View Full Version : say it aint so, mags rule right?

06-22-2002, 08:17 PM
I want to buy a new gun, i play walk on games but i want performance, i dont shoot fast and im a front player, i play a lot of speedball, and i just want to buy a gun and stop paying money to upgrade it, i want a gun im happy with as is, thats why i decided i want an automag classic, but people tell me get other guns, Say it aint so... Tell me that the classic is good and why, PLEASE!!! :D

06-22-2002, 08:22 PM
You been under a rock? ;)

Get an RT Pro or E-Mag! Why? If you are wanting to get a NEW marker, why get an OLD model? Sure, the Classics are nice markers, but they came out with newer models for a reason…..

06-22-2002, 08:22 PM
Now you may or may not know this, but when you say classic, most people in this forum are assuming you mean a classic feed mag, and you may be asking about the classic mag, no retro. That's how I voted anyway. Now, the classic powerfeed mag is a great buy. Take that, add a benchy or dye frame, a teardrop, a revvy, and nitro, and you're set to go.

06-22-2002, 08:45 PM
First of all thank you for replying. but my problem with the rt pro is i need nitro! I'm a co2 user and ya i want nitro a.s.a.p. but if i but the rt with a nitro tank that takes the bill up to around $800, and i have no job, thatd take forever. and the e-mag, its about worth as much as my life :D. Maybe you know of a good used rt for sale er sumthin :).

06-22-2002, 09:27 PM
Well, there are the for sale forums....

But a classic, on CO2 is still a wonderfull thing. It still shoots as fast as I can pull the trigger. (on a good day.... maybe 5bs... maybe) It can do more, since I'm the limiting factor here.

For CO2 use, you'll need one of the following, remote or anti-syphon tube (or an exp chamber, but I personally don't like them) . I use a remote, since I want my marker to be light.

The important thing is, for the amount of money, nothing beats a spider (new for $129!) :) ... but for the next level of cash, nothing beats a mag.

Besides which AGD is still doing development work on the Classic Valve. (as you might know, the level 10 is starting its beta test)

to restate, if you can't afford an RT or an E-Mag, the Classic is the next best thing

06-22-2002, 09:45 PM
hey now wait a minute.......

running co2 on a Mag is ok, but you gotta really do it the right way..... for it to get maximum performance

Palmer Stabilizer with side input for attaching directly to the AIR valve....
then another Stabilizer either on the bottomline or in a vertical adapter, an expansion chamber would work here too, but the dual regulation would keep liquid out better... then if you run the bottle on-gun, an antisiphon tube in it...... if you use a remote, DO NOT, use an anti-siphon tube.

there's nothing wrong with running just an expansion chamber, or a remote alone really, but you can still get liquid in the gun without a regulator like the Stabilizer....

but you know, the 2 stabs and the fittings and air lines would probably be close to $200, and you can get a good fiber wrapped N2 tank for less than 180..... when you look at compressed air tanks don't look at stuff like Max-Flows and Armageddons, look at the Pure Energy and Crossfire stuff, they're good tanks for the money...

yeah, get a classic if you're just looking for a nice gun to play with on the weekends.....

06-22-2002, 10:28 PM
Four legs good, two stabs bad. Unless you're talking about gutting the AIR?

06-22-2002, 10:37 PM
the 2 stabs should be fine, Glenn Palmer puts dual regs on his Signature Series Blazer, and Tank from obdo.net runs a stab and another reg on his Bushmasters with co2

but then, u r right.... the 2 stabs and the A.I.R. would be 3 regs, and probably not recharge too well now that i think about it, so maybe a Stab, and a remote or X chamber for the best performance without shootdown... just that regulators designed for co2 are the best way to keep liquid out of any gun...... hey, maybe an inline Max-flow

oh well, good luck emericken, and have fun with whatever gun u get.

06-22-2002, 10:49 PM
I don't mean to criticize anyone, but I think any kind of additional reg on a mag is way overrated... and may infact DECREASE performance. I've yet to see someone with a reg that can keep up with the AIR in the mag. I ran a setup with an ACI 4-stage and a drop... liquid co2 didn't get in the gun at all-- but make sure you have antisiphon. Then again, some of my friends run minimags with c02 going vertical. Of course that was temporary until they had enuf for a nicer setup, but liquid was still out of the gun (or so I'm told ;) ). My 2 cents. (man I gotta quit doing that... every 2 cents goes toward my C@C Xtreme!)

06-23-2002, 09:21 AM
the Stabilizer has a really high recharge rate, of course the A.I.R. valve is faster probably but, the best way to keep liquid out of a gun is with a regulator and tank with antisiphon tube, so if you're using co2, which will give you worse performance anyway, at least set it up so it doesn't have a chance of damaging the seals and o-rings in your gun.

06-23-2002, 10:12 AM
RT Mag.

06-23-2002, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by lilthugbobby

micromag lowrise verticalfeed body $150

where can u buy them? do they come in powerfeed by any chance?

06-24-2002, 12:22 PM
The Classic AutoMag powerfeed is a nice gun. If you run nitro, there are better performing guns for the money, like the ICD BKO. Now if you are willing to go up to ~600, the RT Pro is one of the best values on the market at that price.

New Classic mag is only a great idea if you are going to run CO2. A used classic mag package or ICD BKO is probably your best bet in the $300 price range.

06-24-2002, 12:29 PM
Run the CO2 tank into the female model stabilizer (mounted to your grip frame) to keep liquid out, and just run a long hose directly to the AIR.

You'll be fine with a CO2 tank doing this.


Temo Vryce
06-24-2002, 12:38 PM
Ok the RT line is out because you can't afford the N2. So a base PF mag it is. Next, do you run bottle on or remote? If it's bottle on then I would recomend an Anti-syphon tank with a second reg of some sort. If you're running remote then an expantion chamber should cover you. If you can't afford the extra reg/remote/X-chamber then don't worry about it too much just try not to shoot to fast as you will freeze the reg in the mag. Liquid CO2 is bad. Over time I would recomend getting a N2 system and a retro valve, but for now a base mag on CO2 is still a very good marker. I hope that you enjoy it.

06-24-2002, 12:58 PM
I say get a classoc BUT get 3 things for it. retro, intelliframe, and Lvl 10. then you WILL have a gun that no other gun can compete with(thats not a mag atleast). the reason...because its made by AGD, nuff said. but if you really need incouragement, its made by AGD...just playin, because mags are the best gun around. their GRET outta the spiffy brown box, you get FREE stickers with them, and the customer service in UNMATCHABLE so if you have a problem(which you wont as long as you keep them oiled well) just send it in and AGD will have it fixed and back out to you in about 1 week or so

06-25-2002, 09:37 AM
Take a few minutes to compare the costs of a proper CO2 setup (Palmer Stabilizer, antisiphon CO2 tank, extra hose & fittings, etc.) against a basic fixed-pressure HPA tank. Chances are the price difference won't be that much. I'd say get the Classic powerfeed Mag, inexpensive HPA, 9v Revo, and a CP, Teardrop, or Bigshot barrel, and you can have your Mag with HPA for under $400.

06-25-2002, 09:52 AM
Emericken, check your private messages. I sent ya one.

06-25-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by trevy38
I don't mean to criticize anyone, but I think any kind of additional reg on a mag is way overrated... and may infact DECREASE performance. I've yet to see someone with a reg that can keep up with the AIR in the mag.

Stabalizer, I believe, starts to crap out at 20 or 30 cycles per second. Don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure I read that from a Glen Palmer post in Deep Blue. Check the "How fast can an autococker cycle?" thread, it's probably on page 3 or so.

Now on the original topic at hand.

I currently have a standard feed automag classic.
Since my tank went out on me I run CO2. No Expansion chamber (anymore), no remote, no secondary reg, and no anti-siphon.

I have the tank screwed directly into the vertical asa and have the steel hose run from the asa up over and around the standard feed to the AIR valve. I've gone liquid ONCE in the past 10 paintball days I've had.

It's pretty compact and will do for the moment. If you're planning on staying with CO2 I highly reccomend a stabalizer and an anti-siphon though.

06-27-2002, 03:01 PM
My brother just got a Classic PF, a macroline kit, duckbill, and a Lapco Bigshot, everything you NEED. He uses my remote I don't use anymore to keep liquid out. He got everything but the gun itself from www.countypaintball.com (good prices and GREAT customer service) He loves the thing, and with the bigshot, it is very accurate.