View Full Version : ANgel IR3 or EXTREME E-mag

ExTreMe E-MaN
06-21-2002, 08:51 PM
Hey guy i know this is a e-mag forum but be honesty abotu this on wat do you think i sould get an angel Ir3 or A extreme e-mag?????

06-21-2002, 09:00 PM
honestly, do a whole lot of research, goto the paintball talk board and see all the level 10 videos(they are all classic threads) and ask certain questions you want to know.

just so you know, the Emag can shoot faster than any angel(it's a fact):p

I'd say that even with the C.O.P.S. the angel still aint got nothing on the Emag with the level 10(but that's me, ask around a little more)heehee:D

06-21-2002, 09:22 PM
yeah.. i was looking for a gun to buy.. i was contimplating on buying a Autococker or a automag. (something about the word 'auto' huh). did a lot of research, read the cockers you have to maintain and have to set them just right and its a ***** when they break down. but i'm sure i wouldn't have a problem once i know the system of the autococker, but, i like the way the automag shot, now i've shot both rt, automag, and a autococker.. autococker has a nice trigger pull, but i like the automag better for somereason..
*shuts up*

06-23-2002, 09:04 PM
You should know better than to ask that question here!:D
They are both stellar guns, but one has a bunch of next-to-useless features, dumb acronyms and weird styling, and the other physically can't chop, has bombproof reliability, and still rips with its electronics off. Do you know which one is which? Try each one out, it always comes down to preference.

06-24-2002, 12:54 AM
save urself a few hundred and get a gz!

06-24-2002, 12:36 PM
While I'm certainly an Angel fan, and prefer the LCD over the E-Mag, I'd go Extreme over the IR3. The IR3 is simply too much money for a marker with a frankly unusable Anti-chop system, there is no actual performance increase over a properly tuned LCD, despite the $400 price difference. The Extreme E-Mag should come in around the $1000-$1100 mark from what I've heard, has the Level 10 kit, and an ACE (upon which I reserve judgement) takes cocker barrels and has the interchangeable warp& vert feed breeches. It wins over the IR3 in the bang for buck wars.

Of course, I'd still take the LCD, just for the trigger (I no likee magnetic triggers)

ExTreMe E-MaN
06-25-2002, 01:43 PM
to the person said save a few hundred and get a gz stfu idiot gz's are cheap copared to both 1 and 2 i would take a 2002 over a gz anyday .

really so everybody goes witht he extreme huh??

06-25-2002, 04:06 PM
just cause you started this thread doesn't give you the to tell people to 'stfu'
you started this thread cause you wanted people's opinions. he gave you his. don't get mad over it.

ExTreMe E-MaN
06-25-2002, 05:23 PM
ghahahaha richter ure a jok so u no wat u get the big STFU

hahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha ahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah haahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahha:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

06-25-2002, 05:26 PM
can you learn to spell and type correctly before you go and try to insult more people over something lame?

06-26-2002, 12:28 AM
Extreme E-Man-

You get the big BAN and for an indefinite amount of time. If you want to tell people that they're "idiots" and to "STFU", then do it somewhere else, but not here. Take your childish behavior elsewhere.

Grow up.