View Full Version : question about warpfeed

the jackal
06-21-2002, 04:51 PM
I just got a warp for my mag a couple days ago and last night I intellifed it with my intelliframe. My friend was helping me put the parts together and at one point he started removing the circuit board from the warp until I told him not to. Today I noticed that the threads that hold the right screw on the circuit board are stripped. Is this going to have any adverse effect on my warp? I noticed that the screw puts tension against a spring under the circuit and thought this might have something to do with the vibration sensor. Thanks in advance for your help.

06-21-2002, 04:58 PM
You're absolutley right. The board is compressed on the springs which the vibration sensor uses to operate. I don't think it will cause a problem as long as the board is in place and theres no gap between the dust cover and the warp body. There should have been two springs under the board and if you're missing one you could have problems with the vibe sensor. Since yours is intellifed, I don't forsee a problem at all, as the warp will be turned on/off by the switch on your trigger.

the jackal
06-21-2002, 05:22 PM
Thanks that puts my mind at ease. I figure that the vibration sensor would be good as a backup if something happens with the intellifeed. Do you know if it is possible to get warp feed halves to swap colors like the revvy's?

Load SM5
06-21-2002, 05:53 PM
You can order warp shells on the Online Airgun Store http://store.airgun.com/acb/showprod.cfm?&DID=17&CATID=3&ObjectGroup_ID=6

06-22-2002, 01:32 AM
You can also fill the hole with an epoxy and then drill it out 1/16" under the size of the diameter of the threads on the screw. Then thread in the screw and it will dig into the epoxy and hold tight.