View Full Version : Great afternoon with Paintball

06-22-2002, 06:42 PM
We had Jay's birthday party today (he turns 13 tomorrow). He had a couple of his friends over. Part of his birthday present was for us to take out the two markers (My Husband's RT Pro and the kids Spyder TL Plus)and do a bunch of target shooting.

The kids all had a ball.......and now my experience.

I first shot the Spyder. Very nice marker, shot where I wanted it to. I really didn't care for the CO2 puff after each shot though, but I really can't complain about the accurancy of the marker. Sam made some beautiful grips for the marker and they made it extremely nice to hold. cphilip will be getting these grips for his Spyder project so Sam will have to make another pair for this one.

I then shot the RT Pro. WOW, what a difference. What a marker! I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the way it felt and the accuracy I achieved with it. Hit where I aimed at every time. The trigger was very responsive.

By no means am I saying that the Spyder was not a good marker because it certainly is but it is not an RT Pro (I think I will have to convince Sam to get me one). :D

Sorry this isn't longer but I'm not really good at making posts like this.

06-22-2002, 06:47 PM
lol,i could have told you a Rt was better than a spyder with my eyes closed...lol

did you also notice the sound difference?

06-22-2002, 06:48 PM
Congrats to you! You chose correctly. So, I guess your husbands grovelling paid off huh? Now make him buy you an RTP!

06-22-2002, 06:48 PM
WHAT! no pictures??? :p

06-22-2002, 06:54 PM
I knew that the RTP would be better but I guess that was not the point I was making.

Yes, there is a huge sound difference between the two. The RTP whispers and the Spyder tings.

Naaa, he didn't have to grovel. But I would like us to have a matching set.:)

No, darn it I knew I was forgetting something. We were having such a great time that pictures were not on my mind. Next time. :)

06-22-2002, 07:09 PM
*GASP* No pics at a birthday party? tsk tsk tsk!


Ma'am, you did just fine with your first technical report. We look forward to more in the future.........like when Sam gets you your OWN RT....or Emag! (*elbows Sam in the ribs*)

06-22-2002, 07:27 PM
I know, bad Mom, I didn't get pictures. Just was having too darn much fun! :)

Thank you, I will tell Jay you said Happy Birthday. There are actually 3 JHartley's in the house, Jennifer, Jessica and Jay! Sam's Dad calls them J1, J2 and J3, it's pretty funny. And then there's Hope.

There will definitely be more posts coming, hopefully, some pics too. :)

06-23-2002, 12:58 PM

Well… Jay and his friend took the markers out again today… this time they played games with them and not just target shot. I snapped off a couple pictures of them posing… so when the film gets developed I will post the pictures. :D

Paint chop results….. Spyder 1 chop. RT Pro 0 chops (and 2 days of shooting).

Hey… I am disappointed.. aren’t Mags suppose to chop all the time? ;)

06-23-2002, 01:13 PM
Hey… I am disappointed.. aren’t Mags suppose to chop all the time? you must not have it set up right, my classic chops all the time. no wait, i better take that back cause lying makes the baby jesus cry!:D

06-23-2002, 01:26 PM
What! No chop!!! Your failing to mess with the thing enough Sam!

Try this...do not turn the revy on....and run off a string of shots fast as you can. Maybe then you can experience the joy af a Mag chop if you will only try! :D

Great report Kim. Keep em coming!

06-23-2002, 05:28 PM
i was just thinking...where is everyone?!
like misque,i havent seen him in quite some time

happy bday JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-23-2002, 05:45 PM

Jay says Thank you. :)