View Full Version : Sidearms..

06-21-2002, 05:47 PM
Hey guys,

I do not know all of the sidearms out there so i didn't put up a poll for this. I was wondering which sidearm(s) you thought were the best. I am looking at either pump action or semi-auto pistols. Thanks for any replies..

p.s. I don't mean to be a prick but i won't appreciate people that respond with "Why would you ever want a sidearm????"

06-21-2002, 06:14 PM
the AGD sidearm

06-21-2002, 06:19 PM
the AGD sidearm

06-21-2002, 06:20 PM
the AGD Sydarm or a PGP pump

06-21-2002, 06:31 PM
where can the sydarm be bought?

06-21-2002, 06:34 PM
IIRC, it's not sold to the general public. Doesn't mean you can't mod a standard feed body by cutting off the feed neck, and putting a PTPro ball bag (clip) on there (somehow). I'm currently working on one, when I can get the chance.