View Full Version : if i get rid of this, what do i get?

06-22-2002, 08:02 PM
ok, i was maybe thinking of liquidating my setup and getting a new one, i ahve:
black vert feed micromag 2000 w/ gasthrough
12v rev wired to the intelliframe
stock cocker barrel, polished
pmi perfect drop
all macroline
68 3000 psi aci bulldog nitro tank
4+1 pmi harness w/ 3 clear 100 round pods
if needed jt nvader antifog goggle/mask

now, if i were to get rid of this, with minor addition of cash, what should i get. and dont tell me to go get a ground zero timmy for 900 cause it is not gonna happen. i want something that could actualy happen, and if anbody wants to toffer, go for it, but this would eb the wrong forum for that, for now, just give me ideas of what to get if this goes. a pic is in the mag pic forums.

06-22-2002, 08:29 PM
how much money were you expecting to get. And what would you have left.. im sure i can help you out... just giving me estimates :D

06-22-2002, 08:40 PM
well, trades would eb nice. i was hoping to get near 500 plus shipping for everything, and i wouldnt take any less since i love this freakin thing. i might be able to add another 100 or so, maybe a bit more. oh, another question, should i just get a retro valve?

06-22-2002, 08:58 PM
Well Doc I think that if you get a Retro valve you would be hard pressed to find a better mechanical gun. There are some that I would say are as good, but not better.

In fact I have a similar setup that just became my backup since I got my SFL, but I had to use it today after my bottle for my SFL died and I did not think I gave up much in the trade at all. In fact some people commented that I played better with my Micro, but I attribute that to being more comfortable with it.

I am not familiar with the bulldog, is it adjustable? I liked my Retro a lot more when I got my adjustable tank, it is, in my opinion, when a RT really shines.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

06-22-2002, 09:14 PM
wait, do rt valves take in a different pressure, cause my bulldog is preset,would i need a secondary reg...lmk...and what mechanical guns do u think match it? and do u think i should go for them or go electro or what?

06-22-2002, 11:09 PM
No, you would not need a second reg, in fact that would harm performance.

An adjustable tank allows you to vary the pressure going into the RT valve, which in turn changes the reactivity of the trigger. The higher the in pressure, the more reactive the trigger. It's pretty cool.

Later ~ Dave

06-23-2002, 01:19 AM
Do you have any money to go with the money from selling this ?

06-23-2002, 06:23 AM
What other guns? Well I know that I am going to take abuse for this, but a nicely setup Cocker can compare. I just don't want one because I would rather play with my gun than work on it, but when an Evolution or a Dye or a Shocktech are working right, they are sweet shooting guns.

Electros are nice, I have shot about 6 different ones now. I wouldn't trade a single one for my SFL. It has hands down the best trigger and I had no problems with breaks.

My Retro will not be just collecting dust though, since the trigger on it is much better then the SFL in manual mode and there is still something about a mechanical trigger I like ;)

Not sure if it helps, but you will be getting rid of an already great gun to try and get something that is as good or better and that will be hard.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

06-23-2002, 01:43 PM
i say upgrade to retro

06-23-2002, 01:47 PM
vision impulse

06-23-2002, 05:32 PM
i think battler and all the people who say retro are right. if i get that, a cp or jj 2 piece barrel set or freak, the level 10, and a nice nitro tank, there will be no reason to go electro, unless agd does a e-mag conversion in whihc case, lets not even get started.

Temo Vryce
06-23-2002, 07:38 PM
Actually I think they do convertions. Well they did at one point anyways. I'm not too sure if they still do or not though. The Retro is a very good upgrade. You won't be disappointed with it. Lvl 10 well from what I have read after the initial setup it's very good.

Cockers: Yes a properly setup cocker is a very nice marker if, if you can use it. I can't.

My Advise, buy the retro, and look into the conversion. If you call the lovely ladies in the AGD main office and ask them nicely about it they should be able to give you all the details and happily sell you a retro valve while you're on the phone. Keep the mag and stay in the family.

06-23-2002, 07:52 PM
how do the emags work, i am not quite sure, so if somebody feels like enlightening me, it will be much apreciated. what kinda valve do they run?

06-24-2002, 07:56 AM
For all practical purposes the RT, ReTro, and E-Mag valves operate in identical way. The RT valve will only fit on the old RT's with the banjo bolt, but the ReTro and E-Mag valves are swappable with any of the other valves Airgun makes.

The E-Mag is unique in that it is both a mechanical and an electronic and a mechanical/electronic gun. Now all of that sounds really kewl. And it is and when the defication hits the rotary oscillator and the electric portion dies on you its nice to have the mechanical to go back to. But the trigger is so nice in E-mode I only shoot my SFL in straight electronic.

Hope that helps a wee bit. There are other folks on here who are vastly more qualified than I to espouse the virtues of the E-Mag, but I saw no one had replied so there is a quick down and dirty.


06-24-2002, 08:06 AM
u should get an rt pro....they are $579 and remember now the rt pros come stock with an intell frame:D just my opinan:D

Temo Vryce
06-24-2002, 09:48 AM
In manual mode the E-Mag functions just like the RT adn Retro mags. While in Electro mod the E-mag uses a Hall Affect Sensor and a magnet in the trigger instead of a switch. The magnet in the trigger can be adjusted to change the length of the trigger pull require to activate the hall sensor. Now the Hybrid mode or Manual/Electro mode combines both of these features for a really sweet affect. You now have a marker with the soft pull of an Electro but it kicks the trigger back like an RT. Combine this with a warpfeed and you'll be the envy of every other player on the field.