would feel.... it would have been better without an angled down ASA, but it was fine after a game of getting used to it

a lot (most) of the "Pros" don't use drop forwards.....

pretty much 90% of them with Angel Air systems dont...
and the point of the long barrel is for inflateables, you can use the long barrel to kinda of push into the side of the bunker, and you'll be really tight because the barrel will be right on the bunker and you can just barely angle your hopper inwards and you are really tight...
on a field with solid bunkers a short barrel might be a little better... i use a 14" barrel and a 68 tank on the shorter version of the shockteck drop........ my gun is about 25 inches long....

06-23-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
i stay alive longer than if i had a 12 inch barrel.

and the idiot of the year award GOES TOO......

dude you want stay in longer if u haev an extra 4 inches (that sounds kinda wrong)
thats like saying, if i wear size 16 shoes today instead of size 14 i will stay alive longer woohoo
sorry but how long have u been playing pball , 2, 3 weeks?!?!

06-23-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by pip_999

and the idiot of the year award GOES TOO......

dude you want stay in longer if u haev an extra 4 inches (that sounds kinda wrong)
thats like saying, if i wear size 16 shoes today instead of size 14 i will stay alive longer woohoo
sorry but how long have u been playing pball , 2, 3 weeks?!?!

Ok Squid. You obvioulsy didnt just read the post by enderwiggin or you wouldnt talk. Next time you try and call someone an idiot make sure you know what your talking about, how long have you been playing paintball? cuz im sure your 12 inch barrel is helping you wrap around those sup air bunkers so much easier than a 16....go back to the woods and pretend your in vietnam.....

06-24-2002, 12:30 AM
I use my DF for balance, but I might be trying something else when I get my ASA... And back to the topic, CP makes some really cool DF's