View Full Version : My Level 10

06-21-2002, 04:30 PM
A few of us from AGD Pride went to airguns the other night to get our guns updated. After a little bit of tinkering with my gun it was working as it should. Last nite I shot a hopper of paint (field paint from Sams, Diablo Blaze) with no breaks. The cool thing is that I left the batteries out of my Rev so it had no power. Hopefully most of the Beta Testers get results like I have so far. I will be at Paintball Sams tomarrow (Sat) if anyone wants to try it out.

06-21-2002, 04:40 PM
wow...thats cool. I hope that Lvl 10 works as good four us as it does for u

06-21-2002, 04:44 PM
will there be a defferance in bps. i wan to get the leval 10 but i dont want to give up any bps to those cocker owners.

06-21-2002, 04:59 PM
There's a video of a L10 E-Mag shooting a Halo at 20 bps. The loader can't keep up with the 20 bps so every so often it pauses. That's right...it PAUSES at 20 bps instead of chops!

06-21-2002, 05:00 PM
curt33, I see you are a new member so I won't flame you....too much. Anyway, No there is no loss of BPS. If you search you'll find the answers.

06-21-2002, 05:29 PM
linx i see that your new, so i wont flame you

he was asking an honest question, he simply wanted to know if the bps would be any lower than with the standard bolt


06-21-2002, 05:39 PM
LOL The battle of the new guys! ;)

Good job with the test though… good to hear. I see a Level 10 for my RTP in the future. :D

06-21-2002, 06:16 PM
It was meant to be a joke. (the part about flaming) If I offended anyone, I apologize. The only reason I said anything is because I've seen this asked at least half a dozen times, and be answered just as many but yet people continue to ask. So the question seemed like one of those are we there yet questions. Maybe a Level 10 FAQ should be created for new members.

As for the reference to being new, it was because this was his first post. I've seen a lot worse responses to questions that were asked multiple times. I did not want to be one of those people. Especially to a new member. So, I'm sorry curt for not giving you the AO welcome every new member deserves. WELCOME:D

Cliffo, Thank You for posting. Untill I re-read my post I thought I was just being a smart@$$. Now I realize I was coming off as a plan 'ol @$$.
As for being new, I feel I've been a productive member for the last 2 months. When I first started on AO I read old posts to find as much info as possible. I didn't just start asking questions. If all you ever do is ask questions you can never learn how to find the answers on your own!

06-21-2002, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL The battle of the new guys! ;)

Shartley, I see that you're new here, so I won't flame you :)

Yes, I know shartley has been here long time, and his registred date got reset. And No, I have nothing to flame shartley about anyway. It's late, and I think this is somewhat funny. Noisy Ninjas and all that.

06-21-2002, 09:45 PM
It's good to know that I wont chop even without batteries in my revvy anymore. I always forget to replace them